Dementia Joe - lying, race baiting, crippled embarrassment

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Hey dead is dead. Obfuscation is not needed nor

No need to go getting all Twatter Cuckson on us.
Whenever people in real life started complaining about President Trump I would ask them to name just 1 thing he did that negatively hurt their livelihood , standard of living and so on....just 1 thing ,shouldn't be hard, should be more than 1 judging from the anger spewing...
Originally Posted by JONBALLS

I'll go with the negative impact trump has had (still) on the livelihood of the capital rioters who are being held without bail. To some, many, it will affect their livelihood for a long, long time.
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At least now we know for sure why Z usually sticks to posting cartoons.

Spectacular job Z.
By that same parameter you have to admit demagogue don did the same but 10 times worse, since in the end they all are dead. Originally Posted by Zollner
Actually, it's your hero the false prophet Dr. Fauci that shoulders the blame. Since you libs are so sure that masks prevent the virus, then you would have to admit that your favorite Dr. telling people that masks do no good is the main reason why there are so many deaths. If masks work, then if everyone wore a mask from day one there wouldn't have been the explosion of cases early on. Fauci lied and people died. Isn't that how the libs would phrase it?
Actually, it's your hero the false prophet Dr. Fauci that shoulders the blame. Since you libs are so sure that masks prevent the virus, then you would have to admit that your favorite Dr. telling people that masks do no good is the main reason why there are so many deaths. If masks work, then if everyone wore a mask from day one there wouldn't have been the explosion of cases early on. Fauci lied and people died. Isn't that how the libs would phrase it? Originally Posted by big daddio
First of all, let's not forget that trump was lying to everyone about the severity of the virus. "I didn't want to cause a panic" he said. What he meant was he didn't want to fuck up his reelection campaign.

And there's this:

As Fauci told the Washington Post, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks were not recommended for the general public, as authorities were trying to prevent a mask shortage for health workers and the extent of asymptomatic spread was unknown.
There's been approx 30 million cases out of 330 million Americans....
So about 10% of the population has tested positive (NOT gotten sick -- merely tested positive)


10% qualifies as a pandemic?
And where's Dovlin when we're talking facts... he always seems to disappear....
First of all, let's not forget that trump was lying to everyone about the severity of the virus. "I didn't want to cause a panic" he said. What he meant was he didn't want to fuck up his reelection campaign.

No reason to think people would panic? Perhaps you forgot how difficult it was to find toilet paper and how the grocery shelves were bare. Imagine how much worse it could have been if the President told everyone that we are facing a catastrophe.

And there's this:

As Fauci told the Washington Post, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks were not recommended for the general public, as authorities were trying to prevent a mask shortage for health workers and the extent of asymptomatic spread was unknown. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
So he couldn't care less about us peons. And he was actually correct at the time. Masks may prevent a few droplets but offer no real protection.
"As Fauci told the Washington Post, at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, masks were not recommended for the general public, as authorities were trying to prevent a mask shortage for health workers and the extent of asymptomatic spread was unknown."

So Fauci is an expert, but doesn't know that most, if not all viruses are spread by people that show no symptons. Perhaps he should read up on viruses a little bit. Here's one about the flu from 7 years ago. Why would the so-called expert think that the latest virus would not act like every other virus?
big daddio for surgeon general....
I'll go with the negative impact trump has had (still) on the livelihood of the capital rioters who are being held without bail. To some, many, it will affect their livelihood for a long, long time. Originally Posted by woodywouldpekher
Triple mask

Especially when driving alone

And STAY in your house
big daddio for surgeon general.... Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar

Thanks, but I only do breast exams.
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Originally Posted by Paulie Rockstar
Makes as much sense as anything posted by any of the self-loathing democrat party apologists on this thread or anywhere else.

Kudlow is calmly dismantling Dementia Joe and Gay Pete as we speak.

I understand that it's impossible for these poor people to confess to buyer's remorse yet, but let's just all wake up and smell the java.
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