Slow roll Nancy has arrived

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Nasty Nancy is announcing the "start" of an impeachment inquiry that has been going on for over a year. There will be no vote on impeachment. Nancy knows that she may be guaranteeing a Trump landslide in 2020. Every democrat who won in a GOP district is under a microscope and the voters have an alcohol solution to clean the slide. Every democrat who won in a district carried by Trump in 2016 will fitted with a blindfold and offered an E vape. Nancy does not have the votes so expect a lot of talk and a lot of foot dragging.
President Trump has got out the fiddle again.

The Democrats are too stupid to realize a trap has been set, and they are playing right into President Trumps hands.

He has even got some so called "moderate" Democrats to now jump on the impeachment bandwagon. These member are extremely vulnerable in their Districts.

The President wants former VP Biden's dealings with the Ukraine fully brought to light. It will now happen.

And he will get the Democrats to do it.

Collusion failed. Obstruction failed. Stormy failed. Ressession failed. Now they are marching toward the cliff of what ever the heck this is all about.

The definition of insanity is described as doing the exact same thing time and time again and expecting a different outcome.

The Democrats are obviously insane.
Hotrod511's Avatar
President Trump has got out the fiddle again.

The Democrats are too stupid to realize a trap has been set, and they are playing right into President Trumps hands.

He has even got some so called "moderate" Democrats to now jump on the impeachment bandwagon. These member are extremely vulnerable in their Districts.

Collusion failed. Obstruction failed. Stormy failed. Ressession failed. Now they are marching toward the cliff of what ever the heck this is all about.

The definition of insanity is described as doing the exact same thing time and time again and expecting a different outcome.

The Democrats are obviously insane. Originally Posted by Jackie S
deplorable's call it Winning
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
so Schiff will finally be presenting all that evidence he has?

gfejunkie's Avatar
President Trump just won re-election.
bambino's Avatar
Poor old lady could barely read her statement. They’ve been investigating Trumps ass hairs since he was sworn in. So she announced a fancy term, “Impeachment Inquiry”. It’s no different from what they’ve been doing since day one.
matchingmole's Avatar
Trump has been acting skeevy since day one
lustylad's Avatar
And you've had your skivvies all in a bunch since Day One, right moley?

matchingmole's Avatar
And you've had your skivvies all in a bunch since Day One, right moley? Originally Posted by lustylad
Day One?
themystic's Avatar
President Trump has got out the fiddle again.

The Democrats are too stupid to realize a trap has been set, and they are playing right into President Trumps hands.

He has even got some so called "moderate" Democrats to now jump on the impeachment bandwagon. These member are extremely vulnerable in their Districts.

The President wants former VP Biden's dealings with the Ukraine fully brought to light. It will now happen.

And he will get the Democrats to do it.

Collusion failed. Obstruction failed. Stormy failed. Ressession failed. Now they are marching toward the cliff of what ever the heck this is all about.

The definition of insanity is described as doing the exact same thing time and time again and expecting a different outcome.

The Democrats are obviously insane. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Jackie while you spout your political wisdom from the 38% camp, I want you to remember 62% of Americans know that your President is a crook and a traitor. I'm so proud of Nancy. I hope you and your friends in Russia, Nork Korea, Saudi Arabia and who knows where else, find a way to convince us 62% of real Americans that you aren't traitors. No obstruction?, no Stormy? no Collusions? no crimes? No more free pass buddy
lustylad's Avatar
Jackie while you spout your political wisdom... I want you to remember 62% of Americans... find a way to convince us 62% of real Americans... Originally Posted by themystic
Moscow Mystic is saying - with 62% of Americans patriotically opposed to impeachment, why are the dim-retards still hell-bent on proceeding with it??
themystic's Avatar
^^^ Moscow Mystic is saying - even though 62% of Americans are patriotically opposed to impeachment, the dim-retards are still hell-bent on proceeding with it! Originally Posted by lustylad
You and your crowd are the ones who keep defending Trump and Russia and every other foreign government. You're not allowed to use the word patriotically. Like Nancy said, this isn't a happy day. Things are going to get worse for both sides but Im sure as fuck glad that Nancy did what she did. You might have a lot of redeeming qualities Lad, but patriot isn't one of them boy
lustylad's Avatar
I'm a dyed-in-the-wool patriot who cares deeply about my country. You're a hysterical partisan ready to shred the Constitution and sell this country down the river for the most meager of political gains.

You should pray that someday soon they will find a cure for your Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's a debilitating disease that causes you to traitorously choose party over country again and again and again.
You and your crowd are the ones who keep defending Trump and Russia and every other foreign government. You're not allowed to use the word patriotically. Like Nancy said, this isn't a happy day. Things are going to get worse for both sides but Im sure as fuck glad that Nancy did what she did. You might have a lot of redeeming qualities Lad, but patriot isn't one of them boy Originally Posted by themystic

A lot of people are undoubtedly "sure as fuck glad" that Nancy did what she did.

The problem for you and your fellow travelers is that most of them aren't Democrats.
Like GFE said. My man Trump just got reelected. It is amazing to watch the Dems go into the mousetrap. Trump is just putting a little cheese out there and look at those idiots going for it. This is gonna get good folks. Real good.