may she RIP

offshoredrilling's Avatar
ya protesters can't even have a peaceful funeral
Plastic Man's Avatar
offshoredrilling's Avatar
yup LOL ^^^
holey shit

we go from Ruth Buzzy


Amy Conan the Barbarian!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
The GOAT swinging from the hip on ACB.

Plays a quick clip of an over-shrill black transvestite on MSNBC screeching about Hussein Care.

Segues into Bill Maher, generally considered rational by the standards of left-wing scumbag democrats, degrading only himself on the topic of ACBs religious beliefs.

All of this is an example of ineffectively attacking a woman who is easily more accomplished than the activist cunt that she's replacing when she was confirmed, because ACB is too much of a woman for their sexually ambiguous preferences.

Racist Mazie Horono, a dumb hateful twat who despises America, somehow believes it's OK to discriminate against Christians and speak openly about it on television.

Chuck Schumer is probably the most transparent and hideous of them all besides Hirono.

The GOAT is not going easy on these pieces of excrement for their twisted racist and sexist beliefs.

I'm trying to imagine how these warthogs would be framing this if the great ACB were a democrat which she has demonstrated over and over that she is not stupid enough to be.

I wish my daughter was old enough to understand what these trashy subhumans actually are. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski must be feeling spectacular about themselves right about now.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Lol. I aways look forward to NBT's Tucker replay.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
I'm glad Trump selected ACB and not Ted Cruz. Cruz performance on the View was unimpressive. He missed a golden opportunity.
If he can't handle a few bitter old lefty hags, then I'm doubtful he would do well being attacked by the democrat firing squad in a senate hearing.
Not all of us will agree here. It's good to hear the opinions of both sides. I do agree in filling her seat before the election. I believe both sides play political bullshit games and both parties stretch the constitution to fit there needs. As far as communism, we are more communist now then Russia started out as in 1917. I don't know how much can be done to reverse that in 4 more years. I'd like to find out for sure, but the left will riot and protest and fight like hell to prevent the old style America from coming bavk
both sides would be doing the same thing and

its in both sides right to nominate the next judge.

they just didn't play this one out correctly

Ruth Buzzy was 10000 years old ,

they thought killary clitoris was a lock to win

they should have retired the old hag DURING bacock oblama s administration

but they were too preoccupied on weaponizing

the IRS

the DOJ

the FBI
. I'd like to find out for sure, but the left will riot and protest and fight like hell to prevent the old style America from coming bavk Originally Posted by Bigdaddy14606
so what , let them burn down their own shitty democrat run rat holes
it not gonna happen in red states

they don't have the numbers

look at a protest /riot compared to just one Trump rally in just numbers

you just cant give them total control of government

unless they can force you to comply through government policy

the majority is going to tell them to go take a shit
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 10-03-2020, 08:43 AM
Looks like she didn't die in vain.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Looks like she didn't die in vain. Originally Posted by Doove

but safe now ????
so what , let them burn down their own shitty democrat run rat holes
it not gonna happen in red states

they don't have the numbers Originally Posted by JONBALLS
There are no Republican cities, the red states have cities with 40,000 population and the biggest are 250,000 every now and then...

never made any sense when trump says this blue city, of 4 million, of 2.2 million, of 8 million....

The cities Republicans run, are in the red, and its only a handful of people. Meanwhile those cities with millions of wealthy democrats give their money to the government for redistribution to those tiny mis-managed red states....

care to tell me how great the republicans are at running cities when they can't get their books even without federal finances... the democrats manage multi million populations and lose 33% of collected revenue to the federal government.... talk about setting up for failure...

please sift through all republican cities and see if you can the the two with 7 figure population, lol
Next Best Thing's Avatar
I'm just as glad today as I was 2 1/2 weeks ago that this vile bitch is dead.