Not a bad take at all. It all comes down to whether or not a person cares about the people that they're "hiding behind." If you care about the people, you don't shoot through them. When the majority of people killed are citizens, and a third of them are children, it's collective punishment. It's a war crime. In this instance, its also ethnic cleansing. If some of the hard line Israeli folks had their way, they'd exterminate as many of the Palestinians as possible, and drive the rest out of Gaza and the West Bank.
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
some of the stupidest things ever said by a supposedly mature adult
lets see, you stated israel is a terrorist nation and if they had their way,they would wipe out the palestinians
show any of us where you can find the goverment of israel stating that............... you wont and cant
but i can easily show you where the palestine/hamas have clearly stated they want israel and the jews eliminated, same with iran and several other arab nations, not to mention not only do they want to eradicate the jews but the US also.
Israel is defending their right to survive, they were attacked,not the other way around.
war crimes? heres war crimes
1. it is a war crime to put your civilians in front of military targets
2. its a war crime to have children shielding rocket and missle launchers to prevent attack
3. its a war crime to put hostages in a war zone to prevent bombing
israel gave up the gaza strip in 2005, hamas has been in power since then, overtaking the palestinian authority
they hold all resposibility for their actions and what they caused to themselves and the people who are under their control. they are to blame
We all know how you feel about the jews and our country.
yuri probably would be smiling if he read your posts