Ferguson, MO: Might as well start the ball rolling...

LexusLover's Avatar
Here's the link to the sound bytes. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
#1: If it is digital, the source, date, and time can be verified from the original or an "uncorrupted" copy if that is all that is available. If the original is never produced for examination and inspection, it will more than likely be inadmissible for lack of authenticating confirmations.

Echoes in and around buildings can produce multiple sounds.

I'm looking for Brown's DNA (or the store owner's) on the officer's weapon, clothing, equipment (holster), and/or the his patrol unit.

Some years back on the SW Freeway in Houston (if I recall correctly) a driver exited his vehicle stopped on the freeway by officers' in pursuit (at night) and he pulled his hand out of his pocket with something shiny in it, and 52 shell casings were found at the scene. They found a bottle/can opener. He died.

I don't recall any indictments.
CivilBarrister's Avatar

Some years back on the SW Freeway in Houston (if I recall correctly) a driver exited his vehicle stopped on the freeway by officers' in pursuit (at night) and he pulled his hand out of his pocket with something shiny in it, and 52 shell casings were found at the scene. They found a bottle/can opener. He died.

I don't recall any indictments. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your point?

Stupid fuck runs from police AT NGHT and then puts his hands in his pocket....and pulls out a shinny metal object.

The reason there were 52 shell casings was probably because no one reloaded.

I wouldn't stop shooting either.

I guess if it was YOU, you would wait to see if he points the shinny metal thing at you and you hear a BANG BANG BANG, before you would do anything.

That is "according to the report of the report of the blog" ... it's still 60% hits.

And 60% is below standard for qualification.

But since he hadn't had ANY EXPERIENCE SHOOTING CITIZENS ON THE STREET, I can imagine he might have been scared shitless when the

"gentle GIANT" was coming at him and his first rounds didn't stop him!!!

And I'm sure in all your worldly experience of "fire fights" you counted every round that you discharged when you were being attacked? Right?

Like "they" do on TV?

The number of rounds he fired will be determined by his magazine. Not some bloggers alleged audio tape of the incident.

Unless his department issues duties rounds at the beginning of his shift ... which he must "return" at the end of his shift. Then it will be determined by the number of rounds he turned in. Originally Posted by LexusLover

You actually have not a clue WTF your babble was about do you? Unless a recording or video of the event shows up the amounts of times he discharged the weapon will be determined by the brass found. You have no idea of what I have done or where I have been, but unlike Judy Dense you will never know so fuck off.
LexusLover's Avatar
You actually have not a clue WTF your babble was about do you? Unless a recording or video of the event shows up the amounts of times he discharged the weapon will be determined by the brass found. You have no idea of what I have done or where I have been, but unlike Judy Dense you will never know so fuck off. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I'm not impressed at all. In fact .. you are the one full of shit!

This statement alone says it:

"the amounts of times he discharged the weapon will be determined by the brass found."

Let me repeat what I just said: You are full of shit.

And I don't need to know any more about you. And don't want to.
I'm not impressed at all. In fact .. you are the one full of shit!

This statement alone says it:

"the amounts of times he discharged the weapon will be determined by the brass found."

Let me repeat what I just said: You are full of shit.

And I don't need to know any more about you. And don't want to. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You would not make a boil on a good mans ass, you simple minded hillbilly. You are stump dumb. How, you ignorant fucking hillbilly do you think the size of the mag in his weapon will determine the amount of times he fired it? Two mags perhaps. Go fuck yourself you childish prick.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It's not a boil EVA, you're a pimple remember. When are you going to get creative?

LexusLover's Avatar
Your point?

Stupid fuck runs from police AT NGHT and then puts his hands in his pocket....and pulls out a shinny metal object.

The reason there were 52 shell casings was probably because no one reloaded.

I wouldn't stop shooting either.

I guess if it was YOU, you would wait to see if he points the shinny metal thing at you and you hear a BANG BANG BANG, before you would do anything.

Originally Posted by CivilBarrister

Apparently with you there is no "point" ... but if you must get pissy .... the media has been "milking" this story for Brown being hit 6 times and now with 10 rounds fired. And ... I guess that's too much to ask ... if you had read my posts on the subject of rounds fired ... when one's adrenaline is high one is not "counting" rounds ... and most shooters in that same situation can't tell with accuracy how many rounds they actually fired before the threat is neutralized.

But if you want to huff and puff and appear macho ... have at it.
LexusLover's Avatar
....do you think the size of the mag in his weapon will determine the amount of times he fired it? Two mags perhaps. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Keep showing your ass. Talk the talk, and pretend you know something.

