pfmtony yea or nay

NearHauteRed's Avatar
Don't think Tony has to worry about having a harem of women - from one of his previous posts --

If I'm ever single again the line of women wanting me to marry would be long.
I get too much attention from women at work and women in the building Originally Posted by randall flagg
All the guys on this site, who are actually seeing providers for sessions, are in one of two categories: 1) They are married and are not getting what they need at home or 2) They are single and either do not want the drama of a relationship or they cannot get any for free (no charm) so they have to pay for pussy. I do not think there is a guy on here who is so suave that women are falling at their feet to be with them, otherwise, they definitely would not be members on a whore board.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
I'm suave. At least.
All the guys on this site, who are actually seeing providers for sessions, are in one of two categories: 1) They are married and are not getting what they need at home or 2) They are single and either do not want the drama of a relationship or they cannot get any for free (no charm) so they have to pay for pussy. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Don't forget the pretty fucking marvelous 12-year olds.
pyramider's Avatar
I do not think there is a guy on here who is so suave that women are falling at their feet to be with them, otherwise, they definitely would not be members on a whore board. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed

Someone needs to find his inner taint ...
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Don't forget the pretty fucking marvelous 12-year olds. Originally Posted by Prolongus

you mean the guys with the mentality of a child who throw insults at others just because so they can be in the popular crowd ("wanna be" cyber bullies)? Those are the guys, if they actually see providers for sessions, are obviously in the "have to pay for pussy or will not get any" category. Or if they do not honestly see providers for BCD sessions and have premium access on here, just post fake reviews or pay for it.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Edit to the post above: Those are also the guys who would not dare to honestly give their real nick name on this site to see providers for sessions.
novacain's Avatar
Any chance we can get Tony and Mya Michelle together, should be a hell of a power couple, they both think they are the shit, missing the fact they are just full of it.
cubsoxbull's Avatar
I'm starting to wonder is NearHauteRed the new pfmtony ?
I'm starting to wonder is NearHauteRed the new pfmtony ? Originally Posted by cubsoxbull
Things that make ya go, hmmmmm?
Things that make ya go, hmmmmm? Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Doubt it.

But, like the hobbyist formerly known as bbTony, the next post of genuine interest or value by 'Red will also be his first.
Dammit I thought ya'll would say I was a conspiracy theorist for sayin that shit out loud! I figured almost high red WAS Marvelous and he/she was just doin that stream of consciousness style to fuck with us!
randall flagg's Avatar
I'm starting to wonder is NearHauteRed the new pfmtony ? Originally Posted by cubsoxbull
148 posts in 16 days - even a little more prolific than the hobbyist formerly known as bbtony
Dammit I thought ya'll would say I was a conspiracy theorist for sayin that shit out loud! I figured almost high red WAS Marvelous and he/she was just doin that stream of consciousness style to fuck with us! Originally Posted by phildo
Lol...doesn't sound too far-fetched to me. Especially if he responds quickly.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
I'm starting to wonder is NearHauteRed the new pfmtony ? Originally Posted by cubsoxbull
Nope and I would not make up a poll to see if anyone likes me or not.
NearHauteRed's Avatar
148 posts in 16 days - even a little more prolific than the hobbyist formerly known as bbtony Originally Posted by randall flagg
Do you have nothing better to do than to look at another guy's profile? I did not know there was a limit of how many posts you could do a day, would you mind pointing that out to me?