Debbie Wasserman Shultz Goes Brain Dead on Hardball

Don't you guys have a piss and moan festival every once in a while over the 2000 election? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
2008 was a big year for you judy. Who are " you guys"?
Not true no matter how many times you repeat the lie.

When was the last time you bought a tampon? They are advertised relentlessly. Did it create "artificial need" in you to have one?I'm not the target market, dumbass

And what is an "artificial" need anyhow? Who decides what is real and what is fake?it's a need that isn't real, or do you not know what artificial means

When was the last time you bought a cubic zirconium ring? They are advertised all the time on TV.that's not how it works. swiffers are also advertised all the time. I've never purchased one of those either

I see rap music, heavy metal music, and country music advertised all the time. I never by any of them. Somehow, I resist the artificial are not the target market of these, either.

Products don't sell themselves. They have to be advertised. Advertising is nothing more than the dissemination of information. It may be nicely packaged, but it is still quite easy to resist.It's actually not. If you are the target, it's not 'quite easy' at all

People buy what they want and it drive progressives crazy because you think you know how to spend their money better than they do.It doesn't drive me crazy. spend until you're fucking broke for all I care

Are you fucking kidding? That was the WHOLE POINT of all your posts above about socialism and people not spending on what they need.

You reek of central planning, pinko. Own it. Originally Posted by ExNYer
I get it now, you're one of THOSE. Advertising works on everyone but YOU. I get it. Advertising is the dissemination of information? Jesus Christ. You don't know jack shit about advertising or marketing if you honestly believe that.
Back on topic: That's DWS's typical level of brain activity. BigKotexLiar would even be a step up as the DNC chairman...barely.
I get it now, you're one of THOSE. Advertising works on everyone but YOU. I get it. Advertising is the dissemination of information? Jesus Christ. You don't know jack shit about advertising or marketing if you honestly believe that. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Are you a complete fucking idiot?

Advertising sells you stuff you don't need because you are the target market? Is that really your story?

You are confusing cause and effect, shit for brains. If you are in the target market, it is because you wanted it in the first place.

You buy stuff you want. Advertising just tells you it is there and for what price. It can't make you buy stuff you don't want or need in the first place.

How does anyone in the music industry know I like classic rock? How do they make me want to buy it if I don't like? They don't.

The music industry advertises all kinds of music. The folks who already like rap, buy the rap music. People who like country music, buy the country music There is no artificial need for the individual music, because it is all real to the people who ALREADY like it.

Christ you are an idiot.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Sizteen years ago, and you are still pissing and moaning about it. Move on get a life. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
You'd be the hypocritical dim-retard without a life, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, considering how you and your ilk still piss, moan and lie when you blame W for something Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator did sixteen years ago.
Not true no matter how many times you repeat the lie.

When was the last time you bought a tampon? They are advertised relentlessly. Did it create "artificial need" in you to have one?

And what is an "artificial" need anyhow? Who decides what is real and what is fake?

When was the last time you bought a cubic zirconium ring? They are advertised all the time on TV.

I see rap music, heavy metal music, and country music advertised all the time. I never by any of them. Somehow, I resist the artificial need.

Products don't sell themselves. They have to be advertised. Advertising is nothing more than the dissemination of information. It may be nicely packaged, but it is still quite easy to resist.

People buy what they want and it drive progressives crazy because you think you know how to spend their money better than they do.

Are you fucking kidding? That was the WHOLE POINT of all your posts above about socialism and people not spending on what they need.

You reek of central planning, pinko. Own it. Originally Posted by ExNYer
woomby buys tampons everyday. He has to as much as he comes on here and gets his sorry lying liberal ass torn up ! Between that and getting his fudge packed down at his job at the gloryholes, he has to use something to stop the bleeding.
Don't you guys have a piss and moan festival every once in a while over the 2000 election? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That and a piss and moan festival over 2004 and Lurch Kerry getting his "swift boat " ass handed to him.
You're a fucking idiot.

MOST of what we buy is based on want, not need. The only thing humans need is food, water, and basic shelter. If that is all we were allowed to have by the progressives, we would all be broke like North Korea.

