Civil War CONFIRMED April 26 2024

... Then he wasn't MURDERED - so there's that.

Ye Christ! ... How many liberal lies are we supposed to accept??

#### Salty
lustylad's Avatar
... Which police officer was murdered?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty, they’re talking about Brian Sicknick. The dims and their media misinformation machine have been lying shamelessly about him ever since Jan. 7th, 2021.

Heck, the truth was exposed by Glenn Greenwald almost 3 years ago. The fuckers were caught lying - and yet they keep clinging to their lie - first, saying falsely his head was bashed in by a fire extinguisher, then saying he succumbed to bear spray - even after both lies were thoroughly debunked by no less than the DC medical examiner!

Here's the Glenn Greenwald link. This is probably the fourth time I've posted it:
onawbtngr546's Avatar
The "he died of natural causes" excuse used by trump humpers is such a disgusting obfuscation of the truth of what happened that day... the truth of what happened to a police officer, in the line of duty.

All of a sudden, blue lives didn't matter so much to these fucking cretins. Originally Posted by tommy156

... Then he wasn't MURDERED - so there's that.

Ye Christ! ... How many liberal lies are we supposed to accept??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

Crikey! Let me ask you Salty, did the over one-thousand people who died at ground zero on 9-11 also die of natural causes? Such as, high deceleration due to gravity, their bodies shutting down due to high temperatures as a result of jet fuel fire, or their lungs failing due to naturally inhaling smoke?

Saying the police officer died of natural causes, as a result of their injuries, resulting from a bunch of MAGA terrorists breaking into the capitol... that seems to imply that the MAGA terrorists breaking into the capitol is something of natural causes.. I wonder, if they were successful in hanging Mike Pence like they were chanting, would they also had been a 'natural' death?

The MAGAs will say and literally believe anything. Someone want to bet a round of shots that when this film airs, there will be some actual, real life people, either thinking it is real, or trying to make it become reality?
lustylad's Avatar
The "he died of natural causes" excuse used by trump humpers is such a disgusting obfuscation of the truth of what happened that day... Originally Posted by tommy156

Perhaps you should tell that to the DC chief medical examiner!

Read the Glenn Greenwald link in my post above.

Lol. Keep telling yourselves that blue lives matter, trumpies. I mean, everything else with trump is a lie. Might as well lie about that too.

Civil War 2 right around the corner. Each time more EVIDENCE comes out of the attempted coup, we inch closer, as these people obviously can't handle the truth.
chizzy's Avatar
Lol. Keep telling yourselves that blue lives matter, trumpies. I mean, everything else with trump is a lie. Might as well lie about that too.

Civil War 2 right around the corner. Each time more EVIDENCE comes out of the attempted coup, we inch closer, as these people obviously can't handle the truth. Originally Posted by tommy156
How do u have an insurrection when you are unarmed? Lol
Please let me know when u can name one throughout history

Tell a lie long enough and the sheep will believe it.... rule one from the Russian spy book

U guys are hilarious
onawbtngr546's Avatar
How do u have an insurrection when you are unarmed? Lol
Please let me know when u can name one throughout history

Tell a lie long enough and the sheep will believe it.... rule one from the Russian spy book

U guys are hilarious Originally Posted by chizzy

insurrection /ĭn″sə-rĕk′shən/


  1. The act or an instance of open revolt against civil authority or a constituted government.
  2. A rising up; uprising.
  3. The act of rising against civil authority or governmental restraint; specifically, the armed resistance of a number of persons to the power of the state; incipient or limited rebellion.

Considerations the mob broke down some doors, windows, and murdered a police officer with a fire extinguisher, I would say that those insurrectionists were armed. Oh wait, that's a long word too, I need to add this too, I guess



  1. One who favors, excites, or is engaged in insurrection; an insurgent.
  2. One who favors, or takes part in, insurrection; an insurgent.
    Similar: insurgent
  3. A person who provokes or takes part in an insurrection.
lustylad's Avatar
How do u have an insurrection when you are unarmed? Lol
Please let me know when u can name one throughout history

Tell a lie long enough and the sheep will believe it.... rule one from the Russian spy book

U guys are hilarious Originally Posted by chizzy

Now, now chizzy... you don't appreciate the gravity of what almost happened on 1/6.

