Reinventing your self an inquiry into ethics

Wayward's Avatar
Naomi you are one of the exceptions that I didn't really want this thread to be about.

PhantomofTheOpera and PJ got exactly what I was really going for, WTF is probably a couple of steps ahead... and he really should have thanked me for the softball.

I wanted to draw a line in the sand where folks have just gone to far, but rather than draw that line unilaterally it seemed wise to seek the council of those I admire. This subject has come up privately in our little town and it seemed a very interesting topic for a more national stage.

Returning to PhantomofTheOpera that was exactly what I wanted to talk about, those folks that have gone so far beyond the pale of reasonable conduct that they represent a clear danger to everyone.
London Rayne's Avatar
You crack me up. Remember the links I sent you? It is true that a lot of ladies can't pull it off. I mean you can't use the same pictures when trying to so called "reinvent yourself".. that's a no brainer. PJ knows whatsup. I gave him a little lesson tonight . Originally Posted by Naomi4u
Some do try.
See how simple that was lol. The answer is MONEY! If we know we can get certain guys on the West Coast to pay 3k a date, that's what we are going to do. On the same token we know that not MANY guys are going to be willing to pay that, so we create a girl at say $400 to make up for the business. If the guys paying 3k find out they can get it for 4 do you honestly think they would ever pay that rate again? Originally Posted by London Rayne
I agree that makes sense. What doesn't make sense to me is having two identities charging 400/hr
London Rayne's Avatar
Naomi you are one of the exceptions that I didn't really want this thread to be about.

PhantomofTheOpera and PJ got exactly what I was really going for, WTF is probably a couple of steps ahead... and he really should have thanked me for the softball.

I wanted to draw a line in the sand where folks have just gone to far, but rather than draw that line unilaterally it seemed wise to seek the council of those I admire. This subject has come up privately in our little town and it seemed a very interesting topic for a more national stage.

Returning to PhantomofTheOpera that was exactly what I wanted to talk about, those folks that have gone so far beyond the pale of reasonable conduct that they represent a clear danger to everyone. Originally Posted by Wayward
If this is the case of course those people should be outed, but you will of course need proof. I know a few girls who have outed guys, had other providers busted, and never even bothered changing their name. No one believed it, but I knew first hand it happened. Hobbyists do the same thing all the time. They rip off, rape, and even assault providers then change their handle. Good thing I don't just ask for a handle!
I knew a lady on the leftist coast that had some of the very highest rates on the planet she also had a more main stream persona, that made perfect sense to me and worked really well for her. Originally Posted by Wayward
A brunette -- about 5'4" or so?
discreetgent's Avatar
A brunette -- about 5'4" or so? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Well, if it is who I am thinking of there have been some pretty heated debates if it was the same person or not.
London Rayne's Avatar
I agree that makes sense. What doesn't make sense to me is having two identities charging 400/hr Originally Posted by pjorourke
Yea, what's the point if you are selling the same product, same packaging, for the same fee lol.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-16-2011, 09:42 PM
What doesn't make sense to me is having two identities charging 400/hr Originally Posted by pjorourke

Some folks love competing against them self

Well, if it is who I am thinking of there have been some pretty heated debates if it was the same person or not. Originally Posted by discreetgent
The pictures I saw were the same chic-a-dee...if we are thinking of the same person

Good thing I don't just ask for a handle! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Fo Sho GF, you gotta sift through the nuts!

, WTF is probably a couple of steps ahead... and he really should have thanked me for the softball.

. Originally Posted by Wayward
Thank you for your soft ballsYou complete me

We really gotta quit meeting like this before people start to talk
Wayward's Avatar
PJ she was blond at first then brunette but the height is correct. We are not going to be naming names that woman was very sweet to me.
discreetgent's Avatar
We are not going to be naming names. Originally Posted by Wayward
I knew a lady on the leftist coast that had some of the very highest rates on the planet she also had a more main stream persona, that made perfect sense to me and worked really well for her. That also isn't really want I wanted to focus on, but most of the folks that post in this forum amuse me more often than not which ever way the topic turns is fine with me. Originally Posted by Wayward
A brunette -- about 5'4" or so? Originally Posted by pjorourke
Hmmm, I was thinking about a certain classy sexy bottle blonde about 5’7” but what do I know....

