Wanna Make a Movie

Quantum007's Avatar
So, I am a bit curious. I had seen some ads for some ladies in the adult film industry as of late. I didn't have the courage to indulge, however it did spark a thought in my crazed mind. So gentlemen and ladies (especially) feel free to chime in.

What are your thoughts on filming a session. I know that it could very well be a bad idea if said film fell into the wrong hands (SO, provider blackmail, etc.) but I wanted to get a bit of a group discussion.

I do remember a Sam Kinison (I know, I know, I'm old) comedy bit about filming yourself doing the naughty and I laughed my ass off because his assessment would probably be true. Anyway, what are your thoughts people of this great community. Pros, cons, any ladies up for it and if so what would the conditions be?

Happy hobbying and cheers!
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
I would do it as long as I could edit face and any recognizable marks on body out of it. Or had a camera man I trusted not to shoot face.
When I was in college a young lady I was seeing entered me in an amateur body contest without my knowledge. She felt I could do well and I might have. Now it would be in the late night horror channel. If I had the body I had then I would consider it.
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-05-2014, 03:01 PM
Yes, watching my stomach and any other parts wobble and wiggle would not evoke fond memories, but rather nausea, I think.

I guess if you had a trusted camera operator, who understood what can and can't be shown, then maybe it could come out OK.

I can't/won't perform in front of the camera, but I'd be willing to operate it.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Yes, watching my stomach and any other parts wobble and wiggle would not evoke fond memories, but rather nausea, I think.

I guess if you had a trusted camera operator, who understood what can and can't be shown, then maybe it could come out OK.

I can't/won't perform in front of the camera, but I'd be willing to operate it. Originally Posted by LNK
A good camera man can photo shop it and make you look like a porn star. lol
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-05-2014, 03:28 PM
A good camera man can photo shop it and make you look like a porn star. lol Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
I don't think anyone wants to spend that much time with Photoshop.

Better to start with something that doesn't require that much editing! You would be fine as the leading lady, but find someone else for the boy toy, please!
I think many would like to star in the porn video, as long as no one would see it but the people we chose to see it. Of course, after a person watched it, we might lose our sexual desires for at least a day. We would also destroy the movie and chalk it up as another experience that we won't repeat.
burkalini's Avatar
A good camera man can photo shop it and make you look like a porn star. lol Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
I wouldn't mind the part that has you in it but the last thing I want to see is my ass pumping up and down. I guess it needs to be edited down to about a minute. Well if I can last that long.

A good camera man can photo shop it and make you look like a porn star. lol Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
I notice she said LNK could be fixed by photoshop but no chance for me. lol
12blue4u's Avatar
Photoshop is designed for still photo editing not video. Changing parts of a video is much harder and time consuming. Well unless no one moves. LOL Better to have good cameraman
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
I'm video friendly as long as I'm wearing a mask.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar

I'm all about eroticism. A masked party can be a good party. I don't care for the wham bam thank you mam. I understand I am in the minority here. Lighting and filters would help greatly to set the mood of your film and help with identities.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
Yeah that mask she's wearing is hot .
Quantum007's Avatar
Ok, that just brought back memories of scenes from Eyes Wide Shut. I thought it was really boring until he walks into the party. Wow! Thanks for all the replies!