That guy with the Viking horns and the bear skin shirt could easily have forced the 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions, along with SEAL Teams 1-7, the 75th Ranger Regiment, supported by the Marines, USAF and Navy to bend to his will and taken over the country. Our entire military and our Federal homeland security apparatus would have taken the knee and sworn allegiance to him, sealing our fate as subjects of the Proud Boys.

The mind reels at the possibilities! It was clearly a well-coordinated and near flawlessly-executed coup, an insurrection if we ever saw one. No way has this been overstated or exaggerated!
lustylad's Avatar
All of a sudden, blue lives didn't matter so much to these fucking cretins. Originally Posted by tommy156
Lol. Keep telling yourselves that blue lives matter, trumpies. Originally Posted by tommy156

Hey tommy, I see you have a keen sense of political irony and hypocrisy.

That's cool.

Except you got it backwards again. The real hypocrites are the far-left cretins who spent most of 2020 trashing and defunding the police nationwide, then did a 180-degree pirouette on Jan. 6th and started praising the (Capitol Hill) police as their heroes and protectors!

Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e??
Hey tommy, I see you have a keen sense of political irony and hypocrisy.

That's cool.

Except you got it backwards again. The real hypocrites are the far-left cretins who spent most of 2020 trashing and defunding the police nationwide, then did a 180-degree pirouette on Jan. 6th and started praising the (Capitol Hill) police as their heroes and protectors!

Can you spell h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e?? Originally Posted by lustylad
First of all, I'm not "far left", and never once thought that defunding the police was a good idea.

Secondly, the far right is currently trying to defund the FBI, and anyone else investigating adolf trumpler. So, let's all check our spelling, thank you.
How do u have an insurrection when you are unarmed? Lol
Please let me know when u can name one throughout history

Tell a lie long enough and the sheep will believe it.... rule one from the Russian spy book

U guys are hilarious Originally Posted by chizzy
So, bear mace, bats, knives and zip ties are cool, then? Just no guns, right?

ps there were also guns
lustylad's Avatar
Considerations the mob broke down some doors, windows, and murdered a police officer with a fire extinguisher... Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
There you go again...

Why do keep repeating an outright lie AFTER it was debunked in this very thread not just by me, not just by Glenn Greenwald, not just by the DC medical examiner, but by the link you posted in your comment #14 above?

Nobody was "murdered with a fire extinguisher" on Jan. 6th, ok?

You're the OP and this has been established multiple times in your own thread! So why do you keep spouting a LIE?
lustylad's Avatar
First of all, I'm not "far left", and never once thought that defunding the police was a good idea.... Originally Posted by tommy156
If you say so.

But many of your fellow travelers in the Democrat Party DID favor it. BLM folks who openly advocate defunding & abolishing the police were featured speakers at the 2020 DNC convention. Numerous Dem-controlled cities - including New York, Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, and Los Angeles - went ahead and implemented sweeping cuts in their police budgets in 2020 and 2021.

How does your keen sense of political hypocrisy fail to notice the way Democrats - who were loudly condemning the police for months leading up to 1/6 - suddenly reversed themselves and started praising the popo for saving them from those dangerous "insurrectionists"?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... Then he wasn't MURDERED - so there's that.

Ye Christ! ... How many liberal lies are we supposed to accept??

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Long way to go compared with the MAGA lies we all must tolerate. Again, apples and oranges
chizzy's Avatar
So, bear mace, bats, knives and zip ties are cool, then? Just no guns, right?

ps there were also guns Originally Posted by tommy156
Show me 50 random people off the streets and I'll show u at least half of them have a pocket knife,a concealed gun or such lol

Show me when person at Jan 6th who pulled a knife or gun on the Cc apitol police please....u can't
Oh wait one gun was pulled and shot an unarmed girl......
An inserection means weapons were used to overthrow a government. You and the op have ur heads up ur ass trying to prove ur point
I think u have zip ties wrapping ur brain s

Keep believing the bullshit the current regime feeds u. They are the true fascists wanting total control over everything thing. Since none of u sheep actually know what a nation or fascist is, I won't try to educate you

Carry on..........