The original threAd that this topic appeared in was becoming badly hijacked, so I'm moving it here.
Original thread URL is:
and the fun starts on post #65
He has said that he is a Mod...more than once... and that this page proves it:
But he's not on that page. Not that I can see. He's implying I need his "help" to do that. And tells me to post screenshots of what I'm seeing to prove I'm not "lying." we go....
Warning: these shots are gonna be ugly. I do not advise the casual reader to even try....and you don't need to. This is mostly for Wakeup ...and maybe the Real Mods. It will be MUCH easier for you to just go to the URL I post above and scroll down through the entire page, looking for his name. If ya' find it....please post it here! But I'm thinckin you won't see it either.
Bit I digress.... My apologies for my ineptitude in posting these screenshots. I'm sure that there was some waaaay easier way to do this that I have overlooked, but I'm sick of arguing with this cuck and just want a clear answer.
It is easier if you right-click on the image and then select "Open Image in New Tab." Then.... if ya squint hard enuff...mebbe zoom a can make the names out.
Here is screenshot #1, which shows all of the "Moderators" up through the name "geecue"...