Thrustick ( Is this a Yes or No item ) Has anyone used it.

Has anyone used this before? I have tried the bang in the hole. The one that is made out of the saw. I enjoyed it but thought this one maybe a better choice. Thanks for the input. Have a great weekend. TP
Since no response rather this is a Yes or No. I guess I will have to get one and try it out. I will be the test bunny. Hopefully I will report back a YES.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Been out of pocket all day and just checking in. I have never heard of this machine. So my answer is no.

Let us know how you like it!
Not very flattering reviews on amazon.
I know I could only find two reviews so we will see. I guess I will be the test bunny. I let everyone know if it is a OH GOD YES item or a dust collector. I know the bang in the hole is good if you like thrusting action. The one I tried had a remote with it. I am just afraid it could do a lot of harm to a person if not careful.
I did get it so I will be letting everyone know if it is a OH GOD YES or a horrible No.
I have seen the saw one before I didnt care for it much. What is awesome is a Symbian machine . Im colluding with a couple of folks for a homemade model
I have a sybian also but it don't thrust. There is a diysybian site. It is a lot cheaper then getting a sybian. Here is the link to the do it yourself sybian .
motor's Avatar
  • motor
  • 02-13-2014, 09:41 PM
I did get it so I will be letting everyone know if it is a OH GOD YES or a horrible No. Originally Posted by Truly Passion
I am a Oh God yes, he rocks my world and i have trouble walking after time with motor
Motor I had to find something to take your place when you were not here.
dogatyour's Avatar
TrulyPassion, it has been a day, cant stop imagining you thrusting, is it over, how was it
It looks very tempting can I try it on you truly ?
Yes you can Selena do you want to try it also.
Yes you can Selena do you want to try it also. Originally Posted by Truly Passion
This post is missing action shots. ;-)