Welcome to the next level of escorting services. I am not like the other escorts you have been with. I do have some rules, and I am very strict to them, please check out my rule page located on my website before contacting me. If you do not follow my rules, you, sir or ma'am, will not be spending a lovely evening with me. Feel free to poke around, maybe even drop me a friendly suggestion. I am open to making you feel at home and as relaxed as possible. I am not here to rush you into a meeting with me, add any drama to your life, and I think it goes beyond saying that I am drug and disease-free, as I expect you to be. I have a non-escorting job. Why is this important? Because that means that I am not available 24/7. This also means that while I would love to see you, if you approach me wrong, I do not need to see you. And I will not be see you. Blocking any trouble-makers, is easy and very do-able. Do not email or text me asking illegal questions. Here are a few examples, but not limited to: "How much for just a BJ? Do you do charge extra for Anal?" ETC.
If you are a Black or Middle Eastern Male, I am sorry, but I am NOT interested. Nothing personal. I don't find myself usually attracted to your unique physical features. But, Black Women and Middle Eastern Women, please, feel free to apply. I am not here to waste your time or play games with you. If you contact me, I will respond within a reasonable time frame, even if it is just to let you know that I am busy, I will contact you back. But please, be patient and respectable. If you are still interested in meeting with me after reading all this, than please, head over to my website and lets see where this journey takes us. On there you will learn more about me as an escort, view my up-to-date pictures, my rates, rules, and etc. If you have any questions or concerns, please, feel free to contact me via email or text message. Please provide a name when contacting me and how you came about finding me. I will not meet with anyone in the first 168 hours of contacting me. I know that might seem a little strange, but I want to get to know you a little BEFORE we start getting together. Yes, I've made the mistake of agreeing to meet someone before I got to know them and I will not be making that mistake again. The appointment wasn't terrible but he was a little too kinky for my taste and I left feeling... Well, uncomfortable, if I'm honest. If this is a problem for you, I am sorry, but I don't like being rushed. Plus, with my non-escort work schedule, I need to figure out when it would be possible for us to get together. I can personally say, it'll be worth the wait, but actions speak louder than words in my book. And I am all about pleasing.
Hopefully, you have received a clear picture of the type of person I am. I am very punctual and classy. If you have nothing nice to say, please, keep it to yourself. I will not to stoop to the level of being incoherent to match your level of stupidity, because you didn't like something I have written, that you do not agree with. Momma always said, "Kill 'em with kindness.", and I'll be damned if she wasn't right. If you cannot give me the same amount of common decency as I am going to present to you, because I am an, "Escort", than I am not the escort you are looking for.
And I sincerely hope that, you, have a wonderful day.
For more information, please check out my website! Thank you.
Claire Elizabeth Barsett
Spooky Things, Origination, Politeness, Cuddling, Kissing, Holding Hands, Light Biting, Dirty Talking, Hearing Your Fantasies, Listening To Your Stories While Being Wrapped Up In Your Arms, and Seeing You Happy
Bad Breathe, Poor Hygiene, No Calls No Shows, Rudeness, Impatience, Pushy People, Lairs, Cheap-asses, Mushrooms, and Red Onions
Writing, Reading, Painting, Gardening, Going To The Beach, Fishing, and Sucking Dick
Favorite Food(s)
Think Thanksgiving Food but instead of turkey, Fried chicken. Deviled Eggs? *Drool* Brisket, Stake, Burger, Hot-dogs, etc No, seriously, I could go on and on!
Favorite Beverages
Water, plain, not carbonated. Soda? Coke a cola. Alcohol? Jager.
Favorite Flower
Potted plants. I love to garden, potted roses or a cactus :)
Favorite Perfume
Poison - Dior
Favorite Color
Royal Blue, Baby Blue, Purple, Black, Grey, and Turquoise
Favorite Animal
Dragons, don't come at me, Scotland's national animal is a unicorn!
Favorite Music
Rock, Country, and Techno
Favorite Holiday
Halloween and Christmas
Preferred Gifts
Meeting me out in public for a little date before we go behind closed doors. Really want to get to know me and be interested in what I have to say. I do not charge for public dates. Please read my rates located on my website if you think you might be interested in meeting up with me in a more private location.