ShysterJon's Avatar
One thing I have noticed about LE is that they will threaten the hell out of you because the only way they can charge you with anything is if they have a confession from you. Confession = slam shut case. Keeping your mouth shut until the bitter end no matter what you are threatened with is the best thing you can do. Difficult but essential. From their pov, they have the possibility of a case, charge against you but without a confession they are up a mountain actually pinning the charge to you. Think Casey Anthony, the one thing she did not do (and we all know damn well she was guilty) is that she did not confess one thing. It is frustrating for LE to charge someone and then let them walk, most charges stick only with a confession. LE will LIE LIE LIE BLATANTLY to get you to confess. I swear, just don't hear it! You will be threatened with worse charges, they will attempt to make you feel like you are going to be put in Sing Sing without a key. Bullshit. Plain and simple. If it were illegal for cops to lie (prosecuters too) the jails would be full of them. Originally Posted by cinderbella
I agree with you that it's a good policy to STFU, but I completely disagree with you that LE needs a confession to charge a provider with prostitution. As I've written before, nearly every prostitution case involving a provider that I know of involved one common element: discussion of a specific sex act with an undercover officer, and usually also the provider stating a price for the sex act. I also think that the murder case against Casey Anthony (or really anyone else) is not comparable to a prostitution case.
Guest042413's Avatar
I agree with you that it's a good policy to STFU, but I completely disagree with you that LE needs a confession to charge a provider with prostitution. As I've written before, nearly every prostitution case involving a provider that I know of involved one common element: discussion of a specific sex act with an undercover officer, and usually also the provider stating a price for the sex act. I also think that the murder case against Casey Anthony (or really anyone else) is not comparable to a prostitution case. Originally Posted by ShysterJon

OMFG Are you a lawyer did you right the fucken book to what is right and what is wrong and is considered prostitution NO... So STFU
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 12-10-2011, 04:11 AM
yeeeeaaah!! tell 'em, honey!

what books did you ever right SJ?! so STFU you old grimey Shyster

...last I checked he is a lawyer tho'
  • vida
  • 12-10-2011, 06:29 AM
He's an idiot and deserves a good #$%^!
Pistolero's Avatar
OMFG Are you a lawyer did you right the fucken book to what is right and what is wrong and is considered prostitution NO... So STFU Originally Posted by oLiViA88
You might look at some of the threads in his tag lines on his post. The ol' Shyster ( old slang for lawyer ) has been the resident legal advice in Dallas since the ASPD days.
Guest042413's Avatar
yeeeeaaah!! tell 'em, honey!

what books did you ever right SJ?! so STFU you old grimey Shyster

...last I checked he is a lawyer tho' Originally Posted by Rezo
He is starting to sound like civil barrister
OMFG Are you a lawyer did you right the fucken book to what is right and what is wrong and is considered prostitution NO... So STFU Originally Posted by oLiViA88
yeeeeaaah!! tell 'em, honey!

what books did you ever right SJ?! so STFU you old grimey Shyster

...last I checked he is a lawyer tho' Originally Posted by Rezo
He's an idiot and deserves a good #$%^! Originally Posted by vida
Search is a wonderful thing. Let me help you out. Click on SJ name in this thread and hit public profile. Then click on statititcs. You will see his thread counts or post he has created. Take the time and read a couple. After that if you still think he a faker than monopoly money

SJ keep on posted and don;t let the ignorance from some members stop you
And let me take a moment to remind each of you to keep the postings to the topic at hand.

The Colonel
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Im noticing Olivia here has a problem with thinking before she types.
Sorry Col. give em hell.
sky_wire's Avatar
Shyster Jon has covered these topics far more eloquently and in detail, that I probably could. Nevertheless, here’s my two cents about handling generic questions like this.

Police come to the hotel and announce their presence. Usually the best response is I’m not interested in speaking with you, please go away.

There’ll be threats of getting a warrant, getting a key from the manager, breaking down the door, etc. Usually the best response: I’m not interested in speaking with you, please go away. I’m not going to discuss this further. That is my final answer. Answer nothing further----silence.

Don’t move around in the room. Remain seating in a chair. This way the police won’t be able to say that you were reaching for a weapon or destroying evidence. Such behavior would immediately justify busting down the door.

After the police, get a warrant, break down the door, get a key, etc., Say: “You don’t have my permission to search anything. I’m not answering anyway questions without a lawyer.”

If the police say you’re not under arrest, so don’t have a right to a lawyer, or words to that effect. Tell them you wish to leave, which they will deny. Now your lawyer can argue that you were really under arrest, especially if cuffed. [The actual truth is that you always have the right to deal with the police exclusively through a lawyer. However, you are not entitled to a court appointed lawyer if only detained and not under arrest.]

Naturally, they’ll tell you that you are only being detained [for a criminal investigation.] Restate: “You don’t have my permission to search anything. I’m not answering anyway questions without a lawyer.”

The ONLY answers you are required to answer if lawfully detained is the information contained on your driver’s license. Take a moment to review this information. Note that your license makes no mention of your SSI number, immigration status, health issues, next of kin, where you work, how you paid for the room, etc.

If questioning persists: Politely say ONLY: “I’m not answering anyway questions without a lawyer.” Respond to any further questions with silence.

Yep, you’ll probably get arrested. Implement your pre-planned bond-out of jail plan, which you have previously worked out. Then implement your lawyer contact plan, which is also previously worked out.

The important thing here is that you did NOT WAIVE any rights that would justify an illegal entry and seizure. You’ll have given your lawyer ample ammunition for a successful motion to suppress all evidence and obtain a dismissal. The standard procedure for the police is to get you to open the door, which enables them to claim “evidence of criminal activity was in ‘plain view,' thereby justifying forcible entry.” Judges tend to believe police on this one. However, it’s hard to justify a battered down door w/o a warrant. That makes things dramatically more difficult for the state.

Hope this helps in general. And best wishes your specific case. Its outcome will probably hang on what you said to the police.

Totally agree with ramblingguitarman. We should never make “I’ve been arrested posts.” Same goes for “I have a friend whose been arrested.” We all know the friend is you.
This is why I really like woman who have apartments in gated or secured complexes. I understand all cant afford this, but it sure makes it safer for everyone involved. I also believe this guy is a dickhead, he could have also kept his mouth shut, what a putz.
badhusband's Avatar
This OP was about 4 mos ago. Why the bump?
This OP was about 4 mos ago. Why the bump? Originally Posted by badhusband
Once in a while, some information comes forward that can be valuable to the community at large. This is not against the guidelines.

#13 - In our review forums, be mindful of the 'maturity' of threads you are posting to, ie. the date of the last item posted. We ask that you refrain from posting to a review in which the last post was made 30 or more days ago. Some exceptions may apply if you are providing relevant, valuable or updated information about the provider, but as a general rule of thumb, this can best be accomplished by writing a new review altogether and avoiding the bumping of old ones. This applies to our review forums, in particular, as discussion threads are often allowed to flow for an unspecified length of time.

The Colonel
no u shut up he makes sense u on the other hand can't even spell