The more you post bullshit the more you show how little you know. Like zero.

Generally speaking when I evaluate a set of facts, I don't look at one aspect.

But in an effort to make yourself appear more knowledgeable you focus on one aspect and pretend to be more knowledgeable by posting in large type and calling names. Actually, it really shows what a dumbshit your are, not me.

For instance: I said NOTHING about "the size of the mag in his weapon"!

Or if he had one or "two"!

Continue to delude yourself, pup.
LexusLover's Avatar
It's not a boil EVA, .... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
In the scheme of things he's a pimple on a gnat's ass...if that significant.
Keep showing your ass. Talk the talk, and pretend you know something.

The more you post bullshit the more you show how little you know. Like zero.

Generally speaking when I evaluate a set of facts, I don't look at one aspect.

But in an effort to make yourself appear more knowledgeable you focus on one aspect and pretend to be more knowledgeable by posting in large type and calling names. Actually, it really shows what a dumbshit your are, not me.

For instance: I said NOTHING about "the size of the mag in his weapon"!

Or if he had one or "two"!

Continue to delude yourself, pup. Originally Posted by LexusLover
This whole thing with how many shots were fired might be hard to even argue about since we don't know, or at least I haven't heard anything which pertains to the Make, Model and Caliber and the capacity of the weapon Wilson had. Without that information we really can't tell if Wilson had spent and full magazine or cylinder then reloaded and commenced firing again. Oh, and don't let I'va full of crap irritate ya cause that's his ultimate goal.


It's not a boil EVA, you're a pimple remember. When are you going to get creative?

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Is the reason you left the Army in two years it was too hard, or you just wanted those long cruses to admire other men's asses? Anyone who cruses the stroll is probably searching for fags from what I hear.
You actually have not a clue WTF your babble was about do you? Unless a recording or video of the event shows up the amounts of times he discharged the weapon will be determined by the brass found. You have no idea of what I have done or where I have been, but unlike Judy Dense you will never know so fuck off. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
That is "according to the report of the report of the blog" ... it's still 60% hits.

And 60% is below standard for qualification.

But since he hadn't had ANY EXPERIENCE SHOOTING CITIZENS ON THE STREET, I can imagine he might have been scared shitless when the

"gentle GIANT" was coming at him and his first rounds didn't stop him!!!

And I'm sure in all your worldly experience of "fire fights" you counted every round that you discharged when you were being attacked? Right?

Like "they" do on TV?

The number of rounds he fired will be determined by his magazine. Not some bloggers alleged audio tape of the incident.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
Please read here

Keep showing your ass. Talk the talk, and pretend you know something.

The more you post bullshit the more you show how little you know. Like zero.

Generally speaking when I evaluate a set of facts, I don't look at one aspect.

But in an effort to make yourself appear more knowledgeable you focus on one aspect and pretend to be more knowledgeable by posting in large type and calling names. Actually, it really shows what a dumbshit your are, not me.

For instance: I said NOTHING about "the size of the mag in his weapon"!

Or if he had one or "two"!

Continue to delude yourself, pup. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Did you read it moron? Now STFU
LexusLover's Avatar
Oh, and don't let I'va full of crap irritate ya cause that's his ultimate goal. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
He's annoying like a yapping chihuahua.

I never knew chihuahua's had a "goal" or a purpose in life, other than noise!

Oh, and I agree with the assessment on shots fired.

That is why I posted in response to the yapping ...

"Generally speaking when I evaluate a set of facts, I don't look at one aspect."
LexusLover's Avatar
Did you read it moron? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Are you addressing me with that question?

Or yourself?

You just make up shit to look "correct"!

If anyone needs to STFU, it's you!

While you are just moderately "behind"!
This whole thing with how many shots were fired might be hard to even argue about since we don't know, or at least I haven't heard anything which pertains to the Make, Model and Caliber and the capacity of the weapon Wilson had. Without that information we really can't tell if Wilson had spent and full magazine or cylinder then reloaded and commenced firing again. Oh, and don't let I'va full of crap irritate ya cause that's his ultimate goal.


Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If it is not known if he had a semi or a wheel gun then you will have to count the brass or anything else is speculation till facts come out. Right Jim?
Are you addressing me with that question?

Or yourself?

You just make up shit to look "correct"!

If anyone needs to STFU, it's you!

While you are just moderately "behind"! Originally Posted by LexusLover
If you are as dumb in real life as you are here on this board, you must be a real embarrassment to your family. You were the one babbling about the mag, and I showed you your statement then you are so dumb not to read it...WOW