For You Fans Of Korean Girls

levi tab's Avatar
Oh No! My apologies! Not sure what I violated or I wouldn't have done it. Guess I'll have to go track down the rules again and brush up... Originally Posted by GentlemanCaller007
I'm pretty sure our fearless moderator was being sarcastic! Originally Posted by blasian1246
GC007, I agree with blasian cause of the...
Originally Posted by Mokoa
I wonder what MIB has in store for us this evening
RudeDog777's Avatar
Luv the one in blue on post 17 I could watch that vid over and over...

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  • 08-31-2012, 01:03 AM
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  • 08-31-2012, 01:04 AM
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  • 08-31-2012, 01:07 AM
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  • 08-31-2012, 01:08 AM
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
GC007, I agree with blasian cause of the...

I wonder what MIB has in store for us this evening Originally Posted by levi tab
Whew! Thanks guys for the clarification (and stress relief). I thought that at first to cause I'd seen him use that emote when teasing JJ, but then I got paranoid and was like, "What if?"
What if in this case = = = = and NOT
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
As a grown adult man, I am disgusted by all this Cheesy, girly Pop!

(meanwhile the Real me is actually buying some of these on iTunes\Amazon right now. If anyone catches me...I'll just say my ex-GF loaded them on my iPod!)
levi tab's Avatar
Had to watch Post #66 SEVERAL times in order to say the following:

Good gawd that girl is haut!
Mokoa, you are out of control with these Korean videos!

My sincere apologies for corrupting you.

I'm glad you folks are enjoying the new YouTube embed code. I tried integrating YouTube a couple of years ago but it was hit and miss...didn't always work or display correctly. Now it works flawlessly, so use it to your heart's content.

St. C
GentlemanCaller007's Avatar
WoW! Heart Attack#2 first I think Mokoa's giving me points, then WAY WORSE I saw St. Christopher's name on the Forum before I opened it and I was like "Dangit! There goes an AWESOME thread." It's SO nice to take a little eye candy break while cruising around eccie!

Maybe Mokoa had a little heart-attack of his own.....Hmmmm?
It's funny how these guys start a feel good paragraph off with the ScArIeSt opener sentences...WTF? LOL

My (1st) Heart-attack: "GC007.... Post 51 would have earned you points..."
Mokoa's Heart-attack: "Mokoa, you are out of control with these Korean videos! My sincere apologies for...."

HURRAY St. Christopher!!!! Thanks for working it through and enhancing the board with this cool feature!
Cheers to You and Mokoa!
P.S. The corruption spread. We are ALL infected now! (except me LOL)