dream professions

I heard on the satellite radio that any former POTUS gets to mail anything for free. Man, heck of a deal. Now if Clinton could find some better looking ladies than Monica (what was he thinking!!!). At least Kennedy was getting Marilyn Monroe.
I heard on the satellite radio that any former POTUS gets to mail anything for free. Man, heck of a deal. Now if Clinton could find some better looking ladies than Monica (what was he thinking!!!). At least Kennedy was getting Marilyn Monroe. Originally Posted by SR Only
  1. Free snail mail is no deal.
  2. You know what they say about a paper sack.
You know what they say about a paper sack. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Or when you can only see the back of their head (I know ladies, it's crass, but hey).
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Graphic Artist specializing in logos would be my dream job....
That's easy: astronaut.
That's easy: astronaut. Originally Posted by Austin Liv
Word! As a kid I would fake being sick so I could watch a Gemini launch (boy, does THAT date me). These days with the camera mounted to the outside of the rocket and watch it move away from the earth is spectacular.
  • MrGiz
  • 02-14-2011, 05:30 PM
Official Corporate Breast Examiner for Rick's Caberet International
coast_encounter's Avatar
Movie Critic for me. I would hate writing about them though. I just like watching them and discussing them with me friends and co-workers.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Plastic Surgeon.
I am a Dad. That is my dream profession...it's not a job, but a labor of love...and I cannot wait to be a GrandDad one day.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I am a Dad. That is my dream profession...it's not a job, but a labor of love...and I cannot wait to be a GrandDad one day. Originally Posted by FatBastard
Awwww you're such a sweet sweet man FB. I hope your dream comes true.
...and I cannot wait to be a GrandDad one day. Originally Posted by FatBastard
I hear that is a pretty sweet job.
It is indeed! (GP/GD to a 5 yo). For you ladies, I am a GILF = "Grandpa I'd Like to F."
I took a cruise a few years ago and this older man was there with his 6 granddaughters all in their 20's. And they were all over him that whole week from the disco to riding jet skis. They were a sight. Always dressed to the hilt. I want to be that guy and make some deposits in the memory bank!
I would love to be a tour guide for the state.