Arizona report in, actually Biden got 99 more votes and Trump lost 261 votes. That is CBS facts.
Originally Posted by bypass
LOL CBS - please. They are so far up senile Biden's ass it isn't funny. I posted excerpts from you know - the actual damn report. Those are the facts - not the bullshit CBS and their colleagues report to low information voters.
The Fake News media fixated on one small piece that took approximately 2 minutes of the multiple hours long hearing to cover.
Why? It is the only piece they could spin favorably for senile Biden
As people have told you before - when you simply keep counting fraudulent ballots, you keep getting the same total. That is why recounts never undercover fraud and all CBS reported is the results of counting the same fraudulent ballots over again.
But that simplistic recount doesn't tell you how many ballots should have NEVER been counted in the first place! That is why they did an actual audit. And why the hearings presenting the findings of the actual audit went on for several hours. That is why the actual report is lengthy (I excerpted parts of it for you before) The auditors presented all the fraud that was uncovered and proved why the results of the election are not accurate
That is what ALL THE REST of the findings of the audit showed. Way more ballots than the margin of victory that were tainted - just in one damn county !!!
Next time try educating yourself and read the actual report or listen to the actual hearing explaining the findings instead of mindlessly listening to the lies mainstream media spreads.
I am sure you won't. It seems you have an aversion to the truth and real facts. But try reading the report for a change, you will be surprised what you can learn
bottom line - the Democrats cheated and