What happen to women's rights?

I think its about time we fight for our rights.

"The House is set to vote on a bill that would effectively eliminate abortion coverage for millions of women—making it even more difficult for many women to access safe and legal abortion at all. We need to stop this bill now."

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Its time to fight for women's rights again
Beagle's Avatar
Women's rights = Abortion rights = Pro choice?
mrhamm's Avatar
It is my understanding this bill will prohibit insurance companies from footing the bill for an abortion, unless the pregnancy was caused by rape or incest. An abortion is not all that expensive, it's not even a surgical procedure. Don't listen to the dumb-fuck politicians in Texas who can't understand it.

My point here, is an abortion is cheap. Women can reasonably afford the cost of an abortion. Any guy with half a brain knows it's cheaper to pay for an abortion than to raise a kid. People however, cannot reasonably afford the cost of having a baby in a hospital. You can't get health insurance which covers a pregnancy. You can pay for 10 abortions or pay for one pregnancy with the same amount of money.

The medical system in our country is fucked up. We have hospitals run as corporations which fix prices for every procedure with the insurance companies, fucking over individual in the process, while overworking the nurses.

I think every woman should have the right to have an abortion if she chooses. I think she should also have the right to have a child and not pay out the ass for C-Sections and drugs, literally forced on them by doctors who are supposedly scared of being sued but are really just overworked and trying to get things done the easy way. The doctors are protected by their insurance policies and tort reform here in Texas and truly don't need to worry about a silly little lawsuit.

In short, you are fighting the wrong fight. We need to demand health care at a reasonable cost and draconian limitations on pricing for medical procedures. This is simply a distraction from the real problems we face with our healthcare system.
expresso's Avatar
Ha remember when tort reform was supposed to lower the cost of healthcare?? Lol! What a joke. Torts are responsible for less than 1% of the costs of medical care.

I love how before the baby is born the rights of it are "defended", but afterwards, hell it's on its own.
Problem is Texas has to much of a religious base who use that as their Ideology,
The separation of Church and State is not upheld here
Passion2015's Avatar
With the new health care laws a lady can get birth control pills paid 100% now. Of course as long as you have health insurance that is. No abortion needed if you take precautions ahead of time. Works 99.9% of the time
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Well, all Ah know is thet Ah got ta fuck e'ery last womb-man inna tha Great State O' Tejas wiffout a condominium on back last summer an it were tha proudest day o' ma life. Let ol' Arnold Schwartzenagger top thet record. Best he e'er done was fuck mebbe two 'r three at one time.
Well, all Ah know is thet Ah got ta fuck e'ery last womb-man inna tha Great State O' Tejas wiffout a condominium on back last summer an it were tha proudest day o' ma life. Let ol' Arnold Schwartzenagger top thet record. Best he e'er done was fuck mebbe two 'r three at one time. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
You are NEVER getting your records back, DD! Keep diggin', Mr. Lootinent....keep diggin'!!
I am soooo glad we have the plan b, pill! Don't want any lil' DD Jr's running around causing trouble.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
I am soooo glad we have the plan b, pill! Don't want any lil' DD Jr's running around causing trouble. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
If'n mah l'il SEAL Team 6 swimmers kin git outta thet thar condom Ah wore when Ah put tha ol' man-root ta yer poonanny, then Ah'm purty shore they kin Houdini themselves a way around yore puny l'il ol' plan b pill, too, sugartits.
universalenergy's Avatar
I was asked if I knew what E.R.A. stood for? Sure...Earned Run Average.
Birth control pills only work 99.9% of the time when taken 100% correctly (always a challenge). And Plan B only works if you're under 165lbs. Abortion costs may seem "affordable" but that hardly takes into account accessibility. That's all.
Birth control pills only work 99.9% of the time when taken 100% correctly (always a challenge). And Plan B only works if you're under 165lbs. Abortion costs may seem "affordable" but that hardly takes into account accessibility. That's all. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
I didn't know about the 165lbs limit. Totally understandable if the dosage is weight based. Maybe they need a Plan B Plus Size.

I'm not trying to be an ass, btw(just a little humor). The crazies are fighting this fight in degrees. One inch at time if it takes it AND everything that makes it through congress is a precedent for another bill, statute, or injunction they can get in front of a judge. Eventually they will legislate away every right a "woman of childbearing age" has. That is their goal.
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
Well, all Ah know is thet Ah got ta fuck e'ery last womb-man inna tha Great State O' Tejas wiffout a condominium on back last summer an it were tha proudest day o' ma life. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst
Don't understand this obsession with controlling other people's bodies (and lives) or screwing them without hot slippery bodily contact.

I'm just lookin' for some female types to control my body in mutually pleasing ways
Centaur's Avatar
Don't understand this obsession with controlling other people's bodies (and lives) or screwing them without hot slippery bodily contact. Originally Posted by austxjr
On average, and accepting that there are always statistical outliers, sex is the second most powerful instinct following survival. It could not be otherwise or natural selection would make it so. Controlling sex, survival and reproduction are the cornerstones of controlling a society. Those in power need not even consciously understand this. Conspiracies are superfluous. All freedom stems first from sovereignty over one's own body. A serf or slave or prisoner is denied freedom by denying their autonomy. Any attempt to cement control over a large populace must include an attempt to delinate what individuals may and may not do with their own bodies, irrespective of whether it effects the liberty of others around them. In short, politicians rise or fall depending on how well they can raise opposition for unpopular lifestyles, and they always have.

RALPHEY BOY's observation notwithstanding, in a democracy voters will vote for the values they are either taught or learn on their own. Voter turnout is consistently highest by nontrivial margins among older citizens and immigrants. Both those demographics have been, on average, exposed at young ages to cultures with less liberal values that present-day America. They therefore skew towards more traditional values. Religion is merely the lever used to motivate voters. No separation of Church and State can hope to police their personal beliefs. The only long-term way to ensure that no one moral doctrine crushes all others is to inculcate in the people a lasting love of liberty. America's Founders included the Establishment Clause in the First Amendment not because they were not themselves without faith, or because they were particularly progressive, but because they or their recent ancestors had fled from religious persecution in the Old World, and so they understood the risk of allowing any one ideology oppress all contenders through the force of the State.