Date: 7-22-19
Name: Lisa Nguyen
User ID:: 498267
Phone: She can provide
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://www.eccie.net/providers.php?do=view&id=498267
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Chinatown Area
Activities: Cbj, doggie, mish, cg, rcg, etc
Hair Length and Color: Past shoulders and black
Age: 37-43
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: For those that watch college football, NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND, as Lee Corso would say. No chance on earth she’s 28, if she’s 28 I’m still in high school. She is most definitely upper 30’s or older, I’d lay odds and bet on that.

Anyhow her description on her profile is pretty accurate outside of the age, perhaps she hit the “2” instead of the “3” when making her profile.
Recommendation: Yes
low end theory's Avatar
very entertaining review!
thank you for the honesty about her age

Way to dick her down dude!
ChrisPeteBacon's Avatar
Well, if she's from asia perhaps she listed her age in Celsius, not Fahrenheit. Hmmm....28 Celsius is...*calculator button pushing*..uhh,82 Fahrenheit? Nope, that can't be right either. I give up. Maths is hard.
Pyle1's Avatar
  • Pyle1
  • 07-23-2019, 08:50 AM
Wow, a provider lists her age younger than she actually is, I am shocked, SHOCKED!

How do you treat them when they are 20 pounds heavier than advertised?
loveitdou's Avatar
Thanks-Great Review
Good review but
Good review but Originally Posted by Me Chupo Bien
Well, I’m glad you know her as she’s a good performer.
However, that’s exactly how it played out.
The front room, so the dresser by the wall they have supplies, when I put her on the bed on all fours she was facing that wall, so she reached to the night stand and handed me the protection. There was no BJ to start, I went straight in doggie.
Thanks for the honesty. Ok Super IOP but much older than what she says she is and not cool with the bbbj - no cim. North of $300. I don’t see the attraction
mochamagicman2's Avatar
good shit op!
StevenSSmythe's Avatar
I just saw her and I concur on everything except I would say my recommendation is NO. She is above 40, and not the woman in the photos by far. She was not energetic at all and is not CIM etc. Her massage was terrible. There is no reason to give this woman the donation she is asking (maybe half would be okay).

Based upon other reviews, I wonder if there are 2+ women working together under this name?
There have been several there. Guess it's possible you may have seen a different lady.
RunTheCourse's Avatar

That's that shit right there bro
Mojojo's Avatar
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