Not the yield, the yield curve. It's Finance 101. So go ahead and explain it. Originally Posted by lustyladMaybe you can get President Bone Spurs to explain it to you.
I think his yield curve medal is right next to his 'Being neat' medal.

Thank you Obaminable .... for helping HillariousNoMore to lose. Originally Posted by LexusLoverGreat comment, LLiarMan.
Maybe you can get President Bone Spurs to explain it to you.Just as I thought. You have no clue. You're just a buzzword bozo. Worse than ekim the chimp. Yield curve, Laffer curve, Phillips curve, supply/demand curves, indifference curve, ignorance curve - they're all the same to a doofus like you. Find an economics article that sounds intelligent and post it here without comment, then prance around like a little faggot pretending you understand it. Just like ekim the chimp. You two jackasses are cut from the same cloth. Fucking buzzword bozos. All it takes is a simple question or a bet and you run for cover.
I think his yield curve medal is right next to his 'Being neat' medal. Originally Posted by WTF
Oh pulleeze... don't ask me to explain it. I can't even plot a straight line to wipe my ass, let alone an x-axis and a y-axis. Please don't embarrass me like that. It's just a hooker board. I can make-believe I am anything I want to be here. A homebuilder. A professor. A boss. A billionaire. Anything but a limpdick loser. Please don't ruin it. Don't pop my bubble. Don't expose me. Everyone on a hooker board is equally stupid, so it isn't just me.
Originally Posted by lustylad
Dude you have issues Originally Posted by WTFYes, you do! Acknowledging them is the first step to recovery. Just listen to yourself again...
"Dude" ....??? WhatThaFuckDoIKnow used the word "Dude"???????LL you have drank way to much Trump Kool-Aid. Lmao at how stupid you are
I guess SnitchOuter aka WTF ... is trying to "fit in" like a good "UC"...
...while he defends Federal LE for lying to a FISA Judge to wiretap Trump! Originally Posted by LexusLover
LL you have drank way to much Trump Kool-Aid. Lmao at how stupid you are Originally Posted by themysticActually, I haven't.
Right now the market seems to be heading in the wrong direction to 30K Originally Posted by WTFI think he was talking about the debt moving up with the new "middle class" tax cut. Same shit Bush did when he gave the " working man his money back" with the "rebate checks. He forgot to tell everyone about the massive tax breaks he gave to corporations. Some more of the " trickle down economics". We all know what happen. The money went to the rich and his personal wars in the middle east