Prostitution conviction consequences?

If a massage parlor lady is convicted for first time prostitution, what would be the usual penalties, i.e. fine, incarceration?

Would she be put onto the sex offenders registry?

Thanks for any info.
ck1942's Avatar
Various state laws will apply.

imo, first offenses ususally a misdemeanor, but check the applicable statutes if you want more info.

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Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Due to variations in municipal laws, let alone differences between different states, along with not knowing exactly what charges have been filed, it's simply best to ask this question of a criminal atty in the county/state where the charge is and ask for an evaluation.
And, as charges at the top level of misdemeanors can have long term consequences, seriously consider hiring a respected atty that specializes in whatever the charge is.
normalguy21's Avatar
Some good advise above.

Haven known more than a hand full with charges ranging from simple shit to class c feloneys for pimping besides costing alot in atty fees they all go right back to it .

What i have seen is a more head strong approach to the all mighty dollar bigger better and badder geared up with IT techs and security and etc etc .

Makes me just stay home and jack off .

Trouble .

But then again what the F -Do i know ?
She loses her license.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Sex is a natural act. As long as two adults consent, who the fuck are you (the law) to tell people they can't fuck each other??

If it's done behind closed doors, again, who the fuck are you to say they can't?

What the fuck kind of laws are these that say two adults can't do what they want in their own privacy, that do no harm to anyone else? And this same authority let people kick old and poor people out of houses and starve them of basic human needs, but you wanna potentially throw people in jail fucking!

Way too many variables to answer, for many of the reasons stated above.

What I can tell you is that she should get the best lawyer she can afford who deals with these cases and fight to try to avoid a conviction. Period.
Oh, and I agree with Randall Creed - Prostitution should be decriminalized.
ck1942's Avatar

But until the P is made legal, we all need to be vary careful, of course.

Happy Hobbying!
That is why I enjoyed Europe when I was stationed there......they have houses in every city and every one knows what is going on and dont care. Sure there is a few right wingers who protest every once in a while, but even in Germany the command would only place a house off limits if there was drug or gang activity noted.

We as a society have less laws to protect us of from people who murdered Innocent people (Nevada, Sandy-hook) then we do against women who want to take part in the oldest profession.....older then JC himself!!

And before you jump all over me, I have a few weapons myself and dont like the gun laws in NYS from King Andy either
That is why I enjoyed Europe when I was stationed there......they have houses in every city and every one knows what is going on and dont care. Sure there is a few right wingers who protest every once in a while, but even in Germany the command would only place a house off limits if there was drug or gang activity noted.

We as a society have less laws to protect us of from people who murdered Innocent people (Nevada, Sandy-hook) then we do against women who want to take part in the oldest profession.....older then JC himself!!

And before you jump all over me, I have a few weapons myself and dont like the gun laws in NYS from King Andy either Originally Posted by soldierboy44
Agree, and now illegal aliens who have been deported 5 times are let off the hook for murder in San Francisco, but God forbid consenting adults agree to have sex, the horror!

Not sure of gun laws in SFran, but I suspect any US citizen that flashed one in that city would run into some pretty inconvenient problems. Illegal? Oh, let's make sure HE is properly affording HIS RIGHTS! Fing bleeding heart liberals. Makes me consider retiring to another country, the way our political correctness is turning the movie "Idiocracy" into prophecy!.
CONSULT AN ATTORNEY not a forum! Personally, I'd hire a bulldog. One mistake can set you free. Preferably, someone who's experienced with these kind of cases. A individual who's going to make sure all T's are crossed and I's are dotted. In my opinion, if im going down,im going to hit the ground running!
rcinokc's Avatar
Way too many variables to answer, for many of the reasons stated above.

What I can tell you is that she should get the best lawyer she can afford who deals with these cases and fight to try to avoid a conviction. Period. Originally Posted by LimitlessJD
Other thing to keep in mind, it could come up in a background check for employment etc.