At one coronavirus task force meeting, Troye claimed that Trump suggested "maybe this Covid thing is a good thing. I don't like shaking hands with people. I don't have to shake hands with these disgusting people," Troye claimed Trump said at the meeting.I agree with Trump, So lets not shake on that errrr yuck
Ok, so i was wrong - he doesn't think you're "gullible saps", he thinks you're a bunch of "disgusting people".
I only point this out because i care. Originally Posted by Doove
But i never said it, ya brainiac. I was pointing out that other people were saying it. Try to keep up. Oh, and i would suggest you check out post #23. So, um, nice try.
You didn't point out that others were saying it. You said it with your logical fallacy. And what does a Patton quote in #23 have to do with anything we are talking about.
And while i will concede that "analogy" wasn't the best term for me to use, i did explicitly point out how it was a proper comparison. So no, it wasn't a false equivalency.
What you posted was the textbook definition of a false equivalency. Not only wasn't analogy the best term to use, it shows a total ignorance of what an analogy is.
Now, where is your admonishment to Waco Kid for saying that being killed in combat doesn't make someone a hero? Or are you just another phoney Trumper with no actual values beyond defending Trump and insulting people who see him for the con artist that he is? Who is not beyond using the Don Holleders of the world when it suits you, and ignoring them when it doesn't? Come on, genius, you referred to me as being mental for something i never said, and you now refuse to even address the person who actually and proudly *did* say it? Man up, tough guy. Originally Posted by Doove
Fact check: Biden, like Trump, received multiple draft deferments from Vietnam
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You are aware of Biden's FIVE deferments for asthma, correct??
trump is a draft dodger. This fact is accepted as truth by all simply because he is so lacking in even a thread of human decency it's easy to accept it as truth. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
I'm not gonna go back and copy quotes and paste them here again to prove who said what and when. You got your panties in a huff because you thought i said the war dead weren't heroes when i, in fact, said no such thing. Then you not only said nothing against someone on your side who actually did say it, you twisted yourself in a knot defending it.again n again n again n again n again etc till ya all
Says everything we need to know. This thread is a perfect example of how you people would be acting if Democrats acted like Trump. But since it's Trump...
And i explained the comparison i made, explicitly. Just throwing out the term "logical fallacy" doesn't make it a logical fallacy. You've got nothing. Originally Posted by Doove
The difference is in the moral character (or lack thereof) of each man.You can hang that other guy on that but not my guy even if true ????
trump is a draft dodger. This fact is accepted as truth by all simply because he is so lacking in even a thread of human decency it's easy to accept it as truth. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
I'm not gonna go back and copy quotes and paste them here again to prove who said what and when.You obviously don't understand the english language. I'm not just "throwing out terms. Unlike you, I can back up what I say.
Translation: "I've got nothing"
You got your panties in a huff because you thought i said the war dead weren't heroes when i, in fact, said no such thing. Then you not only said nothing against someone on your side who actually did say it, you twisted yourself in a knot defending it.
I did not defend him. Maybe you could show me where I did, but you've already alluded to the fact that you cannot defend what you write.
Says everything we need to know. This thread is a perfect example of how you people would be acting if Democrats acted like Trump. But since it's Trump...
And i explained the comparison i made, explicitly. Just throwing out the term "logical fallacy" doesn't make it a logical fallacy. You've got nothing. Originally Posted by Doove
The difference is in the moral character (or lack thereof) of each man.
trump is a draft dodger. This fact is accepted as truth by all simply because he is so lacking in even a thread of human decency it's easy to accept it as truth. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
You are aware of Biden's FIVE deferments for asthma, correct??
The same Joe Biden that played football and was a paid lifeguard..... That Draft Dodging Joe Biden..... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Biden is a draft dodger. you can't call it a character issue with Trump without it also being a character issue with Biden.
all this means is that like a lot of other people at the time, including Bill Clinton for one, they didn't want to go to Vietnam. not many people did.
Clinton by the way did far worse than merely taking deferments. he actually applied for ROTC candidacy with the intention of delaying getting drafted until he knew he wouldn't have a high likelihood of being drafted then dropped out. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
You really should try to keep up. See # 72. That lead to my posting:so pot, black, kettle?
The difference is in the moral character (or lack thereof) of each man.
trump is a draft dodger. This fact is accepted as truth by all simply because he is so lacking in even a thread of human decency it's easy to accept it as truth. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher