Stopping someone for a lane change without a blinker on was a bogus reason, he just wanted to fuck with someone with a out of state license plate. Originally Posted by i'va biggenYep and the video looks like he made an illegal u-turn in the middle of a intersection to get behind her. Before she even broke any law
He was going to give her a warning. Check into her background. It's already been stated that she was involved with the black lives matter movement. She gets pulled over in a small town in Texas. She's got a significant amount of pot in her system, has been in jail before for DWI (and has a list of minor charges), she popped off with a bad attitude and set the cop on the direction of feeling he needed to establish his authority. Had she shut her mouth and let him give her a warning, she would be alive today and working at her new job. If I get pulled over, yeah I'm aggravated, but I am polite. If I hear the word "warning", I'm all smiles and he's now my best friend. Originally Posted by bigwill832The "Black Lives Matter" movement. To me that's the biggest crock of shit. Blacks are always looking for some silly little angle. What is so ironic is Sandra Bland was real big on that. Apparently her black life no longer mattered, so she kills herself. Sad as this incident is Sandra is the only one to blame. Not the police, not Texas. No one but her.
The "Black Lives Matter" movement. To me that's the biggest crock of shit. Blacks are always looking for some silly little angle. What is so ironic is Sandra Bland was real big on that. Apparently her black life no longer mattered, so she kills herself. Sad as this incident is Sandra is the only one to blame. Not the police, not Texas. No one but her.Good to see you're still as racist as ever.
Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
If she is from out of state ... he doesn't have to give her a ticket. If she is in the possession of "forbidden topic" material, she doesn't get a "ticket"!That's why we're becoming a police state. The police are trained. The police are servants of the public. Most do a good job. When they don't, they should be fired. Your attitude promotes a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality. That's not how America is supposed to work. Unfortunately, that is not the trend. Now, I would not have responded to the cop that way. My first statement would be "Am I being detained?" If he said yes, I'd ask why. If he had no reason, I'd tell him I am leaving. If he resists, I ask for a supervisor. If he gives me a reason, I'll cooperate, and ask for my lawyer. No violence, no shouting. But it is still up to the cop to respect me, not the other way around.
If you want cops to treat you with respect, then treat them with respect first. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Your attitude promotes a "guilty until proven innocent" mentality. That's not how America is supposed to work. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyYou obviously don't know "how America is supposed to work"!
Driving while black... Originally Posted by WombRaider