OH2 Down?

As someone who has worked in the cyber security field for over a decade I’m staying away from OH2 for now. A random attack is possible but there’s typically a motive involved to gather financial information, business information, or sensitive personal data. In this case I would be more concerned about client lists and customer database info. There were also multiple escort sites hacked. This could not play out very well if personal information (emails, messages, etc) get leaked from someone with malicious intent. Or even worse, the Feds. Definitely proceed with caution.
I hear you but all that info is already there if you have an account right? What is logging in going to do/expose? Doesn't using a VPN help here?

As someone who has worked in the cyber security field for over a decade I’m staying away from OH2 for now. A random attack is possible but there’s typically a motive involved to gather financial information, business information, or sensitive personal data. In this case I would be more concerned about client lists and customer database info. There were also multiple escort sites hacked. This could not play out very well if personal information (emails, messages, etc) get leaked from someone with malicious intent. Or even worse, the Feds. Definitely proceed with caution. Originally Posted by FrankCastle
marathon2010's Avatar
Looks like uptick in ads on P4 site lately
Precious_b's Avatar
Love seeing all the ECCIE haters come crawling back to the "E"!
I do miss a few that hadnt shown up yet!
Already seeing the desperate hookers making their presence known. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Oh, they've shown up. Varmints just have their tails between their legs where their berries should be.
Love to shoot their mouths off on the other site but can't muster it here lest they show the hypocrisy of their actions again.
Treetop78759's Avatar
Love seeing all the ECCIE haters come crawling back to the "E"!
I do miss a few that hadnt shown up yet!
Already seeing the desperate hookers making their presence known. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Its comments like yours thats going to keep the Marshall of Eccie, the founding member of the Pussy Posse, and the troll slayer from returning.
I've used both sites for years and have never noticed whatever this feud is until now, what am I missing? Seems rather strange
Damn, they had the best Austin sugar thread. Any suggestions? Originally Posted by BluejayATX
I was thinking the same... too bad Eccie doesnt have a locker room, or we could just start a new one here.
SpencerTracy's Avatar
I was thinking the same... too bad Eccie doesnt have a locker room, or we could just start a new one here. Originally Posted by lambretta69
There is a Men's Lounge "private" area if you qualify.
winn dixie's Avatar
Its comments like yours thats going to keep the Marshall of Eccie, the founding member of the Pussy Posse, and the troll slayer from returning. Originally Posted by Treetop78759
Oh hes watching. Ask Precious. lol
Precious_b's Avatar
ASPD days, while people went to The Greatest Show on Earth, Satin was one of the members of the *original* Pussy Posse.

Accept no substitutes.
You're the one with the skid marks. You're just mad because CK won't let you suck his dick.

If oh2 is gone? Its gone! No big deal. Nothing lost!
You guys keep trying to log into a site that has been hacked. Real smart. ck doesnt give a fuck bout ya'll or security! His track record and skid marks speak for themselves! Originally Posted by winn dixie
You should know about shit stains - you love it when you get fucked in the ass!!!!!

Folks need to learn the TRUTH about ck1942! Then you will understand! That history is repeating itself. Only shit stains will be left behind. Originally Posted by winn dixie
No - you are the one with the enemies - nobody at OH2 likes you due to your stalking and outing of the ladies. Get your facts straight - it's you that's the problem.

ck does have many enemies! Is this karma for his sins! Originally Posted by winn dixie

OMG - This had me laughing at you...errr I mean what you posted for 10 minutes straight..hahahahahahaha

OH2 does not ban long time hobbist unless they are an asshole. So if the shoe fits, feel free to lace that bitch up and wear it!!

The way oh2 chose moderators was a good part of why that site was going downhill the last year plus.

When you start banning long time hobbyist for frivolous posts, it’s bound to catch up to you. Originally Posted by Passion2015
The hate for CK comes from men that feel they can harass and intimidate the ladies on OH2. They lowball and disparage any lady that posts an ad. They get banned and than make up numerious fake handles so they can get back in there. This takes alot of time to deal with. It takes away the time that the staff could be verifing accounts. Also, CK has a life and does other things besides OH2.

I don’t even know what caused Eccie to turn to its current state to be honest, but it is pretty lacking in its purpose. I don’t get the hate for CK either, but from I know he is the sole person who verifies hobbyist (which is silly…do we not have any other person?) I know it’s volunteer work, but come on, he can’t do everything on both of these mediums. How are ladies coping through this? Like do they have other mediums for adds? Originally Posted by Aramis13