PhantomofTheOpera and PJ got exactly what I was really going for, WTF is probably a couple of steps ahead... and he really should have thanked me for the softball.

I wanted to draw a line in the sand where folks have just gone to far, but rather than draw that line unilaterally it seemed wise to seek the council of those I admire. This subject has come up privately in our little town and it seemed a very interesting topic for a more national stage.

Returning to PhantomofTheOpera that was exactly what I wanted to talk about, those folks that have gone so far beyond the pale of reasonable conduct that they represent a clear danger to everyone. Originally Posted by Wayward
I was pretty sure that was it. Well being real now, you(WW) and I know of a hobbyist that the things I wrote about did happened to and it was part of the reason why he left the scene. Fact is, he still has that crazy wench being stupid about him. The short of it, neither she nor her drincking buddy were ever held accountable for what they did since there was too much going on and too many lies from the hookers in question that even roped in a certain site administrator and got him to believe the girls over a well-respected hobbyist who had a name long before he did.

Both of those women present a clear and present danger to the community at large even if both of them have disappeared or retired as one of them claims. I know the former hobbyist does not want his handle mentioned since he left the hobby but we have talked in the past about this very thing coming up like it has tonight. What I can do is pass on his experience and write about the dangers those two present. What is sick and sad, is that crazy Asian Alligator is still writing about him like she had seen him just the other day but the reality is it has been nearly four years since they were face to face or had any kind of a conversation. Obsession is an unforgiving bitch as is denial but some folks need help as in real professional, psychological help in dealing with their problems.

I hear Rusk has room at the Inn...
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 03-17-2011, 02:27 AM
I think that ladies who are running from their bad business practices ( blackmail, outing, whatever...) that change their names, should be considered alert-worthy and put on some sort of list of shame and then have that list stickied to the top of every forum forever and ever. You? [/QUOTE]

onehitwonder's Avatar
I think that ladies who are running from their bad business practices ( blackmail, outing, whatever...) that change their names, should be considered alert-worthy and put on some sort of list of shame and then have that list stickied to the top of every forum forever and ever. You? Originally Posted by Reese McClain

Ah yes. Something like the Scarlett Letter, maybe? I agree with what Way said in his original post about 2nd chances. We all make mistakes. But there are some things you just cannot ignore. If someone knowingly commits an act such as Dannie has mentioned in the above quote, should they be allowed to remain a member of this board? To socialize, advertise and quite possibly use it to do harm to someone else? So do they get to change their name, their location, maybe their look, hang up a new shingle and back to business as usual while some poor guy is somewhere trying to put his life/family/job back together?
Naomi4u's Avatar
Naomi you are one of the exceptions that I didn't really want this thread to be about. Originally Posted by Wayward
It's ok love. I was just pointing out that some ladies do have legitimate reasons for changing their personas. I agree that a provider should be outed if she blackmails or threatens a client.There was a provider that went to a clients house and attacked him and his wife. The couple was forced to take legal action against her. On another site, she IS on the "wall of shame". Of course there are crazy people out there. I just don't like that everything in this industry is looked at as being negative. A provider disappears for a while, people start to think she's in jail. A provider changes her name, people suspect that she has bad reviews. Everything is speculation, speculation, speculation. Yes it IS a shady business but everyone's not that evil.
Naomi4u's Avatar
If this is the case of course those people should be outed, but you will of course need proof. I know a few girls who have outed guys, had other providers busted, and never even bothered changing their name. No one believed it, but I knew first hand it happened. Hobbyists do the same thing all the time. They rip off, rape, and even assault providers then change their handle. Good thing I don't just ask for a handle! Originally Posted by London Rayne
Agreed my friend. Agreed.