Americans at World Health Organization transmitted real-time information about coronavirus to Trump administration

lustylad's Avatar

You provide a link to your claim and I'll post one to mine.
Just kidding. You can keep pretending you have one. Here is mine.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Go to bed, munchy. Sleep it off. Your link doesn't work:

"Sorry, we can’t seem to find the page you’re looking for."
Just curious, did all you Eccie medical experts graduate from the trump university of medicine....are you still obligated to repay your student loans from the trump foundation.

If I were holding the bag of shit the great leader sold his students I’d drop it from the roof of a building onto one of the Alex Jones protestors. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
You're so delusional you act like you have a degree in everything. But the harsh reality is you're nothing but a dumb fuck who has done nothing but put out grass fires. Go do some real research for a change instead of just running your big mouth.
I've never heard of the Post being called a prescription before but I can see the analogy.
Read 2 articles first thing in the morning and repeat as needed throughout the day for trump/trumpy dishonesty syndrome (TDS).
Interesting that trumpys advocate the use of hydroxychloroquine but avoid the use of the Post.
If only they would share their research into the unrealibility of the Post.
But then you have to have proof before you can show it to others.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You're another dummy with his head up his ass. Is that all you cucks do is think about Trump.
lustylad's Avatar
So now we know where BWK got the story... but his dyslexia caused him to get the story backwards. So going forward, when you read a post by BWK, just transpose the "from and to" and maybe, maybe, you'll get the story straight but I wouldn't count on it. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You're cracking me up, HF!

The TDS is strong with blissnpissboy! And dyslexia is a complicating disorder!

Given their obvious co-morbidities which put them both at the highest risk for covid-19, dickmuncher and blissnpissboy are hereby ordered to shelter in place until 2029!

Jaxson66's Avatar
You're so delusional you act like you have a degree in everything. But the harsh reality is you're nothing but a dumb fuck who has done nothing but put out grass fires. Go do some real research for a change instead of just running your big mouth. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Aww, what’s wrong little trumpy has the great leader let you down?

People are saying the one suffering from delusions of grander is the great leader and therefore the followers of the chosen one are suffering from the same sickness.

Now, I wouldn’t know, not having a degree in internet medicine from the trump university. But my personal observations of the great leaders daily infomercial lead me to agree with the real world medical professionals...the great leader is bat shit crazy, of course they worded their evaluations in a more professional manner.

Those who wish to follow the great leader by protesting and risking out breaks shouldn’t walk very close to tall buildings...they could be walking under bags of shit being tossed out. Well, that’s what some people are strongly voicing in regards to counter protests. I predict when the shit begins reigning down on the protesters skulls they will hurry back to their safe zones of Twitter and Facebook searching for the next self proclaimed chosen one.

Btw...I’d crawl through a burning Walmart distribution center to vote against comb over Caligula. A deadly virus won’t keep me away from the polls.
Aww, what’s wrong little trumpy has the great leader let you down?

People are saying the one suffering from delusions of grander is the great leader and therefore the followers of the chosen one are suffering from the same sickness.

Now, I wouldn’t know, not having a degree in internet medicine from the trump university. But my personal observations of the great leaders daily infomercial lead me to agree with the real world medical professionals...the great leader is bat shit crazy, of course they worded their evaluations in a more professional manner.

Those who wish to follow the great leader by protesting and risking out breaks shouldn’t walk very close to tall buildings...they could be walking under bags of shit being tossed out. Well, that’s what some people are strongly voicing in regards to counter protests. I predict when the shit begins reigning down on the protesters skulls they will hurry back to their safe zones of Twitter and Facebook searching for the next self proclaimed chosen one.

Btw...I’d crawl through a burning Walmart distribution center to vote against comb over Caligula. A deadly virus won’t keep me away from the polls. Originally Posted by Jaxson66
Vote for who ever you want. You might even get your chance to vote against Trump in a Walmart since they'll probably be open in November while everything else will probably still be closed.
At the same time Trump was calling it a health emergency the dems like Pelosi, Schumer, and De Blasio were telling people to party and enjoy themselves. No matter how much you squawk like a chicken the dems are still holding the shit bag.
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 08:28 AM
TRBC - +1
Fascist DPST's Lie and Deny - and their narrative swilling idiots parrot their WaPo propaganda.

Pathetic how mind-controlled they are.
HoeHummer's Avatar
TRBC - +1
Fascist DPST's Lie and Deny - and their narrative swilling idiots parrot their WaPo propaganda.

Pathetic how mind-controlled they are. Originally Posted by oeb11
Why don’t yous curtail the fomenting and start providing proof of your tedious and droning mantra, oebsy?

Yous are so much worse than yous accuse anybody else of being on this board.

Put up or shut up, man. You’re ten-ply.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...I’d crawl through a burning Walmart distribution center ... Originally Posted by Jaxson66

And it would be our pleasure, if we can carpet the center with broken glass first and enjoy some brewskis while yo do? Cheers mate
bambino's Avatar
Vote for who ever you want. You might even get your chance to vote against Trump in a Walmart since they'll probably be open in November while everything else will probably still be closed. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Home Depot, Lowe’s and pharmacies are open. And if you’re lucky enough to live in some state’s, the liquor stores are still open. Who knows, you might meet Munchie or EC9500 there.
  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 08:38 AM
j66- why not sell tickets - and donate the proceeds to the Chinese Communist Party U DPST"s all revere and want to serve!
who knows - possible profits might range between $1-9!
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
If they secretly deleted it, how do you know? Link to your proof?... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

You can also look up: When Tedros Moves His Lips, Beijing Speaks

On February 15, 2020, the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, addressed the Munich Security Conference. At that time, there were only about 60K cases of COVID-19 in China and about 500 in the rest of the world. Tedros was more concerned with misinformation than with containment. In his address, he said:

“We’re not just fighting an epidemic; we’re fighting an infodemic. Fake news spreads faster and more easily than this virus, and is just as dangerous.” And if we don’t tackle this, he went on, “we are headed down a dark path that leads nowhere but division and disharmony.”

Here is Good o' Boy Ted with his crew:

That is not say ol' Ted ain't a giver. In fact, he's just flush with other peoples $$ and spreads it around. For example:

HRC political office vs. donations to the Clinton Foundation. In 2016, Tedros brokered a $100 million donation to the Clinton foundation. Within a few months, he became the director-general of the WHO. In 2017, Bill Clinton described Tedros as “one of the ablest public servants I ever worked with.”

Before I forget, at that very same conference in Munich, Chris Murphy (D-CT), known hair on fire loudmouth (sounds like you somehow), was meeting with the FM of Iran, a designated state sponsor of terrorism, much like the senator himself. There were a couple others with ol' Crissy-boy.

  • oeb11
  • 04-20-2020, 09:05 AM
WYID - Thanks - Tedros has made the WHO a CCP stooge and mouthpiece.

Nothing more
I support Trump's action - we need to shut off funds - if the CCP wants the WHO - let them support it.
Same for most of the UN - taken over by hostile entities to freedom and America.

We should stop all funding. But do not pull out - we need to maintain the Security council seat - remember what happened when the Commies walked out and the Korean Conflict was voted on.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...We should stop all funding. But do not pull out.... Originally Posted by oeb11

Agree. They are totally comp'd. However, I highly recommend against the above strategy with regards to the hard working providers on this board.