Wombraider you had several reviews as your alias UnDer_Construction.... Why won't you admit you are the same person- did you rape someone under your other alias or did you suck a tranny cock and to get rid of your guilt you changed your handle. Did you cheat on your wife and get in trouble? Something caused you to change your handle.... they do have meds for people who try to assume 2 different or more personas. Are you bipolar or have psych issues? Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
If that were me, why wouldn't I just start posting as him again in order to alleviate the pressure you ding dongs put on me about being him? Because I don't have multiple handles. This is the only handle I have or have had. Originally Posted by WombRaider
You must have a very sorry life if what passes for entertainment with you is any indication.![]()
WombRaider = Underconstruction
. Originally Posted by lustylad
Take a look at just one of my many MELTDOWNS on this forumFTFY
. Originally Posted by lustylad
You need a hobby. Seriously. It's bordering on stalking. And it's very creepy. Do you really want me to go poking around, see what I can find out about you? Originally Posted by WombRaiderWomb raider please give it a rest- lustylad and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues, but there's no way I can deny that he is absolutely correct that you and Under Construction are one in the same - the proof is in the pudding. Just save face and admit that he's your alter ego.
Womb raider please give it a rest- lustylad and I don't see eye to eye on a lot of issues, but there's no way I can deny that he is absolutely correct that you and Under Construction are one in the same - the proof is in the pudding. Just save face and admit that he's your alter ego. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911I can't admit something that just isn't true. As I said, I wish he would come back and post. He noticed a phrase that we both happened to use. Big deal. There are 300 million people in this country alone, you think that phrase is THAT unique? He's mad that this UC person left. I guess he was in love with him, at least that's what it seems like. LL is acting every bit the spurned lover. If I were UC, wouldn't I come back, just to fuck with him? But I can't, because it isn't me.
I can't admit something that just isn't true. As I said, I wish he would come back and post. He noticed a phrase that we both happened to use. Big deal. There are 300 million people in this country alone, you think that phrase is THAT unique? He's mad that this UC person left. I guess he was in love with him, at least that's what it seems like. LL is acting every bit the spurned lover. If I were UC, wouldn't I come back, just to fuck with him? But I can't, because it isn't me. Originally Posted by WombRaider
(I'll share a secret.... I don't want you to come clean and admit you are undercunt anymore. I'm having too much fun watching you squirm all the time.... Your denials used to make people snicker. Now they trigger howls of laughter.
If you came clean now, all the fun would stop. So keep denying it, undercunt.) Originally Posted by lustylad
I can't admit something that just isn't true. As I said, I wish he would come back and post. He noticed a phrase that we both happened to use. Big deal. There are 300 million people in this country alone, you think that phrase is THAT unique? He's mad that this UC person left. I guess he was in love with him, at least that's what it seems like. LL is acting every bit the spurned lover. If I were UC, wouldn't I come back, just to fuck with him? But I can't, because it isn't me. Originally Posted by WombRaiderHowever there are not 300 million people on eccie and you as under construction are the only ones who I have known to have used that quote. Add to the fact that you both are liberal - he deactivated his account than shortly after you create an account. You are both atheist/agnostic but what really convinced me that you two are one in the same as when you asked me about my avatar : you mentioned that no one wants to see my penis(your words paraphrased) and only one other person since I been an eccie has directly made that statement to me and that person was Under Construction. So if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck........