mini mike vs. trump

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Clay Media's Avatar
Mini Mike....worthless kike!
What does his being Jewish have to do with anything troll? He's a nanny-state, big government leftist.
HoeHummer's Avatar
Mini Mike....worthless kike! Originally Posted by Clay Media
Keep trying, big shooter. They’re goings to get yous sooner or later.

Great thread. Especially since Bloombergs has left the race. But the OP probably thinks Trump’s superiority cost Bloomberg the nomination, as opposed to the millions who saw through his cash dump.

Matters not. Bloomberg’s money isn’t done with Trump. Neither is Steyer’s, Klobuchar’s or Warren’s.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Keep trying, big shooter. They’re goings to get yous sooner or later.

Great thread. Especially since Bloombergs has left the race. But the OP probably thinks Trump’s superiority cost Bloomberg the nomination, as opposed to the millions who saw through his cash dump.

Matters not. Bloomberg’s money isn’t done with Trump. Neither is Steyer’s, Klobuchar’s or Warren’s. Originally Posted by HoeHummer

are yous twiddly your twat? better stop doign that.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-07-2020, 04:04 PM
mini mike vs. trump . Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

you're definitely not talking about bank accounts...

They’re goings to get yous sooner or later. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
They haven't got yous yet ASSWIPE...WHY??
HoeHummer's Avatar
They haven't got yous yet ASSWIPE...WHY?? Originally Posted by bb1961
Because you’re an ignorant, inbred cunt?

They can have me whenever they want. That’s what your mum said when I caught her bent over the stump last time I was down south.

Maybe the glove didn’t fit. Maybe they’ve got nothing.

Stop and consider that maybe yous are all wrong, fucking loser.


One star.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
you're definitely not talking about bank accounts...

Originally Posted by WTF

of course not... bahaahahahahhha