You can also call their "whiner line"... It's cool and you can really go off!! It's would be epic!!!

Get rid of the fucking CUNT head coach!!!! That bitch doesn't even know you actually have to score more points than the other team to win!!! He passed out before the half and didn't try for points. He pusses out on 4th and 1 and kicked a long field goal to make it close. He pusses out and keeps his mobile QB in the pocket like a dopey sitting duck. Kubes didn't get queened but he fucked himself and all of us season ticket holders.
FUCK YOU KUBEs!!!! Come on McNuttless pull the Mfing trigger!!!!!
I even predict that if he stays, Cuntiak will go back to you know who as QB!!!
Fuck you Kubiak!!!
Kubes press conference, "our kids played hard, we were almost there and tried real hard, I am giving ribbons out for our effort, close is all I wanted, if we keep it close I know we will have a chance to win the game, we just needed to make a play like a Peyton manning would make, we know we had a QB that tried to do some things but I wanted him to stay in the pocket and throw it quick to our TE's. I forgot that the kid was mobile but wanted to protect him from harm and run my Dopey special plays. It's on me.
Eat my ass KuBES!! Originally Posted by Daddio
Just listened to "inside the headset" with Gary Cuntiak, his bullshit was almost identical to what I said above. What a predictable little twat!! It should be inside the headset with the coach without a fucking brain.
Now the colts beat the broncos, no Cush, McNuttless owner, Cuntiak is McNuttless's cabana boy and slathers up the owner with sun tan lotion and teabaggin, no way he fires the cunt stain Waffle House dick gobbling bitch of a coach. That would be a bold move, McNuttless is not bold at all.
To sum it up "Geronimo!!!!!!!"
It will be interesting to see what the Scarecrow Cuntiak does at QB, the city will go ape fucking shit if he goes back to Dopey like I suspect he will. Stick a fork in this season boys we're done.
At least fire the mother fuckin special teams dipshit of a coach. Originally Posted by Daddio
Big Louie, I agree completely but why give the spunk swallower another chance? Haven't we seen this story too many fucking times? It's like the movie Groundhog Day!!! The definition of insanity is when you do the same thing over and over again and expect different results!!! Get rid of the bitch now!!!! Originally Posted by DaddioI didn't even have to say a muthafuckin' word.
Can't believe I am about to say this but I wish we had Bud Adams!!! Originally Posted by DaddioIf you can resurrect him before Houston football fans find out where he's buried and piss on his grave...