my divorce is at its final stage..shoud i celebrate?if you would,how would you?

Ok..been separated for a bit now.the divorce should be done and over within a month maybe?
Maybe less..I'm thinking of celebrating,but not sux it didn't work out,but since the separation it made me realize what type of person she is.I meen she isn't a bad person,just realizing how selfish she is being.but hey,owell.

Just curious,if you were going to celebrate,how would you celebrate?
cafriend's Avatar
Arrange a night or weekend with my ATF...

Ok..been separated for a bit now.the divorce should be done and over within a month maybe?
Maybe less..I'm thinking of celebrating,but not sux it didn't work out,but since the separation it made me realize what type of person she is.I meen she isn't a bad person,just realizing how selfish she is being.but hey,owell.

Just curious,if you were going to celebrate,how would you celebrate? Originally Posted by gold-fish
Pink Floyd's Avatar
Wine, woman and song. Move on as quickly as possible. A divorce is always difficult, no matter how much we deny it, so get back in the saddle soon.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
Wine, woman and song. Move on as quickly as possible. A divorce is always difficult, no matter how much we deny it, so get back in the saddle soon. Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
Indeed. Call the lady of your choice, book a dinner date, have a nice eve with a pleasant and attentive woman in public, and a piping hot dessert with a wanton wench in private. Don't you deserve to treat yourself after what you've been through?
Boy, I'd book plane tickets & a 5-star hotel for a long weekend for my ATF and me. I'm thinking San Francisco or New Orleans. Lots of dining out, and lots of eating in (wink wink)!
Arrange a night or weekend with my ATF... Originally Posted by cafriend

Thing is.I haven't really seen that many providers,haven't found a ATF yet
Indeed. Call the lady of your choice, book a dinner date, have a nice eve with a pleasant and attentive woman in public, and a piping hot dessert with a wanton wench in private. Don't you deserve to treat yourself after what you've been through? Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Yes,I defiantly do want to treat my self..not sure how...kinda trying to get ideas,lol..

I've been trying to pay off my debts down.
Because she I going to hit me with child support.she was reasonable to lower it a bit,
But kinda pissed me off that she wanted out for another man.he was "separated"
With his wife..but still living in the same household,still introducing her to folks as his
Wife,then end the end,he decided to "work it out" lol..owell.

I meen,I've met a few women already,I've had some fun,but not sure..the one
I hit if off with,some reason we slowly stopped talking,so I deleted her #.she hasn't looked for me time for the next one hehe..
Boy, I'd book plane tickets & a 5-star hotel for a long weekend for my ATF and me. I'm thinking San Francisco or New Orleans. Lots of dining out, and lots of eating in (wink wink)! Originally Posted by RafaelH
Lol..somthing like that would be nice,I'd have to start saving again.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-25-2014, 11:12 AM
Thing is.I haven't really seen that many providers,haven't found a ATF yet Originally Posted by gold-fish
I don't think you can actively "look for" an ATF. Those things just happen, often when you aren't trying at all.

I would spend a little time reading, looking, and exchanging a few PMs with ladies you think would be both interesting, fun, and just NICE to be with. See how they reply. Flirt. Decide which one you is appealing enough on all accounts--and with some common interests outside the bedroom, whatever it is you enjoy--for a weekend and go forward. Realize you are only "committing" for a nice weekend--if anything more happens after that, that is a different bridge to cross when you get to it.

Even then, try a single evening, 3 hrs or more, first. A weekend can be a really, REALLY long time if you haven't done a basic compatibility evening first.

Good luck.
listen to OldT. You're new at this, you have plenty of time to visit several ladies and get comfortable with the experience. As you go along you'll figure out what you like and what you don't like. You'll get yourself back on your feet after the stress and changes the divorce brings.

So enjoy your new freedom, take pleasure in your new experiences, and somewhere along the line you'll likely click with someone. Then on your two year anniversary, have the celebration you're asking about now!
listen to OldT. You're new at this, you have plenty of time to visit several ladies and get comfortable with the experience. As you go along you'll figure out what you like and what you don't like. You'll get yourself back on your feet after the stress and changes the divorce brings.

So enjoy your new freedom, take pleasure in your new experiences, and somewhere along the line you'll likely click with someone. Then on your two year anniversary, have the celebration you're asking about now! Originally Posted by RafaelH

And I would say . . listen to OldT and RafaelH -- I didn't end up with an ATF until I had hobbying for a while - and I started for the first time after my divorce. Over the years, she and I have intentionally spent overnights and weekends with her on my most painful anniversary dates; day my wife told me she wanted me to move out of the bedroom and expected she would want a divorce soon (that was on my birthday - nice!); date I was served with the summons and the date the divorce was final. Now when those days roll around, I smile and remember were I was with my ATF then.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
That depends on how much money you have left, after the divorce is final.
I say you need a break all together, take a 10 day trip alone and relax. do what you WANT to do then come back and fuk every girl you can!!
BJerk's Avatar
  • BJerk
  • 01-26-2014, 12:57 PM
That depends on how much money you have left, after the divorce is final. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
No kidding - she didn't clean you out, you got a good lawyer. Now, I hope you learned your lesson and aren't getting married again soon. I don't know if Old-T is married or not, but he gives good advice on what to do for someone like you who isn't. Seems like you want a relationship, though, and this isn't the place.
I don't think you can actively "look for" an ATF. Those things just happen, often when you aren't trying at all.

I would spend a little time reading, looking, and exchanging a few PMs with ladies you think would be both interesting, fun, and just NICE to be with. See how they reply. Flirt. Decide which one you is appealing enough on all accounts--and with some common interests outside the bedroom, whatever it is you enjoy--for a weekend and go forward. Realize you are only "committing" for a nice weekend--if anything more happens after that, that is a different bridge to cross when you get to it.

Even then, try a single evening, 3 hrs or more, first. A weekend can be a really, REALLY long time if you haven't done a basic compatibility evening first.

Good luck. Originally Posted by Old-T
Well you kinda have a point,but ya I'm not actually looking for
Will take a few times visitning day.I'm in no rush.