There are some dangerous precedents being set in the Obamacare decision.
1. Normally, if a provision in a law is unconstitutional under one part of the Constitution, and constitutional under another part, the law is unconstitutional. The Constitution was devised to limit government power, not expand it
That is gone now. This will give creative lawyers almost unlimited leave to throw the entire Constitution at something, hoping something will stick. This gives both liberals and conservatives a lot of leeway to try to get unconstitutional laws passed.
2. Government now has unlimited power to make you do anything they want, so long as they threaten to tax you if you don't. Imagine what a Republican President and Congress can do with that. Do you want an abortion? Go ahead, but we will tax you if you do. We want you to buy American cars. If you don't, we will tax you. The mind boggles at what some of these ridiculous Republicans could demand. Some of these K Street dudes could say "Accept Jesus as your Saviour, or pay this tax." Of course, the 1st Amendment would forbid that, but it would be constitutional under the taxing authority, so it would be constitutional.
This decision will be bad for everyone, even if you like Obamacare. Chief Justice John Marshall in the early 1800s said that "The power to tax is the power to destroy." He was right. Through the taxing power, Congress and President have destroyed freedom, destroyed the Constitution, destroyed any notion of limited government, destroyed any notion of this being a free country, and destroyed America.
If Obamacare is repealed (unlikely), the precedent will still stand.
Jump for joy now, liberals, Your laughter will turn to tears at some point. You have no idea what the government may do now, and you may not like it.
In fact, I guarantee it.