Am I MSOG friendly?

All the women posted here are beautiful in their own way and run their business however they like. The beauty of this hobby? The gents get to pick and choose according to their individual tastes. The REAL beauty of this hobby? Their tastes change ALL the time and are as varied as they come.

There is plenty to go around. No need put any one down to put another up.

CD is fantastic, but she can't and does not want to see the whole state of Texas (or FL), and so are all the women who choose to do this day in and day out.

I'm sure she appreciates you sticking out for her, but not at the cost of taking shots at the other ladies. Wonder why she stopped posting here? Originally Posted by Camille Fox
I'm sure she wishes she never posted that..but then again,maybe not

When these pretentious,airhead providers spend all day in co-ed,they're bound to slip up and show their true colors
Camille, I wasn't putting anyone down unless you consider the phrase "fake-bake" with some negative connotation.

A woman with a tan like that obviously hits the tanning beds (aka ala-fake-bake, too much stripper termanology clinging to me? lol)
which considering Caroline & her complexion, obviously, well is opposite.
I wasn't "being negative" I was implying the obvious difference, if not polar opposite, since the "Gentlemen" want to compare us as though we were "products"....
(Just saying, the other ladies may offer similar services, but the packaging wouldn't be comparable, imo.) Apples, oranges, bananas.... All fruit, but different packaging, different flavors.
Not putting anyone down, I assure you.
Most of my friends chastise me for "not getting any sun on that pale ass." No biggie. No harm meant or intended. But my lily white ass, is not comparable to a fake-bake chick.
Nor... is Ms. Caroline's.

That was my only point.

I don't need to put anyone down. Rarely will I do so...
Unless it's just sum-dum-shit.
Then I'mma call a duck... a duck.

Or Orange or apple... or whatever. LOL
citizen44's Avatar
a black chick....

And Ms Davenport.... lol

watermelons to someone who wants a strawberry..
Originally Posted by FoxyNC
I really don't know what the fuck you think you're doing. Are you some how thinking you and CD are going to become best friends and some of her business will rub off on you? I'm about 99.99% sure CD would not endorse that post.

Who gives a shit what color she is. I'll stack Penny's beauty up against 95% of you all and she will win.

What CD and I are sharing is a fun little tongue-in-cheek internet trolling love affair. It's all just for shits and giggles.

If you on the other hand keep going down that particular line of dialogue, I'll become you're personal little verbal nightmare on this forum.
pyramider's Avatar
Too late ...
̶N̶ι̶ɢ̶н̶т̶м̶α̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶ɴ̶ ̶e̶l̶м̶ѕ̶т̶r̶e̶e̶т,,,
Nightmare on Citizen Street #44, Houston Texas.

Verbal Assault victim ISO ear plugs,,,
Too late ... Originally Posted by pyramider
̶N̶ι̶ɢ̶н̶т̶м̶α̶r̶e̶ ̶o̶ɴ̶ ̶e̶l̶м̶ѕ̶т̶r̶e̶e̶т,,,
Nightmare on Citizen Street #44, Houston Texas.

Verbal Assault victim ISO ear plugs,,,
Ebay--$1.99 Originally Posted by Lorde
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-08-2015, 10:00 AM
A girl with a fake bake tan & a black chick....

And Ms Davenport.... lol

Thats like trying to sell oranges & watermelons to someone who wants a strawberry....
IJS... Originally Posted by FoxyNC

I really don't know what the fuck you think you're doing. Are you some how thinking you and CD are going to become best friends and some of her business will rub off on you? I'm about 99.99% sure CD would not endorse that post.

Who gives a shit what color she is. I'll stack Penny's beauty up against 95% of you all and she will win.

What CD and I are sharing is a fun little tongue-in-cheek internet trolling love affair. It's all just for shits and giggles.

If you on the other hand keep going down that particular line of dialogue, I'll become you're personal little verbal nightmare on this forum. Originally Posted by citizen44
What he said!

You really are going full retard in this thread FoxyNC.

Plus you never have apologized for lying about me posting pictures of other ladies in this threAD.
glade55's Avatar
It is impossible to get people who care about money more than honesty and integrity to ever care about giving their customers an experience of equal value to what they pay.

The only thing you can do is point out to customers that they have options. Providers who give as good as they get. Providers who are honest about their menus. Providers who care about you having a good time. All the below are beautiful women who will give you an experience that shows how laughable Carolines greedy and lazy sessions are.

