ever notice

the average leftist( "dog cunt" ) "rally" , roughly ?, what? ,,, 300 people?

average dementia Joe rally , what ? 6 people? 800 crickets?
a MAGA rally ,, full to capacity what? 5k conservatively?

wonder what happens when Trump rally meets dog cunt rally?
Plastic Man's Avatar
the leftist dog cunts go home ...to mommy withs ...plastic mans ...size 13 up their shitters
offshoredrilling's Avatar
rally???? call em protests so c19 free
Willie Wanker's Avatar
rally???? call em protests so c19 free Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
The only protests that are truly peaceful lately.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-03-2020, 08:39 AM
the leftist dog cunts go home ...to mommy withs ...plastic mans ...size 13 up their shitters Originally Posted by Plastic Man
And Trumpers go to the hospitals with.....Donald Trump's.....Covid 19 up their shitters
Plastic Man's Avatar
afraids a the sniffles
...ol doof stays inside
...jerkin through a hanky
...likes a well trained commie stooge

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-03-2020, 10:16 AM
afraids a the sniffles
...ol doof stays inside
...jerkin through a hanky
...likes a well trained commie stooge
Originally Posted by Plastic Man
What kind of snowflake, effeminate pretend tough guy goes to the hospital and takes experimental medications for.......the sniffles?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
What kind of snowflake, effeminate pretend tough guy goes to the hospital and takes experimental medications for.......the sniffles? Originally Posted by Doove
even the left wing news says he is doing well

what does the far far far left news CNN saying????