I don't NEED this computer I am typing on. I WANT it. That's why I work and save - to meet my wants, not just my needs.

But progressive assholes have such monumental egos, they think THEY know what everybody needs and they - just - can't - wait - to get their hands on power and break the rest of us to the yoke.

Fuck off, you wannabe dictator. Originally Posted by ExNYer
He wants to go from being a " dick toter " ( down at the 'holes ) to a dictator over the rest of us.
Remember, Nazi Baby Killer is the person who said I was wasting my money by contributing more than the employer matching into my IRA (which by the way is still going down under Obama's watch). He has no understanding of how money or investment works. I contend that Nazi Baby Killer is either a trust fund baby, a democratic operative living off the taxpayer, or he is going to lose his right to buy a gun under Obama. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
woomby won't worry about getting a gun legally like the rest of us do. He'll just do like his mojado gente and get a hot one, like his criminal wetback hero out in the sanctuary city of San Fagcisco did that shot the tourist. And you can BET that he's on the dole for taxpayer money. He's too friggen lazy to push a mower for a REAL job.
Are you a complete fucking idiot?

Advertising sells you stuff you don't need because you are the target market? Is that really your story?

You are confusing cause and effect, shit for brains. If you are in the target market, it is because you wanted it in the first place.

You buy stuff you want. Advertising just tells you it is there and for what price. It can't make you buy stuff you don't want or need in the first place.

How does anyone in the music industry know I like classic rock? How do they make me want to buy it if I don't like? They don't.

The music industry advertises all kinds of music. The folks who already like rap, buy the rap music. People who like country music, buy the country music There is no artificial need for the individual music, because it is all real to the people who ALREADY like it.

Christ you are an idiot. Originally Posted by ExNYer
The highlighted portion might take the cake as the absolute stupidest thing ever said on these forums. So unequivocally wrong, that it's hard to believe you actually said it. Advertising makes people buy things they don't need, every day. There is an entire science and method behind how grocery stores are set up, in order to make you buy things you don't need. Walgreens is set up specifically to make you buy more than what you came in the store for. You have absolutely ZERO knowledge of advertising or retail in general.

Your last paragraph is probably the second stupidest thing ever said on here. Jesus Christ has nothing to do with it.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
There is no difference between a socialist and a democrat.

What's the difference between a progressive and a nazi?
There is no difference between a socialist and a democrat.

What's the difference between a progressive and a nazi? Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
There's no difference between you and a goddamn idiot either, what's your point.
You'd be the hypocritical dim-retard without a life, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, considering how you and your ilk still piss, moan and lie when you blame W for something Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator did sixteen years ago. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Sizteen years ago, and you are still pissing and moaning about it. Move on get a life. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
At least you can spell sixteen now chicken dick, now just move on. Your boy Bush could do no wrong according to your ilk chicken dick, you had a deflection for every fuckup he did.
I B Hankering's Avatar
At least you can spell sixteen now chicken dick, now just move on. Your boy Bush could do no wrong according to your ilk chicken dick, you had a deflection for every fuckup he did. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
For your edification, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, it was a "centre-left" Brit journal that pointed out the salient fallacy of your lib-retarded lies.

Financial crisis: 25 people at the heart of the meltdown

Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator, former US president

[Sixteen] years ago Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which had ... ringfenced banks' risky "casino banking" divisions from the more pedestrian high street banking departments. Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's move, which came after fierce lobbying from bankers, heralded the birth of superbanks and primed the sub-prime pump.

He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. Around the same time Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator also beefed up President Carter's 1977 Community Reinvestment Act – forcing lenders to take a more sympathetic approach to poor borrowers trying to get on the housing ladder. (The Guardian)
For your edification, Ekim the Inbred Chimp, it was a "centre-left" Brit journal that pointed out the salient fallacy of your lib-retarded lies.

. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You are still pissing and moaning about sizteen yeas ago chicken dick. What happened in the eight years following that it wasn't repealed? Put your pointy hat back on you fucking libatard and STFU.