New to Houston! Wanted to say Hi & Find out some info.

rduke4923's Avatar
If I though that was likely, then why would I allow it to happen?

My reason for propagating it is that there is no falsehood in my statement. She has admitted that she's Mixed, not Caucasian...I thought that was made clear earlier... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Damn Everlast is the master telling you they are lagging in clicks already this

R Duke
Says the whore who's been banned several times and has been know to fly off the handle at a moments notice. How a whore like this stays in business I'll never know. There is no way in hell I would allow her to know my personal business, drive up to an appointment with her so she could see my license plate, etc.

Also, everybody who's in the hobby should get a blood test, and I mean everybody. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
You know that's not what you meant when you said Valerie needs a blood test. Get the fuck out of here. Blow out the candle? I've never seen that never been known to do that. And fact I'm very logical and have handled my business the right way since the beginning. So I don't know what you're talking about considering you've never seen me, tell me, or heard anything from me other than a different opinion other than yours. I stay in business because I'm funny, I'm fine, I'm fun,I don't wear my pussy out, I can hold a great conversation with the best of them, I own my own business, I have dreams and aspirations that are attainable, and I don't have loose lips. Don't think or try to make others think that you know a damn thing about me because you don't . Tell nobody 60 I said hello. CAIO!
canihitit's Avatar
^^^^^. +1 with not wearing the pussy out.

We appreciate it.
Revealing ML content is not a bannable offense now??

Interesting Originally Posted by NubianPrince

I saw this ban coming bro. People get what they deserve. Eventually it catches up to them.....

^^^^^. +1 with not wearing the pussy out.

We appreciate it. Originally Posted by canihitit
wolfcattoast....couldn't even buy pussy in your fair city, so he wasn't wearing it out....he had to admire from a far..........or cash in on TS pussy, which may have been his forte.......
LexusLover's Avatar
....everybody who's in the hobby should get a blood test, and I mean everybody. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
... urine/blood screening is a good thing to have done at least annually for anyone over 40 years of age or over 20 pounds overweight according to insurance charts ... to monitor their body/organ functions along with the "chemical" levels in their "fluid system" ...

.. most folks check the fluids in their motor vehicle more often than their bodies!

And that has nothing to do with "hobbying"!
Thank you
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Thank you Originally Posted by Alana kay
For the advice, or for the commotion?
^^^^^. +1 with not wearing the pussy out.

We appreciate it. Originally Posted by canihitit
That's important. Thanks bro. Anytime.
comininhot's Avatar
TCM, don't you ever get tired of being a douche? You hijack every fucking post!!
  • cr76
  • 05-10-2016, 07:45 PM
TCM, don't you ever get tired of being a douche? You hijack every fucking post!! Originally Posted by comininhot
Im sure he would answer the question with a meme - just have to wait until his new handle pops up.
albundy's Avatar
TCM, don't you ever get tired of being a douche? You hijack every fucking post!! Originally Posted by comininhot
No, he does not get tired of it, He gets off on it.

The fact that EVERYONE on here thinks that he is a douche and a loser is irrelevant. Just the fact that you KNOW of him and respond to him (Fuck, I'm doing it now!) is what he's after. Makes him feel like someone "important" on here to compensate for real-world boredom and failure.

There are quite a few guys like this. Easy to spot. Usually they have no reviews or "joke" reviews. He'll be back in no time with another shitty meme I'm sure.

Here's one for you French/Wolf/Meow. You can have it free of charge:
comininhot's Avatar
WakeUp is in the same category. Sad.
" people who cannot trust are not to be trusted"

tride's Avatar
  • tride
  • 05-19-2016, 12:01 PM
Wow! Did you ever get your question answered? You can pm me and I will be glad to point you in what is hopefully the correct direction. Be safe