Trump got 2,000,000 more votes than Obama when his elections had 28,000,000 move votes.
Obama got 52.7 % of his total votes.
Trump got 48.4 % his total votes.
Obama had @135,000,000 in his 2 runs at president compared to @121,000,000 against him. A total 256,000,000 votes or @52.7% of total votes.
Trump got @137,000,000 total against @147,000,000 for trump's opponents or 48.2 % of total votes in both of his elections. . Trump got @2,000,000 more votes than Obama out of
Obama got 52.7 % of votes cast in his 2 elections. Trump got 48.2% of votes cast in his 2 elections.
Obama had a total of 256,000,000 available votes in his 2 elections and trump had 284,000,000 votes available (28,000,000 more available in trump elections)
... So Joe Bien is a "stuttering corpse"??
... And THAT "stuttering corpse" is surely MORE POUULAR
that OBama... WAY more popular! 
B ... You lads tell me "the vote totals don't lie"... 
... Oh yes! ... OBama WON both elections he had.
But defeated two "tomatoe cans" - as he didn't need
many votes to do it.
... Now Joe Biden GOT MILLIONS more votes than Trump
- if we believe what the media has told us.
Why wouldn't you believe the reported totals? Biden whipped trump's ass by over 7,000,000 votes (52.2%-47.7%)
Which would make Biden more popular than Trump.
Or at least he was... 
... But OBama's popularity? ... No Contest next to Trump.
Trump ran twice already - and OBama did also.
And Trump easily BLOWS AWAY OBama's vote total! 
... So this time - when Trump WINS yet-again
- the Popularity will show... And a GREAT day for America!
#### Salty
Originally Posted by Salty Again