Hillary Clinton's Opinion on the Hunt for a Motive in San Bernadino

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  • WTF
  • 12-14-2015, 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Funny how the right wants to limit women's health choices under the guise of safety yet is confounded be the lefts attempt to do basically the exact same thing except for actual human beings....
bambino's Avatar
Poor dull knife, he is still baffled. No guns in Chicago. More guns wouldn't have helped your people could they? There was no immunity to European disease. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Lemme break it down this way for you. Walk into South Chicago one night unarmed and see how far you get. The bad guys(thugs) will blow you away. If you walk into a small rural town with with only law abiding gun owners, your chance of survival goes up exponentially. Unless of course, you're a criminal and commiting a crime. Then all bets are off. Now quit getting your ass handed to you.
Lemme break it down this way for you. Walk into South Chicago one night unarmed and see how far you get. The bad guys(thugs) will blow you away. If you walk into a small rural town with with only law abiding gun owners, your chance of survival goes up exponentially. Unless of course, you're a criminal and committing a crime. Then all bets are off. Now quit getting your ass handed to you. Originally Posted by bambino
Another idiots take on a conversation about 30 million guns.

I live in a smaller town have a CC carry it where ever I go fuck off you know nothing idiot.

do you think we need more guns?
bambino's Avatar
Another idiots take on a conversation about 30 million guns.

I live in a smaller town have a CC carry it where ever I go fuck off you know nothing idiot.

do you think we need more guns?
Originally Posted by i'va biggen
I have 3 rifles and one pistol. I may get another handgun and get a CC permit. So yes, I need another gun. What I'm saying, I don't think we need more gun free zones. You're just a sitting duck for kooks who target them. Now, if you can figure out a way to get guns from criminals, and keep them from criminals and kooks, I'm all ears. I'm all for the right to bear arms. So what's your plan?
I have 3 rifles and one pistol. I may get another handgun and get a CC permit. So yes, I need another gun. What I'm saying, I don't think we need more gun free zones. You're just a sitting duck for kooks who target them. Now, if you can figure out a way to get guns from criminals, and keep them from criminals and kooks, I'm all ears. I'm all for the right to bear arms. So what's your plan? Originally Posted by bambino
There is no plan there are so many guns anyone can get one or 100. What is your plan?
  • DSK
  • 12-14-2015, 02:29 PM
Funny how the right wants to limit women's health choices under the guise of safety yet is confounded be the lefts attempt to do basically the exact same thing except for actual human beings.... Originally Posted by WTF
Clash of rights. The right of the unborn to live, and the right to own a weapon. Both are guaranteed by the constitution, so the hunt for a solution creates anomalies.
bambino's Avatar
There is no plan there are so many guns anyone can get one or 100. What is your plan? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Never said I had one. Just enforce the laws we have. You'll never get all the guns off the streets. Why pretend.
Never said I had one. Just enforce the laws we have. You'll never get all the guns off the streets. Why pretend. Originally Posted by bambino
Because pretend is all that EKIM The Inbred Chimp knows ! Look at who he WK's for- woomby !
Never said I had one. Just enforce the laws we have. You'll never get all the guns off the streets. Why pretend. Originally Posted by bambino
Who is pretending? It is waaaay too late for any type of screening .The adage if criminals can get guns then everyone should have one is just not right. There are some people who should not have access to guns. Hell you can be on the no fly list, but still buy a gun. In Odessa, Mo a mother called the local gun shop and pleaded not to sell her mentally ill daughter a gun. They had taken on away from her. The shop legally sold her one and she shot her father and killed him. Legal, sure smart, no.
bambino's Avatar
Who is pretending? It is waaaay too late for any type of screening .The adage if criminals can get guns then everyone should have one is just not right. There are some people who should not have access to guns. Hell you can be on the no fly list, but still buy a gun. In Odessa, Mo a mother called the local gun shop and pleaded not to sell her mentally ill daughter a gun. They had taken on away from her. The shop legally sold her one and she shot her father and killed him. Legal, sure smart, no. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Of course, the mentally ill shouldn't have them. I don't think the NRA has a problem with that. We both own guns. I'll keep mine and Obama can fuck off.
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  • WTF
  • 12-14-2015, 05:00 PM
Clash of rights. The right of the unborn to live, and the right to own a weapon. Both are guaranteed by the constitution, so the hunt for a solution creates anomalies. Originally Posted by DSK
The right of the UNBORN?

How about the right of the innocent children to not be shot in the classroom?

Look homo, i beieve in both the 2nd amendment and pro choice. That is called consistent. Think about it after you pull the dildo out yo ass.
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  • WTF
  • 12-14-2015, 05:04 PM
I So what's your plan? Originally Posted by bambino
Arm everybody including embryos and let them fend for themselves. Save a shit load on police and prisons.

survival of the fittest
  • DSK
  • 12-14-2015, 05:46 PM
The right of the UNBORN?

How about the right of the innocent children to not be shot in the classroom?

Look homo, i beieve in both the 2nd amendment and pro choice. That is called consistent. Think about it after you pull the dildo out yo ass. Originally Posted by WTF
Life begins at conception, even for a poor Mexican who is going to build houses in the sweltering Houston humidity someday and have his workplace rights stolen from him by cruel builders seeking to suck every penny of cost out of the job, no matter how unjust.

There are laws against guns at school and shooting [prohibited topics] in school, and just about everywhere else. Those who violate those rights should pay the price, as should those who willfully violate US labor laws.
bambino's Avatar
Arm everybody including embryos and let them fend for themselves. Save a shit load on police and prisons.

survival of the fittest Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, I'm pro gun and pro choice. Had to pay for a couple abortions myself back in the day. Let some Vets patrol the schools. Shoot the fuckin psychos that try to kill kids. Ban gun free zones. Let the chips fall where they may.
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  • WTF
  • 12-14-2015, 07:14 PM
Life begins at conception,

. Originally Posted by DSK
If you had 21 year old sibling and your Mother was 21 days pregnant and you had to eliminate one or your gay lover would be killed...which one would you choose and why? If you say neither both will die...
