Sandra Bland, what really happened?

Budman's Avatar
I don't believe the reason for the stop has anything to do with this. That's like the Michael Brown defenders saying jaywalking shouldn't have a death penalty. All she had to do was comply with the officers request and most likely she would have been on her way within a few minutes. Arguing, disobeying and general rudeness when dealing with the police will never end well for you. Even if you are in the process of being arrested it's best to remain calm and civil. I was pulled over for not using a turn signal coming out of a parking lot several months ago. I don't think the turn signal had shit to do with anything other than a reason to pull me over. He wanted to see if I was drunk because it was 1.30 in the morning. I answered all questions politely and was on my way in about 5 minutes.
she died.
Guilty of DWB.
Failure to show respect to "The Man"
Did not have anybody that could come up with 500bucks to bail her out (seems strange that nobody would bail her out)
She was from Chicago
After three days in that jail I surmise she came to the realization that she had no friends and her family did not give a shit until they had a chance to try and make bank on her suicide.
Could not stand to eat another bologna sammich

The reality is depression is a terrible thing and recognizing and getting proper treatment is often not done. Very few people can understand, unless they have experienced it, how devastating and crippling depression can be especially once the thoughts of being better off dead than alive start dominating your mind. Too many people do not understand that depression is real and not just a passing thing that you should just get over. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
I certainly agree as well. Being arrested in a strange city she wasn't familiar with. Not knowing anybody to contact, other than family and friends who are about a thousand miles away. Her coping ability could have diminished to a point that took her to suicide. It is sad, such a dam waste.

Sandra reportedly had a large amount of <forbidden topic> in her system three days after her arrest. Somebody has pointed out that lighting a cigarette may be an effort to cover up the smell of <forbidden topic> in the car. Looking at the talking heads tonight, nobody has asked if the police noted the smell of <forbidden topic> during the stop.
dirty dog's Avatar
I think we're all in agreement that the cop over-reacted. The lack of scrutiny of the over-reaction on Ms. Bland's part is what the rest of us are talking about.

She could have defused the entire situation by being courteous to the officer and complying with his requests. Instead, she gave attitude and that started a train rolling down the tracks. As I stated earlier, once a cop tells you to do some thing and you don't comply, the cop isn't just going to walk away. That is not the way it works. Originally Posted by timpage
When did having a smart mouth become a death penalty act.
Budman's Avatar
When did having a smart mouth become a death penalty act. Originally Posted by dirty dog
She didn't get the death penalty. She got arrested and put in a cell.

She gave herself the death penalty. No one else.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-23-2015, 11:24 PM
She didn't get the death penalty. She got arrested and put in a cell.

She gave herself the death penalty. No one else. Originally Posted by Budman
Yes I agree it does not pay to argue with the law but with video recordings so prevalent now days, some Cops are to going to have to face their actions.

It is not his fault she hung herself , we will see if his actions rise to departmental sanctions. Time will tell.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I think we're all in agreement that the cop over-reacted. The lack of scrutiny of the over-reaction on Ms. Bland's part is what the rest of us are talking about.

She could have defused the entire situation by being courteous to the officer and complying with his requests. Instead, she gave attitude and that started a train rolling down the tracks. As I stated earlier, once a cop tells you to do some thing and you don't comply, the cop isn't just going to walk away. That is not the way it works. Originally Posted by timpage
The officer is the professional. He is the one trained to diffuse volatile situations. He failed. That led to a tragic ending. She may have committed suicide, but the chain of events started with the officer failing to contain the situation. The police are, allegedly, there to protect and serve US! She failed to signal a lane change. This cop was looking for a chance to bully someone. He's pathetic. A good cop would have given her a ticket and gone on his/her way.

It is not our duty to appease the cops. It is their duty to treat us with respect, and if necessary, use the appropriate amount of force commensurate with their safety and the crime involved. No more. If the cop can't manage that, s/he should find another job.
LexusLover's Avatar
"......the chain of events started with the officer failing to contain the situation."

Wrong. The "chain of events" started when she violated a traffic law.
LexusLover's Avatar
Sandra reportedly had a large amount of <forbidden topic> in her system three days after her arrest. Somebody has pointed out that lighting a cigarette may be an effort to cover up the smell of <forbidden topic> in the car. Looking at the talking heads tonight, nobody has asked if the police noted the smell of <forbidden topic> during the stop. Originally Posted by gnadfly
A good cop would have given her a ticket and gone on his/her way. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If she is from out of state ... he doesn't have to give her a ticket. If she is in the possession of "forbidden topic" material, she doesn't get a "ticket"!

If you want cops to treat you with respect, then treat them with respect first.
The forbidden topic can be detected in the system for 30 days............
I B Hankering's Avatar
Wouldn't the charge of "changing lanes without signaling" be a legitimate excuse for the officer to pull over and investigate a conspicuously impaired driver?

Wouldn't the driver's literally blowing smoke at the officer to camouflage her use of an illicit substance piss that officer off?
Guest123018-4's Avatar
If the question of if the cop overreacted was directed at me, I believe you should reread my post.

The overreaction of the cop did not cause her death. Had both parties acted in a more civil manner she MAY not have gone to jail. Her attitude toward the cop also did not cause her death but had she acted in a more civil manner she MAY not have gone to jail.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 07-24-2015, 07:45 AM
It is not our duty to appease the cops. It is their duty to treat us with respect, and if necessary, use the appropriate amount of force commensurate with their safety and the crime involved. No more. If the cop can't manage that, s/he should find another job. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You sound like one of those dumb SOB's that ride bikes and think that you can pull in front of a Mack truck just because you have the right of way!

That kind of thinking will get you killed.

LexusLover's Avatar
You sound like one of those dumb SOB's that ride bikes and think that you can pull in front of a Mack truck just because you have the right of way!

That kind of thinking will get you killed.

Originally Posted by WTF
Our jails and prisons are full of like minded people.

Few understand why they are there, and most of the rest of them lie about it.
Stopping someone for a lane change without a blinker on was a bogus reason, he just wanted to fuck with someone with a out of state license plate. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
One of my biggest pet peaves in the world is when people claim to know things that they can't know and are actually loud about it. Thank you..

I always call it the breakroom loudmouth effect.