
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Bad position Willie!!!
Makes one wonder if you are then a pimp, bible thumping nutcase or a screw!!!..... Originally Posted by Zollner
I'll narrow it down for you. I'm agnostic.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
fify Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
It must have worked. He's silly.
Zollner's Avatar
I'll narrow it down for you. I'm agnostic. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
A Fence sitter who can't make up his mind!!! Telling....LOL
Zollner's Avatar
fify Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Willie Wanker's Avatar
A Fence sitter who can't make up his mind!!! Telling....LOL Originally Posted by Zollner
Not really. I'm not a believer, not on the fence at all. I have no evidence to believe otherwise.
I do appreciate Jude-Christian values though.
Zollner's Avatar
I do appreciate Jude-Christian values though. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Most of them were nothing new and merely copied over from ancient Greco/Roman times.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Most of them were nothing new and merely copied over from ancient Greco/Roman times. Originally Posted by Zollner
Went to Catholic schools, but never. bought into the idea of faith. I need evidence to believe in anything. The only reason I don't. call myself an Atheist is because nothing is beyond the realm of possibility. If a magic man descends from the sky to pay me a visit, I might be convinced.
Zollner's Avatar
W If a magic man descends from the sky to pay me a visit, I might be convinced. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
They did!
They were those 'Ancient Aliens' as documented in their TV Shows. All cultures seem to have matching stories in this regards.
well that certainly explains a lot....
Zollner's Avatar
well that certainly explains a lot.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Sorry if you can't keep up, Must of gone to TU didn't ya when you were a bit slimmer....LOL

Willie Wanker's Avatar
They did!
They were those 'Ancient Aliens' as documented in their TV Shows. All cultures seem to have matching stories in this regards. Originally Posted by Zollner
Lol. Those shows are entertaining as well as the paranormal shows. "In Search Of" was one of my favorite shows as a kid. All of my friends were into watching sports on TV. I was into music, guitars, paranormal, and building Estes Rockets.
Zollner's Avatar
"In Search Of" Shows are still on the 56 Channels and up, I believe. You just need a simple plain rabbit ears antenna hooked up to see them.
elghund's Avatar
I was waiting for one of the review Nazi's to "call me out"
I don't plan on doing any reviews. I'm only here to trade barbs with guys like you. Originally Posted by Willie Wanker
Barb? Barb who?

Rates? Bra size? Overnights? Clean incall?

Askin’ fer a friend.......

Willie Wanker's Avatar
Barb? Barb who?

Rates? Bra size? Overnights? Clean incall?

Askin’ fer a friend.......

elg....... Originally Posted by elghund
Sorry, that review is unavailable. 🤐
Zollner's Avatar
Not doing reviews ruins your creds....just one more question....are you in the hobby???