If the forum for all posters or just a few?

discreetgent's Avatar
What DG fails to mention is that this subject was revived by the irony of another more recent thread where chuckster was offended by a certain poster's joke and that certain poster was then reminded how offended she had become on Feb 5th (I'll take DG word that was when it was)

That was the more accurate circle. Full disclosure DG, Full disclosure! Originally Posted by WTF
Hmm, who put that post in: http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1109923&postcount=31

Nah, couldn't have been WTF stirring the pot.

I was wondering why the thought police didn't think this post http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1113109&postcount=56 was a stereotype and blast away at it as well. Come on where were all of you?
Some understand it to mean ''Fuck You Newcomers!'' Originally Posted by WTF
Mobbing? Who would do such a thing? some can`t handle to be outsmarted, especially those who brag about intelligence and then are caught with pants down on many occassions :-) .. For those who might worry, i will never stop posting here.
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  • WTF
  • 03-14-2011, 04:02 PM
I put in one or two digs but then let it go when a moderator suggested that I should .... Originally Posted by discreetgent

One or two?

DG....Have you been unduly called a racist and a bigot on this board?

You gloss over something such as that as some trite matter.

I am not suggesting that we should not listen to our Mods and let things go. But if there is a precieved protected class that can do and say as they please you wind up with this continious undercurrent of bad blood.

To ignore this to ignore the White Elephant in the room.
London Rayne's Avatar
There haven't been any decent band in this century. Originally Posted by pjorourke
You are crazy old man! Breaking Benjamin ROCKS!
London Rayne's Avatar
Mobbing? Who would do such a thing? some can`t handle to be outsmarted, especially those who brag about intelligence and then are caught with pants down on many occassions :-) .. For those who might worry, i will never stop posting here.
Originally Posted by ninasastri
Gosh that was funny as all get out. No need to say anything else lol.
Hmm, who put that post in: http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1109923&postcount=31

Nah, couldn't have been WTF stirring the pot.

I was wondering why the thought police didn't think this post http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1113109&postcount=56 was a stereotype and blast away at it as well. Come on where were all of you? Originally Posted by discreetgent
Oh please DG - I mean seriously???? It was someone else stirring that pot. DG just pointed it out to another one.
The second poster does not chastice other posters and then cry wolf when someone tells them that they are not nearly as smart as they might believe.

As i said being called antisemitic is no gentlemen`s crime and in austria people get sued for making such statements . Some people take their mouth a little to full. Making conclusions from my statements leading to me being an antisemit is simply wrong. Period.

And the same i could do on and on with what some people here says crying Wolf and rolled the drums amongst her friends when i told her that someone has no clue of science in a harsh way,
But somefew else stating in every second post on "how someone does not deserve her existence to be mentioned" is "a political correct tightass" and "people who dont share her forms of jokes are "stupid"
and the most outrageous thing was "No one can force anyone to do things they don`t want to do" - ah yes. Tell that to someone that got abused for 10 years. So it was all MY fault then? What about peoole getting raped? They wanted it?? I mean come on. ......

And the best is, some people posting in my threads without even reading them. And when called out - again not answering. MOBBING. I mean why else would someone do such a thing???? DG please explain to me?

I mean, seriously WHAT THE HELL????? And how come DG, you seem to be blindfolded by all of that?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-14-2011, 04:17 PM
Hmm, who put that post in: http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1109923&postcount=31

Nah, couldn't have been WTF stirring the pot.
Originally Posted by discreetgent
That was WTF pointing out that the kettle was calling the pot black! Or vice versa! LOL

To further illustrate my point, that thread was closed.

Anytime you point out a double standard the thread gets closed! Which further perpetuates the perception that some are protected.

I was wondering why the thought police didn't think this post http://eccie.net/showpost.php?p=1113109&postcou nt=56 was a stereotype and blast away at it as well. Come on where were all of you? Originally Posted by discreetgent

DG, you are starting to get it. Every single posts can be offensive to someone. If it is and somebody calls you out on it apologize and move on. How hard is that to do? What you are saying is that it is ok for nina to be called that.
You are crazy old man! Breaking Benjamin ROCKS! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Whats their best tune?
I personally think we should end that discussion right here. For me and my pride and belief it was IMPORTANT that i had the chance to point out that i am in no way an antisemit and i could not do that in the locked thread anymore. For me the stuff is over at this point, because i did what i wanted to do, which is make my statement to these outrageous accusations, and

now can we all move on?
Some people will never get smarter and refrain from stereotypical generaliszations and put all people in one box. so be it. Some posters will simply be ignored by me in the future and i hope my threads or posts will be ignored by said posters as well.

Thank you.
Now off to something happier. Life is too short to waste it for childish immature stuff like that. I have better things to do.
DG, you are starting to get it. Every single posts can be offensive to someone. If it is and somebody calls you out on it apologize and move on. How hard is that to do? Originally Posted by WTF
Or alternatively, one could accept the fact that this is the Internet and not real. Essentially, it boils down to my avatar calling your avatar an asshole.

Anyone who gets bent out of shape by that has a screw loose.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Or alternatively, one could accept the fact that this is the Internet and not real. Essentially, it boils down to my avatar calling your avatar an asshole.

Anyone who gets bent out of shape by that has a screw loose. Originally Posted by pjorourke
discreetgent's Avatar
DG, you are starting to get it. Every single posts can be offensive to someone. If it is and somebody calls you out on it apologize and move on. How hard is that to do? What you are saying is that it is ok for nina to be called that. Originally Posted by WTF
You are missing the point. The post about the nuclear plants and Japanese being in charge not Russians should have been offensive to anyone who found Lauren's joke offensive. Yet not a peep. Why? .Frankly I thought the post was fine, but I'm waiting to hear from those who wish to find offense with sterotypes ..... or is it only when certain people post something that it becomes fair game??????
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-14-2011, 04:40 PM
Whats their best tune? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Give me all your Benjamin's!

Or alternatively, one could accept the fact that this is the Internet and not real. Essentially, it boils down to my avatar calling your avatar an asshole.

Anyone who gets bent out of shape by that has a screw loose. Originally Posted by pjorourke
I agree but you can't go hiding behind your Daddy after calling me one!
discreetgent's Avatar
Two innocuous looking threads that went beserk, can anyone figure out what they have in common?

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  • WTF
  • 03-14-2011, 04:48 PM
Two innocuous looking threads that went beserk, can anyone figure out what they have in common?

http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=190093 Originally Posted by discreetgent

Ok DG...What you fail to understand is that two people can see the exact same train wreck from different POV's and describe different reasons for it.

You are not that dense, I should not have to explain this concept to you.

The commonality is that we all see things different. You blame others.... I say we all have a part in it.

Get your head out of a certain vagina and you would see more clearly!