Now that you bring it up (again), yes, this is a hooker website but this is not a hooker thread. This is the Sandbox where we talk about movies, books, politics, guns and other thing of interests including pussy, trim, puntang, labia, vagina, etc. So stay with us. I know it is getting hard for you to understand but just keep in mind that some of us have spent some time thinking about this. If you can't come up with your own thoughts then maybe you can sign on to one of our ideas.
What does this have to do with pussy you may ask. Why is it illegal to contract the services of a woman for an hour or two? Politics. If we got organized (no, I don't mean march on Washington) we could affect news coverage and maybe attitudes. We could do like they did in 1870 and 1897 in St. Louis and New Orleans, which is make prostitution legal. You want to call names like Tea babies or others but we are looking for real change where we get more of our freedom back. You are happy with the status quo I have to assume. You operate from several misconceptions. If you really want to find things out, ask questions instead of hurling insults. This really works.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Yet you mock OWS.
You are a hypocrite and do not even know it.
How about you go light yourself on fire in front of your local vice department!
Now that is a committed person to the cause of injustice! Be the change you seek...
Not a bunch of horndogs talking politics and taking it way to serious.
You act as if this thread will start the ball rolling down hill for a some long lost freedom. This country is scared of its shadow. A couple of buildings fall in NYC and we empty our pockets and our kids pockets and our grandkids pockets. Yet you are ok with that type of reaction and spending and all the freedoms that act curtailed. This country plays the blame game with everything and does not have the good sense to realize that sometimes shit just happens. You can not be safe 100% of the time. Yet we do not want to pay for our security. We do not want to pay the people who defend this country a decent wage to protect all the money'd folks interests all over the world. Fuc I could go on for days about what is wrong but the only solution is a is in the distant future. Call me a pessimist but all I see for this country is a frog slowly boiling in a pot of water and do fuc'n scared to get out and do something about it.
But listen Peter Pan, you and Tinkerbelle and all the other lost boys can keep playing the game of wtf you'd like to see done. It ain't going to happen but if that is what floats your boat, go right ahead.
Buttttttttttttttttttttt, last I checked, I can still make fun of you boys for doing so.

Isn't that one of the freedoms you love? Or is it like I have been saying all along, you guys only love it when you do it!