First of all Trump got nothing made for America when it came to the vaccine. Those three companies that made the vaccines do the same thing year after year. Apparently you didn't know that or never paid any attention to it. Now by allocating more money for them that helped speed things up. That was nothing new. They went on their own to speed things up to get ur done at the fastest pace for the world plus being first benefited them to make more money.
As far as Trump and the virus he didn’t or couldn't even get the hospitals gloves, masks, gowns ventilators or most needed medical supplies. Could you imagine wearing someone else’s dirty mask again? He drug his feet till he realized there was an election coming up and his poles were dropping fast. So fast he lost the election because of it.
One thing Trump did do was able to be in the spotlight with his daily news conferences. He did so well on a daily basis the majors networks dropped them and only broadcast the high lights. I think the light and disinfectant did him in. Saturday night live made millions from him though
Trump left Biden shit, he left a mess and wouldn’t even let his people help Biden’s team in the transition. You apparently did realize that watching your red news outlets. All the major NEWS NOT ENTERTAINMENT networks would have told you that..
Originally Posted by bypass
LOL - so predictable. When confronted with oh, you know, actual facts that your hero senile Biden is a clueless failure as more people have died via Covid in 2021 than in 2020, all you can do is blah, blah, blah Orange Man Bad. And this AFTER senile Biden was handed THREE vaccines, multiple therapeutics, ample supplies, ubiquitous testing, and every medical, scientific or financial resource he could ever need to fight the virus - ALL thanks to President Trump - and senile Biden has still FAILED.
Face it, your senile hero is a failure. If it wasn't so laughable, it would be sad to watch you get duped over and over and Simp for him
This is the problem with most liberals today. They ignore the facts and live in some alternate reality. They can't admit they were wrong and ridiculously double down with more lies and misinformation because their senile leader has proven he is a fucking clueless idiot - and all the libs are left to do is lie.
Ever consider that is yet another reason why some people may choose not to get the vaccine