"Just call me Caitlyn" - Bruce Jenner/Vanity Fair article

Ok ill bite...someones sexual preferance has nothing to do with how they identify. For example I identify as female and prefer only men as in straight relationships. I don't see myself as gay at all and certainly not a crossdresser. And infact most MTF feel the same as me. Now there are on occasion some MTFs like Caitlyn like women odd as I feel it is it happens. But still feels as a woman. Fact is he was crossdressing his whole life till now...I hope this helps. Im sorry for my rudeness before this site has many that like to just take rude ,hurtful and just plain mean comments at people like us.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
OK. Rather than pontificating and getting all thin-skinned defensive, how about you provide some constructive dialogue? If you can provide some enlightening insight offer it up. Originally Posted by txcwby6
I would use a little help with a few questions.

Do you know what I would like to ask? And I tried to create a new topic about this, this morning, but couldn't come up with the right wording.

Anyway ... I just read that using the term "tranny" is an insult. And I don't wish to USE that verbiage if it's wrong.

Also, I wouldn't mind if Amber, or someone with more knowledge than myself ... help us with some of the feelings, and realities, of having a sex change. Or transitioning.

It has to be just one of the absolute most difficult, at least emotionally, situation/reality to ever experience.
Guest010619's Avatar
I'll go out and buy a couple of Vanity Fair magazines. I did watch 'Can't stop the Music' for old times sake. I wish Catlyn all the best. To me, she is the most normal of the Kardashian klan.
I had several friends back in college who wanted to change sex. They lived as women even without the benefit of hormones and sometimes went out on the town dressed as women. Surprisingly they got away with it for months, never having been found out. By 1980, one went back to the family ranch and was never heard from again, another ended up in a mental institution from abuse of drugs and was released in 1985, having been heavily medicated and now on disability. The last did get gender reassignment surgery, but later was diagnosed with HIV and passed away in 1988.
I would use a little help with a few questions.

Do you know what I would like to ask? And I tried to create a new topic about this, this morning, but couldn't come up with the right wording.

Anyway ... I just read that using the term "tranny" is an insult. And I don't wish to USE that verbiage if it's wrong.

Also, I wouldn't mind if Amber, or someone with more knowledge than myself ... help us with some of the feelings, and realities, of having a sex change. Or transitioning.

It has to be just one of the absolute most difficult, at least emotionally, situation/reality to ever experience. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I guess I could give my perspective on pronouns the term ”tranny” is IMO referring to those over exaggerated gay men who dress in drag with the big wigs and sing cher songs at gay clubs. Shemale is used mostly on porn sites and is completely offensive. Transexual and transgendered are what most people like me prefer. Call me a dude ill crack your jaw yes i've trained most of my life in shotokan Japanese karate... Ok onto transitioning its the hardest thing i've ever done or had to experience in my life hormones make you crazy at times then crying all the time. Takes a strong mental ability to see it through. Yes there are many that take their own lives others get murdered. Like I mentioned before a girl in man cloths is alot less jarring than what people perceive a man in a dress go figure...
Ughhh. Bruce was not gay. Bruce likes women. Now Catlin likes women and I think she is absolutely beautiful as her new self or the self she's always been. Good for Caitlin. I hope she lives out the rest of her years in peace and how she feels the best. Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
Willen's Avatar
OK. We've got a few things going on here, as I understand it.

First, we have reactions to Bruce Jenner's going very public about his becoming Caitlin. There are at least two threads here: 1) Bruce becoming Caitlin and 2) Bruce/Caitlin going so very public about this shift.

My own view is that it doesn't much matter. Those who view transgender people as reprehensible deviants will continue to do so; those who see them as heroic pioneers in sexual/gender honesty will see them as heroes. Time will tell.
Randall Creed's Avatar
What's so 'heroic and courageous' about slapping God in the face and telling him, 'I don't like how you made me'?
Ahh yes the God argument heard it before. That is if you believe in imaginary sky people. Let's just say there is a God wouldn't it fall within your tiny scope of tolerance that God made us this way too?? Probably not since you all have this re engineering camps to change people from gay to straight.
Jenner is very much a He..........and will be that way until his DNA says otherwise. All the surgery can't change that. What Jenner is suffering from is a mental disorder, and I feel sorry for his pain and hope the path he is on brings him some comfort. But the world should not be forced to accept the baloney notion that Jenner is now a female.

On a side note, Jenner's exclusive private country club, Sherwood Country Club in Malibu, is having to rethink Jenner's male membership which has certain perks - male only locker rooms, male only tournaments, male only bar and grill, priority tee times for male members. Even his USGA handicap may change since it is calculated differently for men vs. women.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Who else laughed upon reading that Dennis Rodman wants to date 'Caitlyn'?
Randall Creed's Avatar
Ahh yes the God argument heard it before. That is if you believe in imaginary sky people. Let's just say there is a God wouldn't it fall within your tiny scope of tolerance that God made us this way too?? Probably not since you all have this re engineering camps to change people from gay to straight. Originally Posted by Ts AmberRose
Tiny scope of tolerance? LMAO.

All of you can go FUCK YOURSELVES for all I care. Cutting your dick off and adding tits DOES NOT make you heroic and courageous.

Nor does it make you a woman.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Tiny scope of tolerance? LMAO.

All of you can go FUCK YOURSELVES for all I care. Cutting your dick off and adding tits DOES NOT make you heroic and courageous.

Nor does it make you a woman. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed

In Another Realm, we're polite. Not rude. Discourse is encouraged here but this isn't the political forum.

These type of responses won't be tolerated in this forum.


Ughhh. Bruce was not gay. Bruce likes women. Now Catlin likes women and I think she is absolutely beautiful as her new self or the self she's always been. Good for Caitlin. I hope she lives out the rest of her years in peace and how she feels the best. Originally Posted by Scarlett De Rossi
If Bruce wasn't gay because he likes women, but now he identifies himself as a women and still likes women. Wouldn't that make Caitlyn a lesbian?

Jenner is still a guy; he hasn't had the transformal surgery...so no, Jenner isn't a lesbian.

If Bruce wasn't gay because he likes women, but now he identifies himself as a women and still likes women. Wouldn't that make Caitlyn a lesbian?

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
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  • 06-04-2015, 10:07 AM