Pressley's New Photos

JRLawrence's Avatar
Guys, my understanding is they only get one thread to post their pictures too and when she has other photographers, my understanding is they also have to use the one thread. I ask/beg of you to please give the ladies at least one thread that they/we can just enjoy their pictures, no matter who does them, because that is what these threads are for, not for criticizing the photos, and not what the girls do, don't do, how they act, etc., BCD. There are plenty of threads that were started just for that and we, IMO, should be posting those type of comments in them or in pm's. Nothing "real" bad said here yet, but it doesn't belong in this thread. PLEASE?!?!
Originally Posted by skbinks
Dear Photographer:

Your work may be good, but if you don't want people to evaluate your work: don't post it. It is your opinion that anything negative about your work or the lady doesn't belong here; sorry, you are wrong. Everyone is entitled to post; their comments have been correct and correlate with the reviews she has received. Posting new pictures does not negate her past behavior, no matter how beautiful the lady may be.

Personally, I welcome the repeat of the warnings concerning this lady. They have saved me from having the experience of meeting her. At one time she was on my short list, but no longer because others have given warning concerning her behavior.

To all of those who have given the warnings concerning her; thank you.

ZEEjoe and BD why don't you guys just get a room already!!! Sounds like you are jealous.. and leave these ladies & their photographers the fuck alone.. & STFU ALREADY...everybody be safe and you guys quit being f****** bullies.......................
... for you bd Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
Yeah its fucking jealousy...Thats brilliant!
Fuck you Savannah I gotta right to my opinion like your asshole has a right to have a dick stuffed in it.

BTW aren't you retiring for gods sake you need too....
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Yeah its fucking jealousy...Thats brilliant!
Fuck you Savannah I gotta right to my opinion like your asshole has a right to have a dick stuffed in it.

BTW aren't you retiring for gods sake you need too.... Originally Posted by BigDeal
Suggestion get a couple of your vertebrae removed and you can suck your own microscopic dick...and now FYI... I changed my mind!!! I CAN & WILL DO THAT ..
FDA.. follow your own advice if you don't like it don't read it d****** ..Still here... still getting love from many upstanding GENTS ...
Suggestion get a couple of your vertebrae is removed and you can suck your own microscopic dick...and now FYI... I changed my mind!!! I CAN & WILL DO THAT ..
FDA.. follow your own advice if you don't like it don't read it d****** Originally Posted by Savannah Moon

It appears we shall dance again...

"Vertabrae is removed?" great wording there Einstein!

Your brilliance is amazing

Now back to the pic threads...they are getting old...Thank god we dont have one of Savannah!

Ahh crap I just gave ya all an idea...
Savannah Moon's Avatar
It appears we shall dance again...

"Vertabrae is removed?" great wording there Einstein!

Your brilliance is amazing

Now back to the pic threads...they are getting old...Thank god we dont have one of Savannah!

Ahh crap I just gave ya all an idea... Originally Posted by BigDeal
BLAH BLAH BLAH... what did you say... admit it you googled vertebrae removal costs huh buttlicker
zeejoe's Avatar
ZEEjoe and BD why don't you guys just get a room already!!! Sounds like you are jealous.. and leave these ladies & their photographers the fuck alone.. & STFU ALREADY...everybody be safe and you guys quit being f****** bullies.......................
... for you bd Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
Welcome back!

Yeah its fucking jealousy...Thats brilliant!
Fuck you Savannah I gotta right to my opinion like your asshole has a right to have a dick stuffed in it.

BTW aren't you retiring for gods sake you need too.... Originally Posted by BigDeal
Are we a thing now? So many questions....
Who's pitching and who's catching?
I only have one mediocre review to go off of...
Are outcalls to JOCO a dealbreaker?

admit it you googled vertebrae removal costs Originally Posted by Savannah Moon
Now that's fuckin funny right there...its about time you said something worth reading
your still a bitch.... but ill give ya that one!

And Im even more amazed you know what google is....
I did find a pic posted from a recent appointment you had...the guy that took it had a great view of your backside.
Attachment 428651
Welcome back!

Are we a thing now? So many questions....
Who's pitching and who's catching?
I only have one mediocre review to go off of...
Are outcalls to JOCO a dealbreaker?

Originally Posted by zeejoe

I guess we are buddy!!
Hey that review wasn't fair!
Nah JoCo is safe if you are over the height of 5'2" otherwise they would think were in the Wizard of OZ and past your prime
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Awwww.. did someone get their FEELING hurt... hehehe glad I could do that for/to you!!! ONE more question. . How painful is it to be stupid. . JW
zeejoe's Avatar
guess we are buddy!!
Hey that review wasn't fair!
Nah JoCo is safe if you are over the height of 5'2" otherwise they would think were in the Wizard of OZ and past your prime
K. Long as there's no upsell for me to try and get my whole leg in there.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 06-23-2015, 03:59 PM
BD and Savannah, you two crack me up going at each other. You two should meet and fuck each others brains out. Hate sex can be super hot!
JCM800's Avatar
Let's not hijack this thread any further please.
Let me repeat myself for the benefit of those who did not read or comprehend a previous statement made about photo threAds in another thread.

First, threAds have a vibrant yet controversial history with Eccie and are allowed and welcome in the Coed Discussion forums.

Secondly, the decision was made two or three years ago to by previous moderators to consolidate photo threAds into one thread because Staci Stacked was posting numerous photos in new threads every few days.

What members post in those threAds is up to them as long as the comments, pictures, etc., do not violate the forum guidelines.

So the moral of the story, kids, is if you don't want to read the comments, don't read them, just browse the photos.

View on...

Now, regarding the thread hijacks and unnecessary rudeness that seems to be erupting regularly between Savannah Moon and BigDeal, may I ask the two of you to think before posting?
OK OK Im done....But she is just so cute!
BD and Savannah, you two crack me up going at each other. You two should meet and fuck each others brains out. Hate sex can be super hot! Originally Posted by JS42
Only we could imagine the language in that one...

Alright back on subject