I know that the one thing most of us providers and hobbyist all have in common is our safety and well being. I will come back to this later, As a provider my motto has always been CONFIDENTIAL AND DISCREET!!!
That being said I know a lot of people have been trying to figure out which providers were busted in the sting last week at the the Hampton Inn an Suite in Little Rock. There was more than just two providers arrested there was several. However I don't think all of them are on this board. Since LE also frequents this board and others I will not put all the information on the board for everyone to see however I will tell you the other provider from this board that was arrested was myself.
I was contacted by Tropheee who had several provider OK's I checked his references and everything checked out. I was not told by any lady I spoke with that he was LE.
As to P411 being used correctly yes I did use P411 correctly and have never had any problems from that site. However the client is LE and I have no clue if he was ever a real client LE was pressuring the ladies into working with them and giving them Okays. So there is no effective or safe way to screen if you think there is you are sadly mistaken and eventually you to will be arrested. There is no way for a person to know if the client or the provider is legit. Just because a client has okay and just because a provider has reviews it doesn't mean they aren't LE.
LE has gotten smart not only do they have several officers that are on these boards they are now using clients and providers that they have arrested to give them information.
LE is targeting clients and providers from all sites that allow escort ads and communication. They are targeting verified providers and clients with several reviews posted in hopes of finding a well connected provider or client that can give them information about this hobby. It don't matter how careful you are, if your number comes up and they set an appointment you will get a citation since jails are pretty full, however if you have warrants or you are carrying drugs you will go to jail.
The hobby is no longer safe this is not just a single incident it happens often and sometimes we hear nothing about it because LE doesn't make it a habit to advertise the arrest. Advertising the arrest does two things it gives that provider added publicity good or bad, and it lets the clients and other providers know who was arrested and who could be working for LE.
An before anyone can say it yes I am a BP transfer and before that I worked for several agencies across Arkansas. It doesn't matter where you advertise it doesn't matter how careful you are this is a risky business if you aren't willing to take the risk get the hell out the hobby.
All providers claim to be CONFIDENTIAL AND DISCREET so if you get arrested SHUT THE FUCK UP AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT THATS WHAT CONFIDENTIAL AND DISCREET MEANS plead to the charges or fight it but say nothing give LE no information make them do there job themselves.
Since I don't know who or where the leak is coming from but I do know there is a leak, I can only hope you read this post and take what I have said to heart wake up and get on the right side. Whoever is leaking information to LE an Whoever is helping them set other providers up, I have a few things to say well scream at you QUIT BEING STUPID AND QUIT GIVING THEM INFO. All you are doing is making things worse for everyone including yourself. If you think that this is going to help eliminate competition you are mistaken more ladies are entering this business everyday. If you think you are protected you should think twice LE can act like your best friend then bite you in your ass. They don't care about you or your problems. They don't care why you are doing this.You are not going to be harassed by LE for not working with them because that is illegal as well. LE can't add more charges because you don't cooperate. The only way they can add another charge is if you hinder an investigation to do that they have to prove it was you that did it. Eventually people will find out who the leak is and when people find out you will want to stay out of dark places. LE is not your FRIEND. LE will not help you in anyway. LE can threaten to make your life hell and they can ask you for information they can and will ask for all your passwords and login information they don't know what your information is it is your responsibility as a providers or hobbyist to protect your information and the information you have given with the confidence that it will not fall in the wrong hand, even if it means that you lie and give them fake emails, fake login information, and fake passwords. It only takes a second to pm a mod, Gina, or anyone else to get an alert posted without your name mentioned in it. Then plead no contest or whatever at court but do not give info to LE thinking it will help your case the only person than can offer deals is the prosecuting attorney so don't listen to what LE has to say other than when your court date is. Do not volunteer any information. It is better to take responsibility for yourself take your charge than to snitch to LE and have the thousands of people on these boards looking for you in dark places.
Also a suggestion for providers work in buddy systems if you have an appointment with a new client have a friend you can trust to call and let know the appointment is ok upon arrival that way they know if they don't hear from you something happened. And call them halfway through the appointment and let them know everything is still still good If they don't hear from you they can call you if you don't answer they know something is up an they can post an alert. Then call them at the end of the appointment and let them know it went great or not.This will really help because then someone else can post the bust for you if they don't hear back from you and it will keep LE from being able to arrest so many providers in one night. Plus with this method LE can't charge you for hindering an investigation you didn't post the information about the bust your anonymous friend posted it for you. Not only are you protecting yourself but you are protecting your current Hobbyist friends, as well as your future hobbyist friends, and your fellow providers. Get smart LE is working together so it is time that all hobbyist and providers ban together as well and take a stand.
If you want any other information on my arrest, charges, or how I plead please just email or pm me.
On a better note.
I am doing great still laying low in Little Rock but still available to make you smile.
Gina are my BALLS showing again I was so trying to hide them in my panties this time. LOL