cuntservatives be the real morons ..Steve Bannon needs more of your money. Originally Posted by keeponrisinlol. the leftist howler monkeys in that cesspool the Political forum jumped on Bannon's recent travails. who cares.
id watch every night if
they put the stammering fool up on stage
for 1 and a half hours
it be fucking hilarious
cannot wait for the debates
those rating will be through the roof
although sleepy stammmmerin joe is searching for a way outta them or
I mean whoever is pulling those strings Originally Posted by JONBALLS
btw any one watch last nightWatching paint dry would be more exciting and actually accomplishes something.
as no Blah blah up date here yet
thank god its over tonight
rats then another fucking fucked up week mmmmm even if my party Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
To much smoke to know what is going on so far on the USPO
Dems pointing at Trump
but at the local level mail delivery slowdown look as ordered by Democrats
NYS primary voting fraud at local level looks to mostly no all but mostly Democrat
Monroe County closing and combining where to vote, and mail in fuck ups, and wrong ballot fuck ups look to be by Democrat
its a fucking mess Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
So the Democrats fired a perfectly capable Postmaster General in order to put in place a multi-million dollar trump campaign contributor who has zero experience in the Post Office? And then they ordered a slowdown? It makes perfect sense now.
The only smoke is what trump blows up the asses of his cult aka "base". Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Louis DeJoy is the 75th Postmaster General of the United States and the Chief Executive Officer of the world's largest postal organization. Appointed by the Governors of the Postal Service, DeJoy began his tenure as Postmaster General in June 2020.
The Board of Governors of the United States Postal Service is the governing body of the United States Postal Service (USPS).[1] The board oversees the activities of the Postal Service, while the postmaster general actively manages its day-to-day operations.[2]
The board directs "the exercise of the power" of the Postal Service, controls its expenditures and reviews its practices and policies.[3] It consists of 11 members, 6 are requisite to achieve an ordinary quorum. Of the 11 board members, 9 are the presidentially-appointed governors, 1 is the postmaster general, and 1 is the deputy postmaster general. The 9 governors elect the postmaster general, the chairman of the board as well as the USPS inspector general; the governors and the postmaster general elect the deputy postmaster general. No more than five governors may be adherents of the same political party. The board also has the power to remove all of these officers.[4]
The board has not been fully staffed since 2010stop
The board has not been fully staffed since 2010.[4] On November 14, 2014 (with effect on February 1, 2015), the board appointed Megan Brennan postmaster general, to succeed Patrick R. Donahoe. In December 2014, the extended term of Mickey D. Barnett was to expire, while the Senate had still not confirmed five nominees submitted by President Obama.[6] Just prior to the loss of its quorum, the board delegating its authority to a “Temporary Emergency Committee“ (TEC) comprising the board members for the time being, with the same authority as the board had with 9 appointed members, but without the quorum requirement.[7] After December 2014, there were three appointed board members (James Bilbray, Ellen Williams and Louis J. Giuliano) as well as the postmaster general, Patrick R. Donahoe, and the deputy PMG, Ronald A. Stroman, a total of five of the 11 members, and not enough to constitute a quorum. Megan Brennan became ex officio member of the board on February 1, 2015. The extended terms of Ellen Williams and Louis J. Giuliano both expired in December 2015, and James Bilbray became the sole remaining appointed member.[4] His nine-year term was extended by one year and he ceased to be a member in December 2016. At that point there were no appointed members on the board,[8] and the PMG (Megan Brennan) and deputy PMG (Ronald A. Stroman) made up the TEC.
In October 2017, President Donald Trump nominated three individuals to the board: Robert (Mike) Duncan, a former White House official during the George W. Bush administration, Calvin Tucker, and David Williams, former USPS inspector general.[8] On August 28, 2018, the Senate confirmed Mike Duncan as chairman, and David Williams, as vice-chairman.[9] On November 29, 2018, the governors appointed Tammy L. Whitcomb the USPS inspector general.[10]
On August 1, 2019, the Senate confirmed three more nominations, allowing the board to reach a quorum for the first time since 2014. The new members are Ron Bloom and Roman Martinez IV, both former investment bankers, and John Barger, former director of the Investment and Retirement Boards of the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association, the country’s largest pension fund.[11]
In March 2020, President Trump nominated Donald L. Moak to replace Alan C. Kessler[12] (who had resigned in July 2011)[13] and William D. Zollars was nominated to replace James Bilbray (who had ceased being a member in December 2016). David C. Williams resigned from the board on April 30, 2020, and Ronald A. Stroman resigned on June 1, 2020, as deputy PMG. On June 15, 2020, the TEC, comprising five members, selected Louis DeJoy to succeed Megan Brennan as Postmaster General (PMG). The Senate confirmed both nominations on June 18, 2020. As at August 2020, the board had six appointed members plus the PMG, sufficient to constitute a quorum on the board. Five of the board members are Republicans.
Cashing in? Can you say trump organization? Or emoluments clause? Originally Posted by woodywouldpekheryou have no idea of the true origins of the emoluments clause. that much is clear. all it is to you is ORANGE MAN BAD!
you have no idea of the true origins of the emoluments clause. that much is clear. all it is to you is ORANGE MAN BAD!
just another false talking point of the far left.
the true origin of this clause is Ben Franklin. who btw was never president. he was GIFTED .. an ornate snuff box by King Louie .. before he lost his head. literally. when Trump has foreign nationals who happen to hold positions in governments of other nations stay at his hotels it is not a gift. the fact that his properties make a profit is irrelevant. a profit is not a pure gift. did ya know that several of the early presidents, like Washington and Jefferson and others, continued to trade with England while they were president? yes they did. was that a violation of the emoluments clause? nope. if it was then why weren't they charged under it?
I'll post this article .. not because I agree with the author's incorrect interpretation but because it details the true origin of the clause. it should be noted that Benji was allowed to keep the snuff box.
and that his family, against his express wishes, immediately began stripping diamonds from it for money. exactly what Franklin didn't want. today the box is mostly worthless. only one diamond remains on the box, where there had been dozens if not over a hundred. a few have been retuned but the box today is a stripped down worthless piece of junk. if it had been left intact, as Franklin wanted, it would easily be worth millions today. it could easily be worth far more than say a Faberge egg, of which there are several where this snuff box is unique. and the Faberge eggs are a contemporary example of ornate items of that period.
But what happened to the snuff box?
Franklin’s daughter, Sarah, initially complied with the conditions. But once it was in her hands, the snuff box was slowly dismantled. She removed the outer ring of diamonds to finance an excursion to France, according to the American Philosophical Society, the current custodian of the box. In the years that followed, the gift passed from mother to daughter, with each generation plucking diamonds from the snuff box. Diamonds were given to family members or sold to finance pet projects. By the mid-20th century, only one diamond remained, though a few of the originals have made their way back in. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid