The NRA, REPUBLICANS, DEPLORABLES, TRUMP, all have Florida blood on their hands!

StandinStraight's Avatar
HAHHAAA .. remember .. you asked for this!!

CNN Host Don Lemon's Sister Drowns in Fishing Accident

Father, Son Accidentally Drowned During Texas Fishing Trip



BAN ALL FISHING NOW!!!! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Fishing didn’t kill them water did , stay on the shore and Fish!
twjones74's Avatar
It's not the asult ride that is the problem their are thousands of guns that can fire multiple rounds it is the schools fault for not following procedure there is no way he should have even made it in the door to the school. I am a teacher myself and constantly see the administration breaking the rules on student safety. This is not a gun control issue it is a society issue
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Fishing didn’t kill them water did , stay on the shore and Fish! Originally Posted by StandinStraight

so outlaw swimming then u retard!

"According to police, the men were walking to a rock fishing spot when a 25-year-old man slipped and fell into the water."

well!! let's see what Professor Sparty Rabbit Fag wants to BAN:


so what's next? knitting needles? sounds a little far fetched doesn't it?

but wait !!!! what's this!!!!!!!!!

Yep! got to ban needles too!!!!!!

since the Air is so polluted, let's ban breathing too!!!
Hey a hole if you didn’t give your kids guns you wouldn’t need to teach them gun safety. All your doing is making it more likely that you will shoot them or they will shoot themselves or someone else. Do your kids a favor and get rid of your guns , unless of course you love your guns more than your kids, in that case keep them and teach them safety! Originally Posted by StandinStraight
Funny how you squawk to conservatives that the Government doesn't want to ban guns, but personally you're encouraging others to get rid of their guns. You're worried about eighteen year olds with guns. I am more worried about goof balls like you who are older than eighteen driving around in a three thousand pound bullet.

It's not the asult ride that is the problem their are thousands of guns that can fire multiple rounds it is the schools fault for not following procedure there is no way he should have even made it in the door to the school. I am a teacher myself and constantly see the administration breaking the rules on student safety. This is not a gun control issue it is a society issue Originally Posted by twjones74
I think "the ball" got dropped all the way down the "the yellow brick" for Cruz. Shame on the "powers to be" who allowed his infamy.
If the FBI didn't divert so many assets/resources chasing shadows, I.E.: Russian Collusion, they might have actually done their job and paid attention to this freak that was handed to them on a silver platter through their on hotline.
Keep protecting the NRA you moron conservative deplorable red neck losers! You would rather murder 17 kids in Florida than have a ban on military capable weapons or extreme vetting background checks on gun purchases. Trump even overturned Obama’s law that made it harder for the mentally ill to purchase guns, because he sucks NRA ass.

All of you that are against gun control should attend the funerals in Florida because you are partly responsible for the massacre. Originally Posted by StandinStraight
The media is also partially responsible.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Sarcasm alert:

It looks like we can start putting up the Confederate statues and change all the school names back to where they were.

It didn't work.

Let's see what group we can banish now.
Problem is that these idiots have been brain-washed to believe the AR stands for "Assault Rifle" instead of "ArmaLite Rifle". Originally Posted by SeekingFun69
Hell, most think any weapon firing more than 1 round, in a semi-auto fashion is an Assault weapon..

If the FBI didn't divert so many assets/resources chasing shadows, I.E.: Russian Collusion, they might have actually done their job and paid attention to this freak that was handed to them on a silver platter through their on hotline. Originally Posted by Muscleup
AND who's fault is that the FBI is so biased and weaponized against conservatives in that manner?? OBAMA!
LexusLover's Avatar
Hell, most think any weapon firing more than 1 round, in a semi-auto fashion is an Assault weapon.. Originally Posted by garhkal
It's an "appearance" issue to most of the opponents.

Dumb for the owner to brandish. Two dumbs make it right.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Another lie. You responded to my statement about your threat directed at me!

How ignorant can you get? It's too bad you don't get enough attention at home.

Do you keep count of the State's you've visited? Really? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Occasionally friends on Facebook share threads which ask others how many states and countries they've visited in their lifetimes. Interesting to see and compare notes.
LexusLover's Avatar
^^^Yea, the internet is always a reliable source of FACTS!

That's why I check passports.

You really need to get over yourself.
This whole thing is dumb!

First how dumb is it to blame Republicans for what one psycho did? Like blaming all Democrats that one wealthy person cheated on their taxes! Need more money control!! Thus no rich bastard get over on the government so in the future all money earned from all jobs will go to the government and after they take what they think is right, you can get a roll of toilet paper. Or is that called communism which we know does not work. Do not blame 50% of the people for one person's acts, called democracy. Not a good way to get an agenda approved.

African nations have few guns but still plenty of mass killings. Ever hear of the hacking off of limbs with machetes? Happened often in Rwanda, Congo, Liberia, and many more. Psycho people will kill, Unabomber, OKC bombing, 911, no guns used yet still mass killings.

They, the politicians, misdirect us and how stupid the people are to listen. The real issue here is if we allow the government to take our guns, then who is left with weapons? The government and we all know how they never fuck up anything, all their programs and systems work perfectly and protect all so much. Name one government program that works well, just one, dare you! The issue is done have a right to protect ourselves from foreign and domestic enemies. We do, hell, the enemy is already here, who executed 911 attacks, enemies within our borders. If guns were outlawed the government and the enemies will all have weapons while we sit and wait for our inevitable doom.

Wake up people! Stop with the polarization of our country. Stop depending on the government to fix your problems, fix them yourself. With freedom also comes responsibility. Wish I had some of both instead of socialists taking it all away. I lose responsibility but I also lose my freedom with each law passed.
This whole thing is dumb!

First how dumb is it to blame Republicans for what one psycho did? Like blaming all Democrats that one wealthy person cheated on their taxes! Need more money control!! Thus no rich bastard get over on the government so in the future all money earned from all jobs will go to the government and after they take what they think is right, you can get a roll of toilet paper. Or is that called communism which we know does not work. Do not blame 50% of the people for one person's acts, called democracy. Not a good way to get an agenda approved.

African nations have few guns but still plenty of mass killings. Ever hear of the hacking off of limbs with machetes? Happened often in Rwanda, Congo, Liberia, and many more. Psycho people will kill, Unabomber, OKC bombing, 911, no guns used yet still mass killings.

They, the politicians, misdirect us and how stupid the people are to listen. The real issue here is if we allow the government to take our guns, then who is left with weapons? The government and we all know how they never fuck up anything, all their programs and systems work perfectly and protect all so much. Name one government program that works well, just one, dare you! The issue is done have a right to protect ourselves from foreign and domestic enemies. We do, hell, the enemy is already here, who executed 911 attacks, enemies within our borders. If guns were outlawed the government and the enemies will all have weapons while we sit and wait for our inevitable doom.

Wake up people! Stop with the polarization of our country. Stop depending on the government to fix your problems, fix them yourself. With freedom also comes responsibility. Wish I had some of both instead of socialists taking it all away. I lose responsibility but I also lose my freedom with each law passed. Originally Posted by gentlemantoo
Thanks, that was a very good post.

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