Slave Guinevere

Lauren Mayfair

Chelsea Jordon

Ember Simmers

Gabrielle Fantasies

Ariel Ainsley ( A real red head, way better than bottle job wannabes like Caroline)

Danica Stone

Max Madison

There are tons of great options here in town. Do yourself a favor and call a good provider. Originally Posted by citizen44
31 pages.......

Hope she takes a truck full of cash to Florida. I mean damn. One client per page right.

Ahhh right staying on does anyone squeeze in two pops hour....thats some good ass pussy or dick....can be done though. One hour feels like speed dating....
31 pages.......

Hope she takes a truck full of cash to Florida. I mean damn. One client per page right.

Ahhh right staying on does anyone squeeze in two pops hour....thats some good ass pussy or dick....can be done though. One hour feels like speed dating.... Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Pretty much. This thread has been great. Reminded so many of my clients why they love to come see me that I haven't even needed to see a new client in over two weeks, and I doubt I'll have time for any new ones until I leave. This is what I've been trying to say the whole time, though. You boys can be mad about it all you want, but I do extremely well, and my clients adore me. It's still on my thread and keeping my name visible to all of my guys who have been dragging their feet about seeing me again.

Sorry to all the new guys who have been contacting me for appointments. I really would have liked to meet you, but my time is limited and I'm trying to say goodbye to all of my established friends. Maybe we'll get a chance when I come back to visit.

The posting pictures of other ladies to try to take money out of my pocket doesn't appear to be working, but I do like to see them. It is petty of you, and we all know what you're doing, but I honestly don't mind. I can personally recommend a couple of them to anyone who is looking to replace me when I'm gone. Contact me privately for info.

I probably won't be posting much. Packing and planning have started, since my move date has been moved up a bit. It's been fun. Feel free to keep the thread going. I've still got at least a week and a half before I leave.

Don't be scared of the trolls, ladies. If you handle them with class, they can really boost your exposure and your bottom line. As long as it isn't medical related or LE related, the "no such thing as bad press" rule holds true with very few exceptions. Don't be scared to chum the water a little. Wish I had done this much sooner.
Your welcome lol
chicagoboy's Avatar
Packing and planning have started, since my move date has been moved up a bit. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
Did CD 'accidentally' pack up Yummy? The adorkable one's been kinda scarce lately.
citizen44's Avatar
I can personally recommend a couple of them to anyone who is looking to replace me when I'm gone. Contact me privately for info.. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
Lol, why would any client call up a provider to find out who would be a good time? Looking for an opportunity to knife some of them in the back before you go?

Don't trust her or even my experience with all of them. Checkout the great menus, accurate photos and tons of great reviews from other guys who understands what a guy is paying for in an appointment. Every one of them will be a more enjoyable hour than CD.

Blah blah blah....same ole spin doctoring as always. Originally Posted by CarolineDavenport
As with all of CD's posts, you have to remove 95% of what she says to get to the truth.

What do we really know from her recent decision to be "honest" with us and also, what can we observe from her recent actions?
1). No matter what, you have to endure 30 waisted minutes talking with a vapid, greedy midget socialite poser
2). You're not getting MSOG without paying an extra 200
3). As she never lists a menu, most guys didn't know her menu does not include: FIV, DT, & CIM (lame BJ's always brings in new business right?)

4). Early in the thread she references receiving lots of PM's/emails from hobbiest not in tune with her original post
5). She likes to wax on and on about how money grubbing she is (her true moment of honesty)
6). You can count on her to post a 30+ page abortion oriented at any guy who points out part of her poor service which she wanted to stay hidden (can you say unstable?)
7). No new reviews in over a month (come on WK's, can't you spot a discount pussy opportunity when it's staring you in the face?)
7). She admits to no new clients since she decided to be honest
8). She's leaving early as this blew up in her face and her money has gone to shit

All of that against which she uses unsubstantiated claims that she is now so popular, she doesn't even get a chance to drop her legs as old regulars climb on just as fast as the last climbed off.

So the question is guys, how do we spend our time and dollars next week? Go see the over priced GPS midget with a crap menu orrrrrrrrrrr.....go see the new hottie with an awesome menu: DFK, FIA/FIV, DATY, BBBJCIMNQNS, MSOG, and GREEK

I'm going to see Jemma instead. Her menu is detailed.
chicagoboy's Avatar
I wouldn't have thought it possible, but citizen44 may be more ate up about-CD than even WTF is.