Pressley's New Photos

Savannah Moon's Avatar
Why obscure the face pics? You pretty much can tell what her face looks like, so why ruin the pic? Originally Posted by bartipero
Discretion is as important to us as to you. Sometimes because of family, community, career, to avoid recognition in a sting. These photos we post become public property and that can cause us issues in our personal & private lives.. has nothing to do with beauty or lack of beauty and I love those pics as well you've done a great job again Mr SKBINKS.
skbinks's Avatar

At the request of the model. Not sure, but it might help prevent facial recognition in searches. I think she has a great face for photos and I even forgot she was going to want it blurred out and took a lot of pictures of just her face. If she ever decides to allow the face in, I will happily post them. Originally Posted by skbinks

I think what they meant is, You didnt 'blur' her face all that well to NOT see what she looks like. If you are gonna do it, make it so you cant really see what the face looks like. I know it can be tricky, theres a few I need to fix myself. I think that was all that person meant by that. Maybe? Who knows, I could be wrong!
kcskater's Avatar
The pics do look great and so does she. Good job Skbinks.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I think what they meant is, You didnt 'blur' her face all that well to NOT see what she looks like. If you are gonna do it, make it so you cant really see what the face looks like. I know it can be tricky, theres a few I need to fix myself. I think that was all that person meant by that. Maybe? Who knows, I could be wrong! Originally Posted by Autumnkc
Actually, you have a point Autumn. There are a few variations. One to just blur enough so the facial recognition software fails.Your comment, a total blur, is also valid as a another variation.
skbinks's Avatar
skbinks's Avatar

algrace's Avatar
Guys, my understanding is they only get one thread to post their pictures too and when she has other photographers, my understanding is they also have to use the one thread. I ask/beg of you to please give the ladies at least one thread that they/we can just enjoy their pictures, no matter who does them, because that is what these threads are for, not for criticizing the photos, and not what the girls do, don't do, how they act, etc., BCD. There are plenty of threads that were started just for that and we, IMO, should be posting those type of comments in them or in pm's. Nothing "real" bad said here yet, but it doesn't belong in this thread. PLEASE?!?!
Originally Posted by skbinks
Those types of comments may feel less appropriate, but nobody said anything that should come as no surprise to her.
Is Pressley still here? This is her welcome thread:
Does she have an active profile? Is there any reason she wouldn't be welcomed back to the board as Verified Provider?
algrace's Avatar
Those types of comments may feel less appropriate, but nobody said anything that should come as a surprise to her.
unintended double negative
Is Pressley still here? This is her welcome thread:
Does she have an active profile? Is there any reason she wouldn't be welcomed back to the board as Verified Provider? Originally Posted by algrace
Oh, here she is:
skbinks's Avatar
Those types of comments may feel less appropriate, but nobody said anything that should come as no surprise to her. Originally Posted by algrace
True, but the point was to just give the ladies one thread to show off there pictures, not complain about their BCD or if the photographer can't shoot straight (don't think that happened in this thread), and technically, anybody griping about her BCD activities is off topic. Pressley has several threads that people can use to gripe about that stuff already. I just ask nicely that people respect ALL the ladies threads that are just supposed to be for showing off their photos and keep the bad and/or off topic comments in other threads that were started for that.

Oh, here she is: Originally Posted by algrace
It appears she changed it back in January.

Okay, back on topic, here's more photos to enjoy.

CaptainKaos's Avatar
Hey man, when you open the door, don't bitch about who walks through it. You and BCD love posting these threADs in the hopes of getting more work. Don't get me wrong. I love the eye candy, but the coed section of ECCIE is there expressly for members to dialogue about hobby stuff and threads can get a little loose. If you want to just "show off" then the ladies need to post their new pics in the provider ad section as part of their weekly allotment of ad space.
zeejoe's Avatar
Hey man, when you open the door, don't bitch about who walks through it. You and BCD love posting these threADs in the hopes of getting more work. Don't get me wrong. I love the eye candy, but the coed section of ECCIE is there expressly for members to dialogue about hobby stuff and threads can get a little loose. If you want to just "show off" then the ladies need to post their new pics in the provider ad section as part of their weekly allotment of ad space. Originally Posted by CaptainKaos
Amen. You keep hanging all the threADs on the board, somebody who didn't trade film for ass ...or whatever...and their mileage 'did vary' , is going to speak their mind.

*Staff Edit - JCM

#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
I agree these photo threads are getting old.....its about ya all trying to drum up biz
dont try to say....".oh its all about the ladies"
Now granted the pics might drum up extra for them as well...but thats what the provider ad sections are for.
But how many times are guys gonna say " wow she looks great" only to never go see that provider
I agree the coed has gotten away from what its intended...and frankly getting kinda boring.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 06-23-2015, 09:34 AM
Hey man, when you open the door, don't bitch about who walks through it. You and BCD love posting these threADs in the hopes of getting more work. Don't get me wrong. I love the eye candy, but the coed section of ECCIE is there expressly for members to dialogue about hobby stuff and threads can get a little loose. If you want to just "show off" then the ladies need to post their new pics in the provider ad section as part of their weekly allotment of ad space. Originally Posted by CaptainKaos
Yeah I agree with this other than if a provider, or photographer wants to start threads like this, go for it. Just expect both positive and negative feedback as well. As Captain says, you opened the door and since it's a public forum, anyone can walk in and comment. With the inconsistent, lackluster, and ymmv (that's about as good her reviews can get) she has by paying members here, they should be able to comment on said provider. You never know, she may up her game after reading this threAD.

If you are looking for no negative (or positive) comments, do as Captain said, let them post it in the providers ad section. Anything else and you are just wishful thinking.
Savannah Moon's Avatar
ZEEjoe and BD why don't you guys just get a room already!!! Sounds like you are jealous.. and leave these ladies & their photographers the fuck alone.. & STFU ALREADY...everybody be safe and you guys quit being f****** bullies.......................
... for you bd