Is your provider screening?

It's a question I see asked a lot in reviews, and kudos to the hobbyists asking – it is very important.

If a provider isn't screening, she leaves herself wide-open to anything, including LE. Just because a provider is legitimate today doesn't mean that's who you'll be having a date with tomorrow, in the event that she's compromised.

So how can you be sure?

I advise my clients that provide me as a reference to check back with me before following through with the appointment. Send me a quick text or PM, and ask if she's checked with me.

I'm sure that other providers of quality wouldn't mind giving you the same courtesy. Taking measures to keep yourself safe also keeps us safe.

If she hasn't checked, you'll know she's not screening.

And if she hasn't, and you see her anyway –– she's not the only person leaving herself wide-open.

Just my $.02.
I view screening as equally for my protection as for the provider's. Several months ago I contacted a lady who had been reviewed here and she responded with an email address that contained her real name! She did not know me from Adam. When I questioned her about that I also asked her if she had screened me. She seemed to think that was a novel concept and that ended the idea of seeing her at that second. She is no longer around.

I just requested screening info from a review of a new provider a few minutes ago. I really need to start adding it to my reviews and that is an oversight I will correct in the future. I am ultra careful in that I don't blaze any trails into the hobby wilderness, learning to wait for numerous ECCIE reviews on the new ladies no matter how much I want to jump in. Still, Ginger makes a great point and I appreciate the fact that she would make time to take those follow up questions.

There is way too quick an assumption made that just because a provider is here and/or on p411 that all is well. It might not have been well from the start and even if it was, circumstances can change in a second. I was reminded of this recently when a provider I half way thought about contacting was reported here as busted for drugs. I had not gone through with anything that tied me to her in any way but I could have. The alert section here helps some but, in my opinion, misses the mark by not allowing the mention of even the handle of someone who has been compromised. I still don't understand that rule. But even if that were allowed, you might not get that info before walking into a potentially bad situation.

Maybe that's why I like the smart and (I hope) drug free providers. I figure they have a smaller chance of getting into trouble than those not so bright, or just plain sloppy in their practices (plus at my age I am not gonna be "busy" for the full two hours so I enjoy an intelligent conversation). There are ladies on this board that I have been tempted by but chosen not to see simply based on my impression that their business practices are poor. I have enough problems without getting into the middle of those not of my making.

One thing I really appreciate on p411 is the tracking function. It allows me to see what providers have viewed my profile and at least had a chance to see my OKs. That's still no guarantee they followed through to actually communicate with those that OKed me.

In the movie Body Heat (God, Kathleen T. was hot in that movie!) there was a great line that I always try to remember in the hobby. "For any crime, there are a hundred ways to get caught and if you can think of 25 of them, you're a genius - and you're no genius". Security will never be 100% perfect in the hobby but I am interested in getting it as close to that as I can. Ginger, thanks for suggesting - and more so being a part of - one more layer.
thank you ginger. what a generous offer of your time.
but how does that go? a stitch in time saves nine.?
thank you ginger. what a generous offer of your time.
but how does that go? a stitch in time saves nine.? Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
A Wrinkle in Time was one of my favorite books as a child. I think that was the first time I ever heard that phrase.

"Hey Ginger, did Betty Big Boobs check with you?"

"You bet John, she sure did."

See? That takes all of 10 seconds.

In the hobby, a stitch in time can save your ass.
and hi you slender beauty
and hi you slender beauty Originally Posted by notequiteatroll
Yay! I'm so glad that we've reclassified to "slender" from "not thin."

I was afraid to eat for a week! You hurt my feelings.
ramblinman69's Avatar
Who's Betty Big Boobs? I needs to meets up wit her

Good points by all though, much appreciated
Excellent post Ginger. I have actually backed up from the hobby temporarily due to all the new providers and hobbyist that simply don't understand (or don't care) how important screening is to all party's concerned.
Perhaps an adjustment to the review template is in order?

I will offer a little trick that I have utilized a couple times when seeing a provider the first time. When I get the text giving me the room number I ask a question that I would think only the provider would know.
Something Eccie related. If the provider has been compromised and I am actually texting with LE. LE likely won't know the correct answer to: What did you put as occupation in your profile? If I dont get an immediate correct answer I'm gone. I use only Eccie things like who was your first review with. Who introduced you to the hobby and Eccie. Or a question about a recent thread they were involved with. Yes I know some will say LE may have access to her Eccie account at that moment but it would take them time to research. It is doubtful that the provider will be in the room if she has been compromised so they can't ask her and if she is accessible I'm hoping they are sharp enough to give wrong answer. There you go free unrequested advice off the internet.

Lea Madisson's Avatar
I will offer a little trick that I have utilized a couple times when seeing a provider the first time. When I get the text giving me the room number I ask a question that I would think only the provider would know.
Something Eccie related. If the provider has been compromised and I am actually texting with LE. LE likely won't know the correct answer to: What did you put as occupation in your profile? If I dont get an immediate correct answer I'm gone. I use only Eccie things like who was your first review with. Who introduced you to the hobby and Eccie. Or a question about a recent thread they were involved with. Yes I know some will say LE may have access to her Eccie account at that moment but it would take them time to research. It is doubtful that the provider will be in the room if she has been compromised so they can't ask her and if she is accessible I'm hoping they are sharp enough to give wrong answer. There you go free unrequested advice off the internet.

Justaguy Originally Posted by JustaguyLR
I like it!!


I like it!!


Lea Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Thank you
MrHappy4u's Avatar
Perhaps an adjustment to the review template is in order?

Screening?: Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Technically, screening is part of the review process that is to be contained in the Rest of the Story.
Perhaps an adjustment to the review template is in order?

Screening?: Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Actually, some cities or states on Eccie will not approve a review for premium acesss unless it discusses screening. It's that important. I would encourage the reviewers to discuss the topic in the ROS portion of the review.

ragooh_aus's Avatar
I don't know if they still do, but P411 had a way to check who has viewed your profile. That was a nifty was to check if screening was done.