Should ECCIE allow "private" forums like London's Coven?

No wonder he is so upset, no balls at all.
It's a good thang Burk still has his..wink wink
Naomi4u's Avatar

Perhaps Charles can start his own forum and call it the "Tool" shed. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Very well said!
Exactly DH.

Charles, I think I may see your point about my sig. line though. Since it says "paying members" it does suggest that only men are welcome, and that's simply not the case. I just don't have as many girlfriends as I do guys...go figure, but the Coven is full of women. Believe it or not, one of MY friends had many posts that were edited by ME because they were too mean...imagine that!

ANY woman who wants in can email us as well! I gave a list at the beginning and kept adding to it as names were suggested. I will fix my sig. line to reflect that, because I can see that point and ONLY that point was made. Originally Posted by London Rayne
This was a good response and even though you didn't have to change your signature at all - you did - which shows diplomacy and good character on your part, IMO.

Charles, as far as getting "special" or "free" service to the mods - you've got to be kidding. Any ho can offer that to them and they'll either jump all over it or decline. I'm curious as to what your intention really was in creating this thread. You seem bitter about something regarding this and I have no idea why.
Shay Shay, he made a compliment and didn't realize it when he said three providers (London, Naomi, & Shay) were pussy whipping moderators so London could have her own Forum. London would lose time and money on such a accusation. Having a forum for the cost that Eccie charges is very reasonable. woo hoooo GOOD THINKING LONDON.. MARKETING PAYS OFF.
burkalini's Avatar
This was a good response and even though you didn't have to change your signature at all - you did - which shows diplomacy and good character on your part, IMO.

Charles, as far as getting "special" or "free" service to the mods - you've got to be kidding. Any ho can offer that to them and they'll either jump all over it or decline. I'm curious as to what your intention really was in creating this thread. You seem bitter about something regarding this and I have no idea why. Originally Posted by Shayla

How about giving me the chance to jump or decline. I can be a mod for a day. Ok Shayla you have been awarded five points for not fucking me for free. Just kidding all you mods watching. lol
It was just such a "Coincidence" that bashing London started in my thread and went over to Naomi and on here. He could have posted his hijacking in ANY other thread as well, but he chose exactly the three of us? Coincidence? I doubt it.
Someone must be very very jealous of us. Rightfully so, but i am too old for that sort of games. I leave that to the youngsters with no experience ;-). Or to the old ones that are incapable of learning and growing ;-).

What a Pandemonium Party here!
He sure does look like one of these "troublemakers" you pay for wasting a completely normal demonstration :-)). And what a coincidence he had to start puking in one of my threads ! At one of my friends? He could not have chosen any other thread to discuss his "issues". I call that "planned".

I am proud of London`s diplomatic ability to intervene, though. This lady has some really nice personality skills i can learn a lot from! Love you!
I also see that in the coven are way more women than men. And even if it weren`t. Go figure :-). Life is hard and the fittest survival. Anyone can pay his own webpage and invite people he pleases. So what?
He doesn't even contribute to this board as a paying member and thinks that he's entitled to question the ethics of this board? Yeah, ok....
I liked this idea.
London Rayne's Avatar
Careful there are all only proving Charles' point by taking up for me bwahahaha!

You bunch of pu**y whipped fools lol!

NYC New Years Eve biaatches! Bring it!

Oh and Shayla, he has posted since announcing his "goodbyes" lol. Sounds like a lot of providers who retire every other week, just to come back.
As to all that "free" pussy for the mods, Will you girls quit dropping kittens off at my door? I have all the free pussy I can handle. Cat food is costing me a fortune and my son is tired of cleaning the litter boxs
Chica Chaser's Avatar
As to all that "free" pussy for the mods, Will you girls quit dropping kittens off at my door? I have all the free pussy I can handle. Cat food is costing me a fortune and my son is tired of cleaning the litter boxs Originally Posted by Bubba3452
I assumed that was just a west coast thing Bubba! Friggin pussy running all over the neighborhood now!
dearhunter's Avatar
You should see the pussy offers in the private forums.........ijs.
I offer my bunghole up to DH all the time in the private forums, but to no avail.
dearhunter's Avatar

You guys are feeding into Charles' self-depreciating, 'nobody ever pays me in gum' (lookin' ass) ploy to get attention. This is the best jack-off material ever for humiliation lovers.
London Rayne's Avatar

You guys are feeding into Charles' self-depreciating, 'nobody ever pays me in gum' (lookin' ass) ploy to get attention. This is the best jack-off material ever for humiliation lovers. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson

Bwahahaha! "Nobody pays me in gum" lol!