So, you still think Covid came from Bats?

winn dixie's Avatar
What is the point of the thread? I really doubt it came from a Bat or wet market. Most likely a leak in the Lab. And?

Is it a discredit Faucci thread? Are you mad that he didn't identify it as a Wuhan leak early?

You know China wouldn't let anyone in to investigate, right? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
What is the point of the thread? I really doubt it came from a Bat or wet market. Most likely a leak in the Lab. And?

Is it a discredit Faucci thread? Are you mad that he didn't identify it as a Wuhan leak early?

You know China wouldn't let anyone in to investigate, right? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I agree it didn't come from a Wet Market. I also believe the virus originated from a Lab. But I have a problem with people thinking the virus escaped or was leaked into the population through some sort of negligence or accident. I am not buying this big "ooops" theory bullshit. This was all done by design. The exact mode in which this was achieved will eventually be revealed and a bogus vaccine program is not a far fetch notion. Communist Countries are good for that sort of thing.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I still don't think it came from a lab. The chances are just too great that it mutated all on it's own and spread to humans just like 99.99% of all other viruses. Does it need more investigation, of course, just to shut up all the paranoid people out there that are already convinced that there must be a reason for the pandemic that's not simply evolution or the hand of god.

However the Chinese government will never let that happen for all sorts of reasons. The primary one is that they don't want to participate in a story that they can't control.
winn dixie's Avatar
I still don't think it came from a lab. The chances are just too great that it mutated all on it's own and spread to humans just like 99.99% of all other viruses. Does it need more investigation, of course, just to shut up all the paranoid people out there that are already convinced that there must be a reason for the pandemic that's not simply evolution or the hand of god.

However the Chinese government will never let that happen for all sorts of reasons. The primary one is that they don't want to participate in a story that they can't control. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
uh? You realize it has been directly traced to that certain lab that fauxi has/had interests in. Right?
Only thing that we may never know is HOW it was released!
china needs to be held responsible for its biological weapon that has killed millions and crippled economies.
LexusLover's Avatar
uh? You realize it has been directly traced to that certain lab that fauxi has/had interests in. Right? Originally Posted by winn dixie
Actually, he doesn't "realize" that FACT!

But he probably still believes in Russian Collusion winning the 2016 election for Trump and that there was no fraud in the 2020 election.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Point is lab leak ( lab funded by nih and good doc) Intention / accidently is the real question even 201 kinda makes it look intention , compete with media control
bambino's Avatar
bambino's Avatar
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Remember, if you're questioning ME, you're questioning SCIENCE

So go get your shot, and hail hydra

Originally Posted by GastonGlock

“historically people need to realize that even if there is some asymptomatic transmission, in all history of respiratory viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks. The driver of outbreaks is always a symptomatic person. Even if there is a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers”.

40 seconds

Oooh! Oooh! Oooh! I have a question. Which version of science you talk'n 'bout Willis? Your today version or your yesterday version?!?
rexdutchman's Avatar
And still NO proof of the middle animal ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and Dr god said could have been a leak Hum
lustylad's Avatar
I still don't think it came from a lab. The chances are just too great that it mutated all on it's (sic) own and spread to humans just like 99.99% of all other viruses. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Read this, slowly and carefully. Nicholas Wade was the NYT science writer for 30 years. Wanna tell us where he's wrong?
lustylad's Avatar
Here's another one I posted earlier in this thread.

Read it too, slowly and carefully. Then tell us where Drs. Quay and Muller are wrong.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Read this, slowly and carefully. Nicholas Wade was the NYT science writer for 30 years. Wanna tell us where he's wrong? Originally Posted by lustylad

interesting fact that the CGG-CGG doesn't occur naturally in nature.
lustylad's Avatar
interesting fact that the CGG-CGG doesn't occur naturally in nature. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Yeah, there's a lot of technical jargon for a layman like me to digest. Like "furin cleavage site" lol.

  • Tiny
  • 06-19-2021, 03:44 PM
Read this, slowly and carefully. Nicholas Wade was the NYT science writer for 30 years. Wanna tell us where he's wrong? Originally Posted by lustylad
Good article, thanks for posting it. This may be the best out there providing evidence for the theory that COVID 19 is the result of gain of function research and a lab leak in Wuhan. Nobody's tied it all together like Wade. I might be eating crow if I hadn't strategically used words like possibly and probably in past posts. Maybe I'll eat it anyway as more info comes out.

I read Andersen's paper last year providing evidence that the virus was not the result of genetic engineering, and also read a virologist's thoughts, maybe David Robertson's who's quoted in the article, that the furin cleavage site was likely the product of evolution.

I saw Quay and Muller on Sean Hannity the same day they published the WSJ editorial, and discounted what they said and wrote. Quay is promoter and a kind of medical and biotech jack of all trades, and Muller is a physicist. They're not virologists or epidemiologists. I thought that Quay was arguing on Hannity that there was a one in a billion probability that COVID 19 was not created in a lab. I may have been wrong and he was saying the CGG-CGG combination was a one in a billion thing. The thing though is that there are a lot of one in a billion events that occurred in course of evolution. I think Wade said that. And the virus replicates rapidly. So rapidly that some have speculated the RaTG13 virus mentioned in Wade's article or something like it evolved into COVID 19 as a result of mutations that occurred in a single individual. He could be one of two or three miners, likely infected by a bat virus, who died in 2011 or 2012 after cleaning guano from a mine in southern China where the RaTG13 virus and other bat coronaviruses were present.

Anyway people can poke holes in parts of the argument, but looking at the totality of Wade's argument, maybe it makes sense this was the result of gain of function research.

There are a lot of people though who know tons more about this than any of us, with the possible exception of Red Dog, who disagree. I still believe we'd be foolish to accept with close to 100% certainty that this was the result of a lab leak and gain of function research. If it's not, maybe in addition to regulating the virus labs much more closely, the world needs to be looking at limiting human exposure to bats and bat guano, and closing wet markets. There are two bat viruses out there, MERS and SARS, that have high fatality rates, and nobody appears to be arguing that these came from labs. SARS is contagious enough that it could have gotten out of hand and killed a lot of people.