Can I suggest the behavior of many Americans/residents of New Orleans in the wake of Katrina was not "virtuous?" QUOTE]
If you want to talk about virtue....go to chapter 4, Nature vs Nuture.


In NOLA, many were "stealing" water and other basics. Is that looting or survival? No, stealing a TV is not survival. Believe me, I'm smashing a window if it means I have water to give to myself and others. Originally Posted by SR OnlyI agree. However, I might also "steal" diapers* if no stores were open. Is it "survival?" No, but a diaper rash is no picnic. I of course would repay the store owner once things were back to normal.
[At the risk of being flamed by all of our NOLA friends hereApril 29, 1992]
Can I suggest the behavior of many Americans/residents of New Orleans in the wake of Katrina was not "virtuous?" The point being, it isn't fair to say, "oh well that is a different country far away with a different value system that doesn't know right from wrong." It happens right here in the good ole USofA, too. Katrina is just one well publicized, blatant example. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Whenever disaster strikes, (especially in desolate places) there WILL always be some form of looting.I don't know if that is true. There are many people here that managed to survive through Ike without stealing.
To some people: Desperate times call for desperate measures. Originally Posted by NicholetteM
I don't know if that is true. There are many people here that managed to survive through Ike without stealing.Desolate places as in "third world countries" such as Haiti for example.
Plus, we were all Texan's and own lots of guns. Oh, its legal to protect your belongings here with deadly force. Originally Posted by bigtexjef
Do you really view it as looting when starving people are doing what is necessary to survive? I don't really see that as looting. I see that as common sense. Respecting the property rights of absent third parties (or even the property rights of present hoarders) can be less important than the needs of the many to survive. Of course, once taking of property starts, it is difficult to make sure everything is done properly, like leaving enough for hoarders to live on, etc., but it shocks me that many here are describing what is going on in Haiti as "looting." Originally Posted by TexTushHogTrue .TTH, if you are taking things necessary for the survival of you and your family, that imho is not looting.
True .TTH, if you are taking things necessary for the survival of you and your family, that imho is not looting.Could be worse the Katrina?
If you are taking flat screen tvs, and dvd players...that could be looting.
It seems this eartquake could be far worse than Katrina, given the fact that Haiti is so poor,densly populated, and so poorly governed. Originally Posted by Tony Gambino